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Crensch ago

We love you, Putt. Do what you need to do, and ask of us whatever is needed.

12658793? ago

Just the kind of love and admiration I'd expect from a JEW!

Slayfire122 ago

You can start by deleting yourself to free up disk space. Please don't delete yourself

weredawg ago

Delet this.

NumbDigger ago

Would voat still be voat without Crensch though? Who would remind me to hate the Jews?

uvulectomy ago

I mean we've still got @KosherHiveKicker to remind us of all the times when JEW MEDIA IS SILENT. =P

MadWorld ago

But @Crensch is the go-to guy to point out the jews and he is very good at it... @KosherHiveKicker is there to remind us. They both serve different functions.

Slayfire122 ago

Amalek. I'm sure he's still here somewhere.

NumbDigger ago

I started after after Amalek "quit for our sins". It sounds awesome though, as a middle kid I enjoy some vicarious butt hurt. That's probably why I'm here. That, and truth.

heygeorge ago

That, and truth.

If you're not also here for bullshit, you're doing it wrong.

NumbDigger ago

Bullshit is my reason d'être.