Have French given us nothing but FuckUps the past 100 yrs? globalist taxes, EU superstate, surrender 2 save elite city WW2, support NATO mujahideen vs Serbs, took millions of Arabs/Negro to West (imgur.com)
submitted 5.9 years ago by 3000810?
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16439886? 5.9 years ago
They also gave us imgur. Fuck off niggerfaggot.
16778953? 5.8 years ago
Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked.com global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2906328
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16439886? ago
They also gave us imgur. Fuck off niggerfaggot.
16778953? ago
Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked.com global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2906328