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Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, leftist faggot. Looking at your post history, it's obvious you're some liberal retard trying to stir up anti-Trump sentiment.

Fuck your brigaded post, fuck you, and fuck @PuttitOut for supporting SBBH.

TheTrigger ago

just looking at the upvoats on the post tells me: based on current estimates, shareblue dropped $1000+, all told, on this wasted effort. they can't even buy good shills with that money, lol

get_into_the_box ago

Oh no, did this widdle snowflake get triggered? Do you need a safe space?

Kal ago

Trumps actions are stirring up anti-Trump sentiment, no? I agree with the second part of your post however. The voat is rigged indeed. We might as well go back to reddit at this point. The only difference is the slant on narrative being spoon fed to us.

ExpertShitposter ago

Triggered as F.U.C.K.

What a C.U.C.K.

Listen here nigger, i'm one moment away from calling up kim yong and ordering him to nuke Delaware.

Grifter42 ago

Huh. So you responded right after I paged Putt. You're either watching me, and thus, more evidence of the brigade, or you ARE Putt, and that would explain why Putt does nothing about you SRS/SBBH cunts.

ExpertShitposter ago

Wrong. Putt reported your ping to us so we are now responding to the mossad threat.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, kike. You can brigade all you like, but people are starting to realize what your faggy little group is up to.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hey, you're the self admitted Jew amalek.

Nihilist ago

what's a sbbh

dingomeat ago

it's SRS on voat

get_into_the_box ago

How are they similar? I'm genuinely curious, I don't do much voating aside from fph.

abear ago


like i give a fuck

Nihilist ago

thank you for clearing that up.

now, you gents please proceed with your argument.

Grifter42 ago

SBBH is a group of leftist agitators that serve to brigade their posts to the front page, and to shout down opposition. They use a variety of dirty tricks and manipulative tactics, including harassment, gaslighting, and downright threats of doxxing in order to gain control of subverses and to control the narrative of the site. I suspect PuttitOut has been compromised, because he's acting exactly like Spez did, when he was called upon to stop SRS from doxxing folks.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its a satanic cult, don't ask any further questions.

Nihilist ago

well now i'm more intrigued

Grifter42 ago

It's a brigading group. He's making light of it so that people will think it's just a group of shit-posters, instead of people trying to manipulate the site. These are the same faggots that ruined Reddit. The only difference is that here, we can see the upvote and downvotes, and see how artificially inflated their posts are.

Nihilist ago

I align mostly liberal politically and mostly conservative economically and get called a libtard on voat and a racist on Reddit.

I get called a shill by both sides yet they don't know that they do the same thing: excluding dissenting voices.

Is it possible (bear with me) that the "brigading" you complain of is simply people voting their opinions an you just didn't anticipate opposition?

Grifter42 ago

When you get five downvotes on your post in one minute, after Beatle tells you flat out he's brigading you, get back to me on that one.

Nihilist ago

I don't think people here like you.

Grifter42 ago

And you wouldn't just be angry because you're an alt of one of them?

Nihilist ago

Bro I'm a mostly lurker with this one account. I only sign in to comment On rare ocasions

You. On the other hand.

Should retire. For a month or two. Get some perspective: some people don't hate you because they're shills ; they hate you because you're so hateable

Grifter42 ago

Those who hate those who speak the truth hate the truth itself.

Nihilist ago

No. I think people think your whole approach is gross and off putting. We all value our own opinions the most, what makes you so special that your opinion is the truth?

Nothing. And your egoist assertion otherwise is tiresome.

It's why you can't be laid in real life.

Grifter42 ago

I get pussy in real life, man. It ain't hard on the bar scene.

Nihilist ago

Im sure you're a sad empty pigfucker.

Or just a liar.

Grifter42 ago

If you're a beta fag, you get pigs. If you shave, shower, and get a good haircut, you can get chicks. Don't be a faggot, and you can get decent pussy too.

Nihilist ago

The amount of times you talk about "fags" is an indicator you prefer ass-pussy to the real thing

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes because grifter is a sanegoat/amalek alt.

Nihilist ago

Amalek! That dude is still alive?! Wow.

ExpertShitposter ago

This whole sanegoat ordeal....its 90% likely that its amalek.

Nihilist ago

You think by now that dude would've offed himself

ExpertShitposter ago

You will receive a visit tomorrow at midnight.

Nihilist ago

should i make sandwiches?

ExpertShitposter ago

No. Consume one ounce of goat blood and go to bed nude.

Nihilist ago

One ounce? But I'm thirsty!

abear ago

triggered? need your safe space? call 1900gofuckyourself.