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Imadeaccount ago

I've donated!

Will you feature /v/fatpeoplehate for us, pretty please?

go1dfish ago

IMO featuring shouldn't work that way. If you want to feature FPH you should buy an ad. That's what they are for.

But it is one of the larger communities so I wouldn't be mad if it got featured.

HomerSimpson ago

We have bought an ad lol

Disappointed ago

There's a bit of history behind this so it's not as black and white as it seems.

HomerSimpson ago

What history?

Disappointed ago

You were part of it so why ask?

HomerSimpson ago

Curious on what specifically you were referring to? The exodus?

Disappointed ago

No you were asking to buy adspace for a while.

HomerSimpson ago

Oh. I didn't read the context of their comment. Thought you were referring to something else.

Atko ago

Thank you for donating! I will feature it mid next week, I promise. I felt so bad when homer called me out the other day...

HomerSimpson ago

Well. Glad my annoyances fix issues.

Thanks sug

Artofchoke ago

Do you need volunteers for any annoying or menial tasks?

FPSFairy ago

I'm sure you could volunteer for spam patrol.

Artofchoke ago

I'm a goddamn ignoramus but you tell me when and how, and I'll be there with bells on. 🐒