Can these top 2 stickies be merged? Trump: {I Don't Want My Supporters Confronting Protesters / Ignore posts calling for violence} They're the same thing. (QRV)
submitted 4.2 years ago by 4060601?
Kind of makes us look retarded.
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25937181? 4.2 years ago
25938468? 4.2 years ago
Merging 2 stickies isn’t removing them.
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25937181? ago
Sometime between now and the election this sub will be taken over, covertly or overtly. Backup when this happens is qresearch on 8kun. If either of the two other stickied posts are removed board is comped.
The OP wants to fuck with the sticky posts to open the door for every shill to endlessly attack this community because "it's compromised".
Fuck you OP shill!
25938468? ago
Merging 2 stickies isn’t removing them.