The Science of Microchimerism. This is why you should NEVER marry, date or even touch an ex coalburner ... not just the Herpes statistics folks! (
submitted 6.2 years ago by 2883348?
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15313522? 6.2 years ago
Put down the crack pipe.
15770933? 6.2 years ago
Crypto voatmuslims still advocate a new type of Sharia on voat while Turk user Musaab makes terroristic threats to the USA and other users saying 'You not stop the march of Islam.'
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15313522? ago
Put down the crack pipe.
15770933? ago
Crypto voatmuslims still advocate a new type of Sharia on voat while Turk user Musaab makes terroristic threats to the USA and other users saying 'You not stop the march of Islam.'