PuttsMum ago

Lol, just fucking lol.

With a side of unfuckingbelievable :)

sirRantsalot ago

Oh, Edie.

heygeorge ago

Edie was at least fun. This one is either legit nuts or legit nefarious. But oh no, better ban @gabara because he funposted... Let’s have the fucking disinfo nutbags have free reign

sirRantsalot ago

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this was true. Disney is nefarious. From the way the Hannah Montana types ended up to all the bullshit promoted in the movies, these guys definitely are operating on a different values system than most people are. Here's the thing about the powerful. They want what they want, and don't you dare tell them no. So if some bastard is at club 88 and says "that child there, I want her. kidnap her and take her to my lair." I think they get what they want, always. No matter where they are. Maybe this godsangell guy knows this as well from experience. Or else it's all bullshit. I'd say 50/50

heygeorge ago

They are not picking kids off at the parks and disappearing them. It’s just not a good business model. You don’t shit where you eat!


"You don’t shit where you eat!" Occultists do tho....

'Member the Turpins? House was literally covered in feces. Chaining their kids to beds, raping and breeding them ("sowing oats") overnight car trips.....AND DISNEYLAND SEASON PASSES



Reporters on Monday gained access to the family's back garden, where they saw Disney merchandise including pet food bowls (though it is not thought they had any pets) and a Mickey and Minnie Mouse fountain.

Two cars parked outside the residence had personalised number plates, one reading DLand and another reading DL4ever.

Although it is thought the first numberplate reads "Disneyland", the other could either mean David and Louise forever or Disneyland Forever.

Disneyland has always been a partnership with the Military Industrial Complex. Turpin was a MIC Defense Contractor. He was probably selling access to his children.

stop shitting on fantastical explanations when Disneyland is built on Fantasy. The occult inverts everything....even the Fantasic

@godsangel isn't crazy. @heygeorge is using a Strawman fallacy.

She's not saying "everyone's kids" nor is she saying they are "dissapeared" at parks..she's saying a small minority of kids in pedocult families use disneyland to sell their kids for an hour or two....pretty much the same speculation re: Disney Cruise and Snorkelling LSJI "Q confirmation"

kids are likely drugged and it's so fantastical that they're getting raped at disneyland, that they repress it, or aren't believed. If you imprison your family, they have even less "normalcy" to relate this abuse to.

A similar story was told by the NY times reporter who claimed Hispanic sex traffic victims were coded with colored dresses at disneyland. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2312692

There are multiple elite PRIVATE APARTMENTS w/in disneyland. (Above the mainstreet firehouse for example)

Pizzagate Mods consistently gatekeep by shitting on fantastic explorations/speculation, only to allow them months later when "definitive" proof is found. The investigation is constantly stifled under the guise of "responsible journalism".

That was fine while the forum was public and the justification was : hurr durr OPTICS! we can't be speculative because we're the repository of pizzagate info and must source every niggling thing

Now that it's login only, allows speculative posts when Q "konfirms", and is constantly slandered in the mainstream media, that justification is weakAsFuck. Now the only way to verify voat counts is to have alts....which I refuse to do. I can't verify voterfraud, I can't archive the voat page, and I can't share links with normies who dont want accounts.

Private Forums are Ideological Prisons.

I'll continue posting on the public facing honeypot (8ch), while ya'll keep posting on your private honeypot with your 100% safe and effective UK based, Mt. Gox affiliated, South Korean Royalty Owned, PIA rubbers.

The whole internet is a honeypot (surveilled) Use it for maximum dissemination b4 it becomes more controlled (coralled in like-minded groups w/out ideological cross-fertilization).

My voat username has been partially doxxed by a mainline social media company, who has publically networked my voat name with a # that is tied to my identity. Idgaf anymore, nor do I blame Voat or Putt. It's just the nature of networking. Data Points are catalogued and indexed. I must have slipped up in my security compartmentalization.

Anyhoo, the minute I saw that. I took a big voat break. when it went private I became less inclined to post. so im especially sorry @shewhomustbeobeyed. I continued my archiving efforts of disney pedo symbology on 8ch threads which are still archived.

In my opinion the FBI origin story is a cover for Disney meandering spiral symbology relating back to MARY Blair, Alice in Wonderland, and It's a Small World ride....which is itself a reference to Alice Liddel/Alice in Underland, Lewis Carrol, and the Liddel ties to Aliester Crowley, the OTO, and other Occult groups....which relates to Orgone(Sexual) Energy and Tribal Spirtituality/Religion Myths and rituals which are usually incest based or "intergenerational-sex" based

Btw ya'll should really look at the catalog/epstein archives of 8ch pol before it got cloudfloored. Not only did I post re: the Disney Cruise LSJI connection (and posted about it the morning of the 24th (in a mcafee thread) before any "Kyu" followers, twittertwats, dailyblazers, or "kyu konfirmations"....

