With the SBBH & SDBH crews fractured and split apart by internal drama, it's only a matter of time before QRV becomes the primary shitposting sub on voat (TellAnon)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3730169?
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23100483? 4.9 years ago
SBBH and SDBH have always been at odds, because SBBH can't handle that SDBH are BROS.
23333650? 4.9 years ago
Joe Mc he's a merchant of smut? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3756693/23325235
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23100483? ago
SBBH and SDBH have always been at odds, because SBBH can't handle that SDBH are BROS.
23333650? ago
Joe Mc he's a merchant of smut? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3756693/23325235