jewsbadnews ago

He is a nigger that LARPs as Jesus.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

He's one of those self hating jews who wank a lot.

FreeBreivik ago

I suppose on some level we are all Amalek.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

In project Voat there is no names, but in death; this man has a name. His name is amalek. His name is Amalek.

n0logic ago

He is a dis honorary mascot , Voat would not be the same without his shit post storms . He just kind of grows on you when it gets boring you can count on him to make you laugh .

Butelczynski ago

I'm on voat for over a year and I still don't have clue.I kinda don't care so blah.Whatever.

Pumbadog ago

I am Amalek

unpaid_orgy_intern ago

Emanuel Goldstein.

hunter3 ago

and why should anyone care?

brandon816 ago

Because v/all/new gets clogged every time he starts shitposting. Posting in popular subs and with new alts every day makes it impossible to not notice if you are using v/all.

hunter3 ago

new alts? havent been able to make a new account since the presidential campaign

brandon816 ago

Well, it's been rather silent since then, don't you think? Anyway, he had been doing that for long before the 2016 campaign trails had begun.

Btw, I didn't downvote you. Apparently, someone dislikes both of us.

hunter3 ago

yeah im not sure why i got downvoated this time. especially since no one can make "new alts everyday" right now

Posting in popular subs and with new alts every day makes it impossible to not notice if you are using v/all.

brandon816 ago

That wouldn't have even been the issue. Remember, they have to have at least 100ccp before even getting to DV.

hunter3 ago

btw, i just checked. apparently registrations have recently opened back up

Ina_Pickle ago

That's not something you should openly announce.

lord_nougat ago


We all know that it was actually his jew husband who left him.

xeemee ago

LOL - so you've heard about our ... mascot?

amalek is a very smart guy while, at the same time, the most annoying fuck you're likely to run into

amalek speaks

Runaway-White-Slave ago

His name is Robert Paulson!

lord_nougat ago

Well, it was...

Karbuster ago

You gotta tag him on that stuff


xeemee ago

You gotta tag him on that stuff

YOU FOOL! mere mortals like yourself are not permitted to summon the (amen)

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

George Soros.

Ina_Pickle ago

If that didn't bring @Amalek to the party, then maybe he really is dead this time.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Who isn't amalek these days.

jewsbadnews ago


Salicaz ago

This is amazing.

Quintus_Sertorius ago

If you say his name 3 times you can summon him.

Throwingtothewolves ago

Who is amalek? That is not going to get you the answers you seek.

The spirit of voat moves in mysterious ways.

DiscontentedMajority ago

Amalek was/is a very vocal anti-Zionist who had a propensity for drama and sock puppet alt accounts.

SeanBox ago

nope, I saw him say it once and he acts weird when I say it back to him.

Ina_Pickle ago

He acts weird no matter what you say to him though. Probably the strain from constantly saving voat 24/7/365.

goatboy ago

All of us and none of us- a joke, a myth, a lie, and a truth.

xeemee ago

you watched The Breakfast Club too many times me says

goatboy ago

Fuck you. There is no such thing as seeing The Breakfast Club too many times.

Seriously though, thank you for reminding me of that show. I have to go rewatch it now.

xeemee ago

There is no such thing as seeing The Breakfast Club too many times.

you're gonna go blind kid

lord_nougat ago

So say we all.

It is known.

Et cetera and so forth. Amen.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

My better half.

oiseaulibre ago

You're amalek. I'm amalek. Amalek is everywhere and everyone.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

@amalek died for our sins so black Jesus could be a thing in our sidebars. He is us and we are him. We all are amalek.

xeemee ago

i hope you realize the futility of pinging Amelek - He (amen) does not appear for mere mortals like yourself

Lube-N-Blisters ago

Do not worry peasant I am not just a mere mortal I am Lube-N-Blisters the one and only true shitposter of gondor.

antiracistNew ago

Da wokest.

SeanBox ago

His Jewish wife left him and he blames her whole race for it. <~~true story

xeemee ago

His Jewish wife left him ...

huh - never heard that one before

you know, according to him, he's Jewish

lord_nougat ago

Our beloved lord and saviour.

1trizz ago

why is black jesus in a sidebar ad

jinbnters ago

Why not?