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freshmeat ago

I take back all the shit I've talked. It was part of the fight. You are doing all of us a blessing.

PuttItOut ago

Did you sell your account? ;)

Sometimes one's enemies turn into their strongest allies. I love when this happens in life and I hope it is happening with you.

Still haven't forgotten about your concerns btw.

MadWorld ago

[–] freshmeat 1 points (+1|-0) 13 hours ago

I take back all the shit I've talked. It was part of the fight. You are doing all of us a blessing.

This needs to be archived, and be thrown back at him whenever he re-tries to accuse you of something.


freshmeat ago

As I see it, Putt is making a sacrifice both to myself and faggots like yourself. It doesn't seem he is beholden to SBBH anymore, in any capacity, and I see that as a big positive for Voat and it's continued existence.

A lot of shit has happened here I think anyone would be unhappy with, but this last few months has given me a lot of hope for Voat's future. I think it will actually grow from here until 2020.

Which means it is more vital than ever to disavow SBBH/SRS and the site is doing a very good job at it, putt included.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

@heygeorge @clamhurt_legbeard @expertshitposter which of you hacked his acct?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i dont hack i legitimately win them over with persuasion

thats how i first got puttputt posting on sdbh

MadWorld ago

XD Can I see the proof that he actually posted in sdbh?

MadWorld ago

LOLs, my apology, must have forgotten about it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

it was so long ago

MadWorld ago

There is no excuse for not remembering it.