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0fsgivin ago

And here we are... with comments that are not spam, not adverts, not off topic. Removed from subs in this site that were to "leftist"

Now, that censorship is already excepted. We have an influx of leftists coming in. And the fundraising has begun. And now convservative view points will be quited. As long as the leftist's bring in more income. Woo capitalism that all the conservatives here have all espoused.

You KKK and neo nazis and even just centrists like me. You don't bring in the advertising dollars young liberals do. They have more DISPOSABLE income than you( they make minimum wage but don't pay bills at moms house). And get a young liberal early and you have a customer for life even when they go consevative at 35. Brush your teeth with colgate at 18 and you will at 50. <---- censorship. Albeit of liberals. But just wait. The other shoes dropping soon.