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17575578? ago < -- original post

A) Cryptological Aspects of ESP;

  • CIA declassified document of an NSA document—

  • Outlines predecessors to ionization and radiation dosing—

  • Outlines predecessors to war theatre and false flags—

  • Outlines predecessors to using stress as a tool—

  • Outlines predecessors to using pharmacology as a tool—

  • Outlines predecessors to using GeoEngineering to block/excite/track adepts

B) Torture, targeted stalking is equal to or greater than the existence of the Foundlings Album appearances AND abductions;

lead us to surmise that we are being harvested, bread, or kidnapped for the explicit intent of making children evolve their latent abilities. ie., -- Druish practices -- Occult Arts (devolving into 'satanism') -- occult and secrete schools appearing and disappearing periodically -- and persian sex cults persisting into pedophilia, homosexuality, and trans-humanism

C) H.R. 2977 https:/ /

Section 7 / B This bill is aimed at clearly defining space as a clear zone from these weapons, while stating the bill does NOT exclude their current usages Album

(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as-- (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; (ii) chemtrails; (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

I submit that A, B, C are part of the same program(s) which have been disguised as a benefit when in-fact, they are seek and destroy, or seek and control mechanisms on all humans on any landmass, bodies of water, or air space.

Weapons in section B are currently deployed and disguised as commercial products under the guidance of the CIA and NSA and used as a conquer and control mechanism against personal agency or group initiative.

NOTE: this would benefit from seasoned PG researchers offering correlations or refuting claims where needed, however, this one document does represent the polestar for many of the technologies and social issues you are all investigating.