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SaneGoatiSwear ago

you are lying through your teeth.

in the links provided earlier, there's a comment where YOU link to a post and within is more shilling by you.


fuzzy you're coming on awfuly shilly here.

  1. you made claims i was reddit cancer modding.

  2. the two ops whose posts were in question were a. found to be lies and shitposts, admitted by that op, and b. shown to be breaking the title rule, rule 3, and in simply evenly enforcing the community-created post title rule, i deleted after talking to the user, and asking them to resubmit with correct titles and factual posts. in both instances even though one turned out to be lies and shitposting, i had still attempted to work with the user.

you claim that is reddit cancer modding.

while at the SAME TIME @lockeproposal was found to be deleting comments selectively in and out of his private sub's comment deletion rules. some off topic comments were not deleted, some were with a rule on the sub "all off-topic comments will be deleted." but mine were after many others were not. a similar comment to mine with less vitriol but still off topic was still up after days. it showed that @lockeproposal was deleting comments because of hurt fee-fees not on rules. which is ACTUAL reddit cancer modding.

your attacks on me were to divert voat's attention away from locke actually being a cancer reddit mod. the v/historyanecdotes mod deletion logs compared to the rules and (at that time) remaining comparitive rule-breaking comments are the evidence.


@kevdude shill fuzzywords super wrecked and shown to be a shill shilling to divert attention away from an actual sjw cancer mod. that's literally the definition of someone shilling for a censorship and silence agenda against voat. this user is the most prolific non-dev coder of voat code this past year.

@atko @puttitout at this juncture i would formally request that @fuzzywords not be allowed to code voat on the basis she has malicious intent towards it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

let it be shown on fuzzywords' comment history that the resposne was to begin spamming false quotes attributed to me that i have never said.

user's official response to this comment was to shitpost with maliciously libelous shitposting.