25821974? ago


jews worship an evil god ☑️

The material plane is corrupt ☑️

Christ came to end judaism ☑️

But the Creator God's chosen people should be the creator-people. Yhvh, chooser of jews, should be the god of corruption and deception, existing in the space between perception and reality.

Why in God's name would you believe the god of deception when he says he's the Creator? Does the world really suck so hard?

25822374? ago

This is a completely retarded doctrine. Of course the God of the OT is the same s as the God of the NT.

Jesus came to fulfill the law, not repudiate it.

He identified the greatest commandment as the Shema Yisrael (“Hear, O Israel: the LORD your God is One Lord”). He never said that Abraham had made a covenant with an evil deity. This is a really bad and really spiritually blind doctrine.

25836738? ago

Their personalities are practically opposite. Yeehvoh, chooser of jews, is petty, vengeful, jealous, violent, manipulative, genocidal, racist, and LOUD. Yeehvoh's miracles and communications are a regular occurrence. He desires blood and life for his offerings, the most perfect and most innocent lives. I can cite OT stories to show every one of the listed traits.

God the Father is patient, forgiving, loving, kind, truthful, caring, warm, and non-racist. His continuing miracles and communication are nowhere to be found... Surely by now Yeehvoh would have sent his prophet to us, seeing how corrupt things have become. The offering He desires is repentance, remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice, consecration of wine and bread, and love. Again, I can back up these personality traits with verses from the NT.

"I Am Who Am" literally cannot change like this. If you think they're the same, are you really worshipping an Eternal God? Of course not. The Eternal God can't change his personality, even if He changes policy (which I can't see happening).

Please by all means, show me how the two personalities are the same, or even highly similar. I am receptive to argument, because even God recognizes the inherent authority of Truth.

25821172? ago

Hey OP

“The Gnostics know it’s bad to sin“ so they rape and sacrifice children... oh and eat them.


25822225? ago

Catholic fake news.

Did you think they would be honest when they murdered all competing Christian sects? No. They have to call their victims "evil" so the plebs won't notice they're just consolidating power by dividing man and God and inserting themselves between.

Gnostics worshipped the Good God, and no good gods support fucking or eating children.

Papacy is blasphemy, stealing God's authority. But that always becomes the point with organized religions: to usurp divinity and form a "monopoly on God". They fabricate a division between man and God and claim they have the exclusive method of reunification.

The only division between man and God is manmade. We create it for ourselves through our illusions and our rationalizations for our sins. The more we let go of our illusions and stop making excuses for our failures, the more the pure Light of God shines on and through our lives.

25822441? ago

The Gnostics control the (((Catholic church))).

For fucks sakes the Ptolemaic bloodline IS gnostic.

Nice try rabbi

Fuck off breakspeare.

25836438? ago

Wow that's a new one. Gnostics control jews wtf?

Christian sect ruthlessly slaughtered by the very first Catholics are the actual power behind Catholicism, makes perfect sense. /s

Gnosticism is an ideology not a bloodline.

25836547? ago

Tell that to (((them))) , faggot.

25820833? ago

Eastern Star, Shriners etc So many groups of Modern Masons are Gnostics?

25834214? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/4041977/25791914 When I was in my twenties I was invited to drink at a Shriners hall one night by a friend with several other guys, all 40+ years old. One of the guys, my friend, had taken in a welfare case woman who was 20 years younger than him and she had a young boy and girl, probably 3 and 5 years old. I know they had many problems while living together, but he always blamed it on the woman. I always thought he was so kind, taking care of all those children he always talked about helping through the Shriners. I wish I had known at the time because now I wonder what he did to the woman and children. He is long ded now.

25822397? ago

Gnosticism is like an Illuminati perversion of Christianity, analogous to how Ismaili ism is a corruption of Islam

25820784? ago

Jesus is the creator. Gnosticism is just an attempt by Satan to destroy the truth of the Gospels. People that get into Gnosticism think they have a secret knowledge that makes them spiritually elite. It is also dangerous because it twists around the meaning of sin. Sin is disobedience, lawlessness, towards God but Gnosticism turns sin into ignorance, not lawlessness.

The very same Satan took the teachings of Abraham that had spread to the east and made the God of Abraham into Brahma, a defective creator god, just like the Gnostics did with Christianity ~3,000 years later.

This is an ancient battle of lies and truth.

Glory to God. Amen.

25820872? ago

A man who requires laws to not sin will sin in the absence of laws. Gnostics choose not to sin because they know it's wrong to do so, not because they fear the personal consequences of breaking God's laws. Such laws are training wheels until the initiate knows better.

25820878? ago

Without laws there is no transgression of laws.

25821624? ago

Our reality is bound by immutable laws.

25820830? ago

Misotheism and Maltheism? Sethian Gnostics are semi-Maltheistic, as they believe the material world was created by an imperfect, evil sub-god named Ialdabaoth. The Gnostics believe(d) that the God people whorshiped was really a demiurge, a false God who sought to enslave us, and that Jesus was sent by the REAL God to save us from this false God's wrath by what they believe is teaching us how to get to the "real" God? Other branches of Gnosticism refer to this as the Demiurge, Maltheism (from mal, meaning bad/sickness and theism meaning theism) is the belief that a God or Gods exist, but they believe they are bad or malevolent or incompetent, Does maltheism apply to other religious groups as well, such as Hindu, Muslim and so forth? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3906786/24569639

25820837? ago

Well, they're wrong.

25820721? ago

Christ = freedom portal out of this prison realm where an AI time matrix was overlaid in the REAL reality.

25820782? ago

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25820645? ago

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