Are you a Builder or a Destroyer? (
submitted 5.7 years ago by gabara
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CheeseboogerHimself 5.7 years ago
According to Crensch I am just a nigger who plays guitar because only niggers create music
gabara 5.7 years ago
What about Mozart? What about Imagine Dragons?
All talentless niggers, according to Crensch
C_Corax 5.7 years ago
It'd be a low hanging fruit to say @Crensch has nothing to their name but their previous "respect" on Voat, but that may be the reality of it.
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CheeseboogerHimself ago
According to Crensch I am just a nigger who plays guitar because only niggers create music
gabara ago
What about Mozart? What about Imagine Dragons?
CheeseboogerHimself ago
All talentless niggers, according to Crensch
C_Corax ago
It'd be a low hanging fruit to say @Crensch has nothing to their name but their previous "respect" on Voat, but that may be the reality of it.