They plan a Lebanese 1799 Haiti style Civil War....Clowns, Pedos, Shriner and Jester want to make the USA Look Like IRAQ....? Take a Knee?? (
submitted 4.7 years ago by 3854748?
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24117447? 4.7 years ago
It's not a "civil war". It's dems destroying their own cities. They have the option of asking Trump for help, they aren't.
24117485? 4.7 years ago
Same old play book... A virus and a plague follows Cities burning to the ground?
24117500? 4.7 years ago
Summer will be hot?
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24117447? ago
It's not a "civil war". It's dems destroying their own cities. They have the option of asking Trump for help, they aren't.
24117485? ago
Same old play book... A virus and a plague follows Cities burning to the ground?
24117500? ago
Summer will be hot?