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26433192? ago

Are you allowed name the Jew on voat? @Albery @SchwoogNite96 ? @folkov ? @Gizurr @FedExMeYourDrugs

26433363? ago

It's both sides Democrat and Republican

Wiki says they are sick twisted fuckers? The Jewish Christ Killer Cult get gold stars for masturbation promotion. ADL National Director, Abraham H Foxman, agrees with the "liberal" idea that pornography is a good thing

A Black Patriot speaks against the culture of demons. Awesome shit..this needs to be told Been happening a while, Prince Charles the pedo Savile and the BBC news and pop tv shows for kids, and now weirdo Hunter Biden types in the Whitehouse, the sickness of a Church in Rome and the muslim weirdos are also in it, Afghanistan they make the boys dress liek girls, Imam Among Those Arrested in Huge French Bust.

"Jerry Harris, a star on Netflix’s docuseries ‘Cheer’, has been charged


The Franklin Coverup ... that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse? Netflix CEO and their weirdo creepy criminal pedo tv show. While Zionist Jewish Professors Boasts Jews Use Pornography as a Weapon Against Traditional America?