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zyklon_b ago


gabara ago

Don't dude me!

zyklon_b ago

y u hate the whites?

gabara ago

Why the JIDF tactics?

zyklon_b ago

@puttsmum @whiteronin @neogoat @mogumbo @heygeorge. dude still not made us owners of SBBH again. he acting very jewish and i am just about to take back when i vouched for him to not be permmaneened

gabara ago

Now you're telling on me! Lol. Wah wah wah wah! No attack me back! Cry cry cry!

zyklon_b ago

dude we aint supposed to troll or attack you like normal Goats cause the bosses think you tok retarded and autistic to be treated like an adult. so call it tellin all you want just know u aint a real goat cause we cannot troll you

gabara ago

You live in a fantasy world.

zyklon_b ago

sure we are and you are not handled with "kid gloves"

gabara ago

I think you do too much drugs.

NeoGoat ago

Not today, @zyklon_b is working.

I'm very amused you didn't want to hear about definitive pre-publication research into the origin of DNA.

gabara ago

I asked you twice and you never sent it to me.

NeoGoat ago

You asked about whether the explanation was creation or chaos, but never made me owner.

gabara ago

Ah, the truth comes out. Lol! Wanna be Janitor?

NeoGoat ago

@gabara, You unmodded us as owners and remodded us as mods. Now, you are you threatening to take me down to janitor?

Going for the power mod of the day award?

gabara ago

What you say holds no weight when you tried to manipulate your way into being an owner. I'm still not convinced you are not WhiteRonin's shameful alt.

zyklon_b ago

@puttsmum @heygeorge why have an owner antagonizing others that just wanna shitpost?

PuttsMum ago

I agree, l will sort it out.

gabara ago

He's the one that keeps attacking. I'm with @caveman_in_a_suit and dropped it:

@zyklon_b is antagonizing

PuttsMum ago

It's sad to see you guys not getting along and I'm sure you both have your reasons for it.

@zyklon_b and Gab, you two are a couple of my favourite shitposters so I feel a little down that the shit has hit the fan.

I was going to do something about it but realised there isn't much I can do - I want you both on the SBBH board of directors so I'm just going to have to wait until you two settle down a wee bit.

Bigly love to you both :)

zyklon_b ago

i quit as does others if we aint made owners again.

bye @puttsmum

PuttsMum ago

I sent you an owner invite, maybe I fucked it up with the capital Z?

zyklon_b ago

gabara keeps deleting it eveytime i get one

PuttsMum ago

Lol does he. That is very SBBHish!

The thing with you and @Gabara (and the rest of us Hammerites) is that you're trolls trolling trolls. It's trolls all the way down so I think the only options are, A: block each other for a while, or B: continue your feud.

I'd be inclined to choose option A because, as you both know, the best defence against us trolls is to ignore us :)

I will remod you, zyk, and hopefully gab will go along with it this time.

zyklon_b ago

@puttsmum make me 2nd again and I will never flex unless i see him beij manipulayes agaij.

thanks brother n i will STAND FOR YOU

gabara ago

No I didn't. @puttsmum

HIVchan ago

Because you were too busy having butt sex?

gabara ago

No I didn't. @puttitout

zyklon_b ago

reeeee reeeee reeee

@whiteronin @heygeorge @neogoat