Yasuhiro Nakasone, one of Japan's longest reigning PM, offended blacks, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans living in US by saying they brought average intelligence level of Americans below that of Japan. (japantoday.com)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3588422?
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22228131? 5.1 years ago
So then ... @oaf @tokui @yiddlerontheroof @ardvarcus The Aussie Aboriginal even further removed from the African Negro type than Whites are removed from Afro Negros? https://voat.co/v/science/3621619/22225447
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22228131? ago
So then ... @oaf @tokui @yiddlerontheroof @ardvarcus The Aussie Aboriginal even further removed from the African Negro type than Whites are removed from Afro Negros? https://voat.co/v/science/3621619/22225447