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They say they are against racial hatred and supremacy. But then when you point out hatred or racial supremacy by jews, they censor you, block the information out of their heads, and then call you the race hater and supremacist. Just by posting jewish quotes, presented with no motivation. See here:

Mittermeyer ago

I was banned from v/GreatAwakening by Crensch for talking on v/news about Trump pardoning Sholom Rubashkin, a jew who ran a meat packing plant full of illegals. They have started to try and ban all wrongthink even outside of their own subs.


That's weird because crensch used to be the hardest jew railer there was on this site.

Mittermeyer ago

Yeah but after the Qoomers arrived things changed. Either the power to lead a mob changed their personality and made them cuck, or they sold their account.

Crackrocknigga ago

I agree crensch


Crensch-i-tize me capn'

Crackrocknigga ago

That was gay


You're on VOAT all day. Who pays you to be on VOAT all day?

Crackrocknigga ago

I actually worked 16 hours today as a skilled tradesman lmao


You have literally been commenting all day, non-stop, as I expected. I don't know if being a paid social media influencer counts as a "skilled trade", but whatever you tell yourself guy.

Crackrocknigga ago

What is your occupation crensch?


How's the free healthcare in Israel?

Crackrocknigga ago

They're keeping your genetically inferior ass alive, so must be good! Or are you on (((medicaid)))?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I posted proof of jewish ownership to one of them and they still denied it! I then called them a jew because who else would try and lie like that when confronted with the truth?

freshmeat ago

imagine falling for SBBH shills

NatSocTemplar ago

Excellent username. However, pics or it didn't happen


They'll talk about bankers, media bosses, academic figures etc all day long but won't name them for fear of exposing (((patterns)))

anticlutch ago

Of course they do. They're good goyim, they're willfully low IQ - which you have to be to allow a jew to convince you of Qkike, they're useful idiots on a tier of intelligence so low it's only imagined.

ExtraDouble ago

Q is Jewish now?

anticlutch ago


No. Q has always been a kike.

ahahahaha you're a Qkike yourself.

ExtraDouble ago

As I said to someone else type in Rothschild into the search box. oh has he outed their ownership of central banks even their ownership of the Austrian Black Forest property where we Get Grimm canibal fairy tales? You'd know it if you didn't have Jew Tourette syndrome.

ExtraDouble ago

Maybe you should breed with a Jew..your IQ is scraping bottom. Ahahahahaha

CantDentTheBrent ago

Definitely never named the jew

ExtraDouble ago

He said saving Israel for last and outed Evelyn outing ruling class Jewry doesn't matter? Meanwhile you Tards can't figure out that conservative Jews matter(you know fakin Jews like Jesus). You see there is this huge Jewish conspiracy called Christianity that you idiots fell for led by a damn Jew. Do you guys even think this stuff through or is it just Tourette syndrome? Jew jew jew. Convict a person for what they actually do, not their race or their color of their skin. Imagine getting thrown in jail because some redneck committed a crime. Not fair? Tough you started it.

Mittermeyer ago

He said saving Israel for last when people started to talk about the USS Liberty. The context was don't talk about that, because Israel last. He didn't even word it as saving Israel for last, it could be interpreted as last man standing. The rest of your post was mostly hard to understand ramblings of a jew.

ExtraDouble ago

Yes I understand if you jew don't write jew every jew few words jew you have nothing intelligent to say. let me make it easy type Rothschild into the search box and see the Wall of Q posts about them. He also says the ruling family of Saudi Arabia is Jewish. Luckily the current leader there Jewish MBS is on our side. But I understand this is probably like 4D calculus for you so Ill simplify it. Some Jews are good, and they make up for the many corrupt Jews. The "synagogue of Satan" as Jesus called them. Jew jew jew.

Mittermeyer ago

Yeah now I can't redpill people on the Rothschilds because I get associated with Qoomers and a bunch of wild bullshit. Also no one other than a kike would ask people to self censor nearly as much as you ask of everyone.

ExtraDouble ago

I dont ask people to self censor I ask them to understand how these things really work. And obviously we've had way too much pro Jewish propaganda(more Holocaust memorials than Veteran memorials in the US, any movie abiut the Holocaust gets an award, etc). Racism gets in the way of figuring out reality. Some people here lionize Hitler and he was just a puppet and a Rothschild.

Mittermeyer ago

No you are asking people to stop mentioning the JQ and call it something else that will obscure things. You call things racist just to dismiss them, you don't care about facts when you spout communist lingo like that. Reality is racist.

ExtraDouble ago

Saying kike kike jew isn't the Jewish question. And apparently makes you too stupid to call out criminals like McStain or "Poppy" Bush Sr.(not Jews!) Really which communist lingo am I spouting you dumb fuck, have you even read the manifesto? It gets old with people who seem to be living in a Men's prison, who want to fight each other(based on race!) rather than escape the prison.

Mittermeyer ago

Your strawmaning is obvious. You responded this way because someone mentioned jews once, not obsessively talking about nothing else like you keep trying to pretend. You just want that subject to not be discussed at all, as your words, actions, and clear intentions show.

And apparently makes you too stupid to call out criminals like McStain or "Poppy" Bush Sr.

No everyone calls them out too, you only react this way when someone points out jews. No one reacts the way you do when someone mentions Songbird McCain.

Really which communist lingo am I spouting

All your lines about X being racist and dismissing reality based off of that is literally communist lingo. The commies invented the word racist, before that prefering your own was standard. Hence the origins of the word Patriot, Nationalist, and Nationalism. You however wish to cloud that and push for the death of a peoples because it fits your tribe.

ExtraDouble ago

Wow what shit arguments you come up with. Not hating someone based on race makes a Communist? Prefering your own? Natiinalist- would include the people of other races in your nation. And no one answers the key question- Do you hate Jesus too? Newsflash he was a Jew. You fags can't even be consistent, and your lame rhetoric isn't based on logic morality, or anything else I can find of value.

Neon_daemon ago

They refuse the true reality. They are people plugged into the matrix who are aware but think controlling the matrix is a better alternative to waking up to a true reality and a much harsher one at that. Its a bit of a mystery what herbs are gonna do when antisemitism becomes mainstream and then normalized into culture. People are afraid of what they will do when the they live sunglasses are firmly attached to the daily narrative. And it will either be one articulation (news, banks, food) that lashes out or all of them at once. They still hold the pen and write the agenda for tomorrow

ExtraDouble ago

The problem with racism is you are punishing people for crimes they haven't committed. Great you hate Jews, so when are people going to quit talking about that Kike Jesus? Fuckin Jew!


They have always survived in the past, and massive amounts of non-jews have died. We have to be incredibly smart about what we do, whatever that may be. I think the best solution is to just encourage them to go to israel, then everyone can happy.

lanre ago

Parasites can't live without a host, so unfortunately they'll never just leave you alone.

Neon_daemon ago

Cucks and fags agent going to go live in the middle East. But if you have any ideas on how I'm all ears

CausticRaz ago

Not happening. They would be immediately slaughtered if they gave up control of their golems.

anticlutch ago


If they're so deluded as to thinking they will ever control anything or do currently control anything then that is very depressing.

Neon_daemon ago

I have perspective on all this. World war veterans, hero worship, accepting things like being deceived and unnecessary deaths, etc.

people don't seem to understand power vacuums. Or do and don't consider them a threat. While I do lean towards leadership over individualism so does anyone who's the boss at work and has final say. Individualism still accepts biology and social truth of domination and pecking order. But you are asking people to wake up from the american dream right when they are ready to retire. Markets could come crash, currencies fail, industry halt and they just wanna buy a boat.

