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26618442? ago

Kikes can't meme

26618478? ago

The perverted Jews are the enemy but there is more than one enemy. All the propaganda and confusion, its same reason crypto-Muslim BLM and Antifa do, to destroy "the old world order"

26618503? ago

Name the other enemies.

26618529? ago

The go to the same drug den parties in Qatar, in some old royal Euro castle, in Dubai, in Epsteins island ..all one big corrupted club.

26618558? ago

So you can't name an enemy. Not even one. Just random Jew double speak. It's the Jews, now fuck off kike.

26618745? ago

It's a collection of psychos, cold blooded, lizard brained people, less than 100 names, some israeli some jew bloood in fact there are a lot of Jews but some are also Atheist. They have been in the USA a long time long, before the last big wave of Jewish immigration they were already inside America, they are fakes and shapeshifts following an agenda of an old boys club. They are Roman catholic leaders smuggling people past the US border, they are evangelical protestants looking for wars, they are crazy psycho bankers, they are the ones who get boys to dress and dance like girls in Afghanistan they ones who do weird stuff in Hollwyood, they are bolsevik communists, the same islamist princes who go to the drug parties, yes there are Jewish but even among Jews themselves there is a ladder. Yes the Jews are in the ranks but so is the queen of England on a higher rank, there are others who have more power than black hebrew israelities, call it what you will Satanism, Luciferianism, the Synagogue of Satan ... it might be best described as the 'Mystery Babylon' cult and once you see the elite symbols on their elite buildings you will start to see them everywhere

26618757? ago

Are you Jewish?

Be honest before we continue.