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Gothamgirl ago

If Q was a military operation BeatlesTrollArmy would be in jail already.

HollaKost ago

Marilu Lippert sounds like such a nice lady.

I think I'll call her to meet one of those nice pets she's trying to help.

Gothamgirl ago

Are you off you meds? Why are you telling me this?

HollaKost ago

She your homegurl

Does she approve of your lifestyle choices?

Gothamgirl ago

Am I supposed to know who that is?

HollaKost ago

I hope so since she listed as your mailing address you dumb twatsicle.

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Gothamgirl ago

Don't know her.

HollaKost ago

Oh dear! She may be interested to know her identity was stolen.

Gothamgirl ago

By who? You? I don't do illegal things moron.


That’s not what Zyklon said. He even said you abused your kids and that you did drugs too. You’re a despicable Pizzagate researcher Komrade


Gothamgirl ago

Yes because we broke up and your dumbass fell for it 🤣😂 because you were infatuated with us breaking up, just like your doing now, Srayzie.

HollaKost ago

Bitch you fat and crazy? No wonder you couldn't find anyone pitiful enough to marry you until u pushin' 50!

HollaKost ago

I don't do illegal things

So then you know her and she allowed you to use her name and address. Kool!

Gothamgirl ago

Good luck with that Srayzie 😂🤣😂