But there are additional disney connections to pizzagate symbology, EPSTEIN connections to Rockefellers, An exploration of Marc Epstein's brother and his teen girl yacht, submarine passages/based in the virgin islands including subterranean channels/tunnels, and lots of other good sauce.

oh yeah. this should be a post itself: Research the WAPA bros who approved Epstein's construction VI. SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE

Oh yeah. Jeff Epstein sponsored beauty pageants in the USVI (his scholarships paid for these women's educations). where are those girls now ? (1 manages "catering" for Disney World)

@vindicator you should probably go through my old posts you and @crensch deleted. Especially the one regarding organ harvesting, and changing the laws to allow younger and younger donors (incl birth-defect babies). I dont want to have to embarrass ya'll, but I've recorded a Neonatal medical doctor to verify my understanding of the relaxing legal precedent, which you boneheads claimed was disinfo.

I'll eventually get to my messages and reply to all. at which point I will cease private communications and only publically post information.

Btw. this isn't an accusation of ill-intent on anyone's part. I think more gatekeeping happens out of naivete than malice. But smarten up before they take down the internet.

<;] NC

heygeorge ago



Police have uncovered a huge pedophile ring at Disney World, Florida, with over 35 employees arrested for alleged child rape offenses.

Here’s why this headline is salacious bullshit:

These arrests were made over a period of 10 years.

No indication is given at all that any of these people ‘worked together’ in any way, or operated as a ‘ring’.

For example, one younger (mid 20’s) man sent a dickpic to an agent he believed was a 13yo. It is not likely this individual was the brains behind a ‘ring’.


@godsangell this is only scratching the surface of how you post inflammatory bullshit.

@Nomochomo you are also conflating so many different things into one disjointed narrative... It’s absurd. That being said, you aren’t completely wrong about everything. Tho, to me, this matters somewhat more if/when someone is lying.


No indication is given at all that any of these people ‘worked together’ in any way, or operated as a ‘ring'

I disagree, completely. This is older than this 10 year op

ever heard of "disney world girl" ? it was a cp video series filmed in disney resorts.

Criticize me for being disjointed, that's fair. But if you investigate the CIA history of Walt Disney, and it's not hard to believe that Uncle Walt had his own Brownstone Ops

heygeorge ago

That’s not what OP was talking about.

The article is salaciously titled fake news. @godsangell hangs their hat on this type of shit. Truth will set us free. This is not truth.


I didn't respond to OP, I responded to your counterclaim:

They are not picking kids off at the parks and disappearing them. It’s just not a good business

Your response to somebody speculating "Maybe this godsangell guy knows this as well from experience. Or else it's all bullshit. I'd say 50/50"

you counter with trite, idiomatic talking point. "It's bad for business" and "you don't shit where you eat"

it's "bad for business" for a Pizza Restaurant owner to rape kids...Or a DayCare Center owner...Or a Pastor....but it clearly happens.

So I still kinda think you're gatekeeping 4 Disney. Maybe because it's all too unimaginable for you.

heygeorge ago

I think that over the top claims hurt the hunt for truth.

@godsangell and the inciteful headline argument of a ‘busted pedo ring’ only serve as polarizing lies. Salacious, easily discredited propaganda is the enemy of rational society.

The things you are citing as ‘bad for business’ (please keep in mind this is a shitposting sub) are tangential to the primary business. I know you realise this.

I’m a keeper of nothing so far as PG moderation, so you can take your butthrt and told you so’s and send them elsewhere. I am only of technical assistance when asked or if I notice something. I think you’re on the mark about Qcumber.


so you can take your butthrt and told you so’s and send them elsewhere. I am only of technical assistance when asked or if I notice something. I think you’re on the mark about Qcumber.

hahahaha k. you've always shot straight with me. ceasing fire ;)

heygeorge ago

you've always shot straight with me.

It’s the way to go when someone demonstrates the capability to be rational. The irrational... well anything goes. :D

Vindicator ago

Pizzagate Mods consistently gatekeep by shitting on fantastic explorations/speculation, only to allow them months later when "definitive" proof is found. The investigation is constantly stifled under the guise of "responsible journalism".

"Pizzagate mods" did not make the submission rules, @Nomochomo. They were repeatedly voted on by v/pizzagate subscribers, who deemed it wise to have a separate subverse for speculative material lacking in support that could be linked.

You are welcome at any time to propose a rule change. The procedure we've followed is to make a submission to v/pizzagatemods with the proposal, which I can then sticky to gather feedback. If there is sufficient support, we will change the rules.

you should probably go through my old posts you and @crensch deleted. Especially the one regarding organ harvesting, and changing the laws to allow younger and younger donors (incl birth-defect babies). I dont want to have to embarrass ya'll, but I've recorded a Neonatal medical doctor to verify my understanding of the relaxing legal precedent, which you boneheads claimed was disinfo.

