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srayzie ago

I was attacked all day yesterday. I’m sure they will just love this post. 😒

zyklon_b ago

by who sweetheart? you know I will help you all you gotta do is ask?

srayzie ago

Who? QRV. They act like me and @Shizy posting funny things here means that we are involved in shady shit. Thank you. But I definitely don’t want SBBH people to go post. They are already accusing me of shit as it is.

Anyway, Congratulations! Me and GothamGirl made up and she told me that you guys were engaged. I’m happy for you guys!

zyklon_b ago

never engaged!! home n arkansas

srayzie ago

She told me you loved with her and were engaged. What do you mean?

Gothamgirl ago

Hell no that was a joke.

srayzie ago

Oh! Sorry!

zyklon_b ago

do not apologize to that stalker next time she appears in apost of mine i am giving @pangaea and @aged @hecho her half nigger sons name address and school and pic