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3dk ago

If you don't want to give away personal info online, is one option I know of. It wasn't available in my area, but I was able to find a similar site. You could also try selling something on Openbazaar. For example, I bought a steam giftcard with cash at a store, then sold it for a slightly cheaper amount of bitcoin. Look up how to find a trusty escrow for OB, if you do this.

Reminder: Read up on basic use, always double check everything, don't mess around with lots of money and use common sense to avoid scams.

Getting bitcoin is the hardest part, after that it's awesome. You can send it to anyone who accepts it or you can make your own "cold storage vault" that's more secure than most bank accounts, just in case bitcoin takes over the world...

psymin ago

I'm a BTC guy who keeps a client and a blockchain locally. Is there a way to buy and sell BTC anonymously that doesn't need the full blockchain?

3dk ago

You can use the electrum wallet and sell steam giftcard codes on openbazaar. It's tedious, but it's the only way I know of. I'm sure there are better ways. I'm enthusiastic about bitcoin, but I'm not exactly an expert, I just like messing around with it for fun.