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22044447? ago

anyone check sheeeboon women for this gene?

22114845? ago

They are Sheboon Congoid Negroes?

22114980? ago

Can they read, write and speak Japanese, do they know Japanese poetry, can they play traditional Japanese music, can they make traditional Japanese clothes? both mother and daughter look negroid @englishwebster @Broc_Lia @9NaughtZ are they supposed to be Japanized? The people of Japan will never accept these mutts.

22115096? ago

Culture theoretically has no grey area - either you are born into it or you are not.

The hybrids have no place in a nationalist world, but are welcomed with open arms in the globalist one.

Genes are more important than the nation, given the nature of Geo-politics.

22115087? ago

Broc_Lia: I don't disagree, but why am I being pinged here?

22115039? ago

The last thing they need are the low IQ Africans, Japan already took back a ton of 'nikkeijin' the Asians who moved overseas years ago and mixed with populations in Peru, Mexico, Indonesia, Philippines, Brazil ...some wear taken in as a labor shortage for the car factories, soon after Japan has a nigger problem. Japanese deep down are probably a bit racist. Taking in everyone else is going to cause trouble

22115009? ago

They will never be Japanese period. They will always be outsiders. They might be accepted as residents but Japan is more than citizenship. It's a bloodline. They have a great culture. There is a lot we can learn from them.