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I still don't understand why that girl looks different from this girl who is also purported to be srayzie.

Gothamgirl ago

It's me. They stole pics from my fb.


Things like this are why I don't keep social media anymore. You have a nice loving smile here, and thankfully I haven't seen any evidence of you being batshit wacky like what I'm seeing all over the place here. I hope you and @zyklon_b stay happy and don't let people get to you using you as ammo for their power trip in their campaign to censor the facts about the fucking kikes.

Gothamgirl ago

They are really old pics. I was dumb I thought @Srayzie was a friend and befriended her on fb. Didn't Know she was stealing my photos. Now the wacky gang of hers is posting them everywhere.


I tried to be her friend, too, but after a few conversations I noticed she would somehow manage to turn whatever conversations we were having around to focus on her. Very selfish, possibly even a tactic to loop people who would otherwise be researching things into just following her around instead.

I've been meaning to ask, how were your interactions with that one user, probably at least a year or so ago, who would use multiple accounts to post PG stuff? I noticed they'd occasionally ping you sometimes, they'd ping me sometimes as well, usually just for humorous things like finding free weed. Do you know who I'm talking about?

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah srayzie pulled alot of mental games on me and I don't understand why or what triggered it..

I am not sure what user you mean I get tagged by alot of different people.


They'd use a lot of different ones, maybe HyperIris, Factoids4U, they used TheHolyGrail to mod several subs they made regarding a lot of PG stuff. I think srayzie actually made a list of all suspected accounts this person used mistaking them as just bots.

Gothamgirl ago

Theholygrail I heard of, and I believe it was part of cicada3301 but I could be mistaken.


I can see that, I think they posted something about that once. I never really got any bad vibes from them but srayzie seemed to totally hate this person. They helped me realize I had some childhood trauma buried and quite possibly helped save me from suicide not far down the road. I saw a user I think either you or WhiteRonin mentioned in z_b's sub posting in one of their submissions, Jem777? I don't know that person, I just recognized the name as I was going through their subs to see if I could find any other accounts they used. Did they ever give you bad vibes?

Gothamgirl ago

No only with Srayzie, she played a bunch of mind games, and sent me a bunch of my ultra videos. Got a bad vibe about Argosciv too, he is a trouble maker.

Jem777 was a pizzagate/deepstate researcher , Srayzie wrote hit pieces on after she died.


Yea that's fucked up. Not an actually good person.

I recognize that name but don't have good associations with him, seeing him comment in a thread titled this right now:

You really have to wonder what it is about srayzie that causes users to literally threaten to "get more personal info on you" and ask if "family death threats (are) not enough?"

Let's try this:

You really have to wonder what it is about [JEWS or THOSE WHO WRITE HIT PIECES ON THE DEAD] that causes users to literally threaten to "get more personal info on you" and ask if "family death threats (are) not enough?"

That cicada person told me something once when I mentioned I didn't like what seemed to be going on with PG and Crensch's behavior: "Very Tavistockian."

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yeah, I have got that Vibe and said that myself.