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uvulectomy ago


2. If the "angel" defaulted on their contract, NAME AND SHAME THEM.

3. LET. THE. PEOPLE. DONATE. Seriously, bitcoin, dogecoin, etherium, money order, envelopes with cash, whatever. Allow the users to anonymously donate in order to keep this place running, because we need it now more than ever. Don't let the fucking kikes win.

@PuttItOut @Atko

illuminalto2 ago

We're not being given a chance it seems.

Whole lotta "I cant do it" and not a lotta "Yo atko passed this on cause he couldn't do it, does someone else want to do it?"

Goats have money.

This isn't an existential problem.

Easily solveable.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Diversity hire feds are shutting it down. Log files with IP addresses are probably already in the hands of some nigger tranny getting ready to sick their faggot antifa on us.

illuminalto2 ago

I think they'd rather have people shooting and making a spectacle.

Going after a bunch of (seemingly) lazy assholes on an anonymous board seems like over-pruning or harvesting too early.

They built up the incitement up till this point, I think they want people to snap and start trying to "constitutional justice" so they can get the rest of the people to finally turn the corner against whitey and guns.

Just trying to think about the biggest payoff for them.

theshopper ago

That's why when it starts it must be unimaginable in both scope and speed. Half measures will solidify the power structure we have today for generations.