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20927536? ago

KatHarso is a pedophile and much much bigger then me, gothamgirl 🤣

20928843? ago

They really seem to hate you. Like they blame you for all of zyklon's failings or something. What happened?

20928878? ago

Dont know dont care that's their problem. I am happier then I ever been. What happened with him or them?

20928910? ago

I don't know. That's what I was asking. Seems like they go out of their way to shit on you from what I have seen.

20928997? ago

It's ok, some I have earned, some are just crazy, but they're all friends, none of them phase me. My life is just wonderful 😊 I have alot of real people close to me, saying all the right things so I don't even care 🤣

20929296? ago

Hey, nice picture! I showed them a few things about my life and they got really really triggered as well.

  • Crackrocknigga

20929512? ago

Thank you! 😊

20929546? ago

Take their abuse as a lesson: casting pearls before swine is something we should always think twice about before doing

20929642? ago

Their abuse is a joke, I can be the meanest troll the internet has to offer, but I get what you mean, thanks.

20929655? ago

Did you see how I made gabara make 50 posts in a panic today?

They are weak. Incredibly weak minded. Most of them have horrible lives. I'm going to sleep though, ttyl

20929706? ago

Great job! Have a great night.

20929033? ago

Right on.

20927765? ago

Matthew is just mad Ignore him lol

20927840? ago

Doesn't matter anyways , he doesn't know me and I get complimented enough for a lifetime, nothing they say about me is worth 2 cents.

20927849? ago

Whoever you are im sure you're beautiful don't sweat what Matthew says

20927886? ago