Relaxing child organ harvesting requirements is certainly a legitimate topic for v/pizzagate if you can provide linked evidence of it happening. Please make a submission about it at any time. Stick to the facts in the main body of the post, and do your speculating in the Comment section, and we will happily leave it up.


deemed it wise to have a separate subverse for speculative material lacking in support that could be linked

Except for SpeQulation...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I knew it, you rascal you. - https://archive.fo/08Bm1

@heygeorge ^ fyi


tripping over each others breadcrumbs ;)

in any case, I wasn't trying to spread disinfo, but this seemingly proves my contention that allowing speculation fuels discovery and greater research....

Or Q is a giant ball of shit, and now he's propagating my ball of shit

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Q is a giant ball-o-shit. Full. Stop.

heygeorge ago

Q is a giant ball of shit

That’s more like it. Propaganda. So: Why not just post the speculative stuff in the Qniverse? Bonus: You’ll be free of “trolls” like me if you stick to v/GA.

Speculation is what the Qniverse thrives on. PG is supposed to be more about linking facts.

PS to @expertshitposter: Check out this thread necro, only a few days old but really serious shit!


we agree on Q. (I will always hold a single grain of hope, but it looks like dogshit)

I thus want no association with that toxic shitshow. While pizzagate is based in reference to fact. Pizza/Pizzeria's are and were used as fronts for elite sex trafficking.

Q is only online LARP + Trump "signalling".

Pizzagate is the strongest Meme to inform people of elite pedos. Q is pro Trump propaganda that distracts from the initial investigation.

And while I'm fine with sourced Q stuff in pizzagate. You instead get faggy ass sabo level movie posters with James Gunn posted by @Vindicator cluttering up actual voater research threads.

why should I be held to a standard Mods dont hold themselves to?

heygeorge ago

will always hold a single grain of hope, but it looks like dogshit

Yup. Except it really makes no sense other than to corral folks into Trump supporters/evangelicals or, and frankly much more likely, considerably greater nefarious aims. So I’m not certain I carry an entire grain. This is not a judgement on all of the followers and at least some of the topics they discuss. But that’s the beauty of a quality operation.

I’m not going to step into a fight between you and @vindicator. We’ve gotten along swimmingly for quite some time, and vindy has proven to be thoughtful and reliable in our interactions. Although I do seem to remember you not quite receiving the same treatment.


understood, thanks for clarifying your position.

heygeorge ago

Thank you for visiting v/SoapboxBanhammer. Now that the soapboxing session is complete, please do enjoy your complimentary ban and leave salt in the smail for your hosts!


Pizzagate mods did not make the submission rules

= I dont make the rules, I just enforce them.


Nuremburg defense. brilliant.

You were the arbiter and made the final decision to remove my post about live infant organ harvesting via redefinition of the death standard.

if you can provide linked evidence of it happening. Please make a submission about it at any time.

fuck off with the copy/paste Vin.

NOTHING IN MY DELETED POST WAS SPECULATIVE. It was sourced and "accurate" but you claim I was misrepresenting evidence.

My doctor thinks you're retarded.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

GAWD DAMMIT, I have missed you.

Do you think some of what happened to you is my fault? If so, I appologize. I've been extemely naive, as you know. Did I ever tell you that it takes 3 ISPs and several VPNs just to be able to archive when ever I want to? I can't find the submissions that the mods deleted. Will you please send them to me or post them again to a different sub?

I will miss talking to you.

Vindicator ago

I can't find the submissions that the mods deleted.

All of @Nomochomo's submissions are available and always have been. SearchVoat does not recognize moderator removed submissions. It searches all equally. In fact, after a few weeks, it's just as easy to see a mod-deleted post as it is to see any other post.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yes, but I wanted the specific ones that he was refering to, I was unable to find. Thank you, @Vindicator.


And I appreciate this. Why I dont post in pgwhatever, as everything is still catalogued by search voat.


nope, but you can never be too safe. I rarely censor myself in public, so we can still have convos publically in comments

I've been naive too. we all are. And I totally believe you re: isps, vpns, and archiving. Always keep offline, digital media copies. I'm also filming my computer screen as I browse on a separate digital camcorder. shit disappears in an instant.

This post in particular:


Reason for Removal:

Yet you are trying to claim these babies "are kept alive while their Organs are Harvested" as if that was current, established policy. Your entire post is misleading, and based on this latest comment of yours, this is likely a complex attempt to force moderators into a position to remove a post on a legitimate, possibly relevant topic of concern by deliberately making a submission that violates the rules, burying relevant supporting links, characterizing links as showing one thing when they actually show the opposite, and then trying to cite those links as evidence mods are being unfair in the hopes users will be too lazy to spend the hours you forced mods to waste vetting the post.

I am archiving this entire comment stream for the record: https://archive.fo/FIa2w

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Hasn't aged well.

I missed that submission, I'm sorry.


np we all are human, Vin archived it for you ;)

gabara ago


gabara ago

PieceSeeker rolled 6 (1,1,1,1,1,1)

heygeorge ago
