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@Kevdude, why are you such a coward? Why didn’t you post this shit yourself?

HollaKost ago

But, but she "hacked it"!

Yeah right! Stupid bitch can't hack anything


I knew something was up with that cunt earlier because she was telling someone she was a hacker. Lol. She said watch my submissions.

Kevdude is nothing but a little pussy. Is he going to go with this hacker story too? If so, then he is a COWARD.

HollaKost ago

Kevdude is nothing but a little pussy. Is he going to go with this hacker story too? If so, then he is a COWARD

He probably gave them to her and she's so stupid she made up the hacker story to try and sound cool.


I think his bitch ass knew he would look bad, so it’s easier to let that dumb cunt say she’s a hacker, than to take responsibility that he betrayed someone that he once called a friend.