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C_Corax ago

I think of you all as people at the pub. We're all there for our own reasons.

TheBuddha ago

I generally picture Voat as a digital homeless encampment.

It's a pretty good analogy, I think.

C_Corax ago

Not a bad analogy. There are forces out there that wants to break up the camp and put us in boxes they call homes even if we are quite fine where we are.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure I can quite agree with 'fine' when we look at the entire group. No...

No, some of them belong on welfare, with case managers, and maybe even living in group homes - bare minimum. I'm not sure I can call them fine. No... No, I don't think I can agree with that.

For evidence, I present to you QRV. Those fuckers are the people society has failed. They need help.

C_Corax ago

Well.. Some of us are fine being here then. While others are here because they got evicted and don't know where to go from there.

I've been 'helping' QRV a lot in the past few days :)

TheBuddha ago

I should go back to #QWalkAway.

I had some legit takers.

I realized how long it took, and the low success rate, and realized I was apathetic and only doing it because I was high as balls on opiates.

I quit that, long ago. These days, I only goad them for my own amusement. I explained single-payer health care to one earlier. They were less than amused that I'd not accept their argument that it was "free." It's not free. It has never been free. Anyone saying it is free is a fucking moron, regardless of what side of the aisle they're on.

C_Corax ago

I've been making quite a lot of semi legit Q posts that I edit at the 8-9 minute mark in the past few days. That means that they will upvoat themselves before I change it to a scat/gore post. And because it has positive points and the thumbnail doesn't change more people will click it. My aim is to make QRV a hell hole where you can't trust anything you see and hopefully help some of them snap out of it from it.

Not sure how long I can keep it up though. Not because I have to look at said scat/gore pictures before I post them and not even because I have to put the work into editing at the right time, but because I can't be bothered going into the Q head space when I try to come up with topics to wheel them in.

TheBuddha ago


Has it worked?

C_Corax ago

The editing stunt? Fuck yeah :D

This was me. You probably don't want to click the link since it's a trailer to some scat porn movie.

TheBuddha ago

No, I mean is it getting you the desired results?

C_Corax ago

I actually think so. Especially since others got on the wagon along with me(finally!). We've been pretty relentless on them the past couple of days.

TheBuddha ago

Good luck!

C_Corax ago

When that whole vote thing comes up I'm thinking about requesting QRV transfership to me. I have more than enough evidence that the current mods have neglected the sub :P

TheBuddha ago

I will vote to support your cause!

C_Corax ago

My first two actions will be to lift the anon status and have them arrange a parade for you :)

TheBuddha ago

The gnashing of teeth will be epic.

I fully support this campaign.