25796514? ago

What a bunch of asswipe pushing the cabal agenda of divide and conquer. The cabal dick must feel pretty good up their ass. You are not needed or wanted. WWG1WGA? HYPOCRITES!

25780278? ago

Giving niggers trillions of dollars over the past 60 years hasn't done anything but make them worse. Way to go Trump you fucking actor. Trust these nuts.

25779122? ago

don't believe the narrative

25778706? ago

its not reparation. Demonrats have been targettng blacks for ages...need to fix the mess and get them into working mode again

25776848? ago

Yep! Nothing will ever be enough for them. They will never be happy. So no reparations!

25775703? ago

pretty sure 500 trillion would do it

25775644? ago

By blacks, you mean spear chuckers, right? Let's call them what they are. Calling them monkeys, is offensive to monkeys. At least monkeys take care of their children and work together for the better of their group.

25775488? ago

They don't need to be here anymore. Send them back to Africa.

25796538? ago

Your dick is far too small to send anyone back to Africa. Big talk from a cabal asswipe.

25798760? ago

How was temple last weekend?

25774943? ago

This is not about reparations or sating the black population. This is about creating businesses and jobs in lieu of welfare and the drug and sex trade. The administration requires a full and sustainable business plan to access these funds. The deep state destroyed the black community and was busy working on destroying the white community. We weren't but a decade from being in the same conditions as the black community. Do you understand the deep state has been siphoning billions, if not trillions, from our economy? Those funds are returning to us, the people of the USA, along with the stolen monies from the Central Banks. With the massive infrastructure rebuilding plan, there will be enough funds and jobs for everyone. We need all hands on deck.

25774791? ago

This isn't about feels. It's about rebuilding communities that have been destroyed by demoKKKrat's seizing control of them, and turning them into vote farming plantations.

25778002? ago

Niggers are a bottomless pit. I will never be enough.

25774599? ago

Lately I have heard people complain about this without thinking about the times we live in, and how "black" could be code for "americans" to get past the woke crowd {or be called racist}. IMO this bill is meant to help those who had businesses were hurt during coronavirus and riots.

This is a way to control who gets the money and bypass corrupt governors and mayors from sticking their hands into the pot.

no matter what race ... but must be Americans. The "black" part was a way to make sure it passed certain people.

25778075? ago

This is a way to steal from whitey and give to niggers.

25774409? ago

Cheaper to kill 'em.

25774344? ago

No amount of money will make the black population feel satisfied. Not $500 billion, not $500 trillion.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for DIVISION.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into division?

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for division


They want you DIVIDED.




UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25796562? ago

It's obvious these asswipes are cabal minion pushing the divide and conquer agenda ... they are the enemy.

25773919? ago

6 gorillion maybe?

25773896? ago

8 years as POTUS didnt satisfy them, its more racist than ever now apprently

they will never be happy

25773873? ago

This is not about reparations. This is about fixing decades old problems in the black community created by the Democrats. Getting the black population off of welfare and working is well worth it. It will pay for itself many times over. Trump is brilliant

25777671? ago

They've been throwing money at the niggers since the 60s. Billions of dollars. None of it has helped. It never will.

Niggers cannot be fixed. They need to be removed from white society.

25774506? ago

It was not "created by democrats", they run their own communities, niggers are the democrats you buffoon.

25796590? ago

And you are a cabal asswipe ... love that cabal dick up your ass and in your mouth don't you. Your handlers are happy with your work, be proud.

25798555? ago

And you are a jew, you guys are obsessed with poop and ass.

25773782? ago


25778086? ago

I would hand out a flyer that said that..... tell them they have to fly to Jerusalem to claim the prize.

After the plane takes off, invalidate their passport and never let them back in America again.

25773670? ago

True that - reparations would just lead to them demanding more. But the 500 are not gibs but business loans, the whole operation is just a low-price competitor to jewish banking business.

25777644? ago

As long as whites don't have to pay for anything.... that's fine. Set up a Jew tax.

25773570? ago

Maybe that's the point.

Never forget - https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves/31076

and this is worth reading to get a sense of what happened after the Civil War with Blacks, Reparations, and the famous "40 acres and a Mule" - https://www.britannica.com/event/Reconstruction-United-States-history#ref1083675

25774602? ago

After a union army took over a plantation in the South, the slaves tended to latch on to the army for food and shelter. This was an obvious hardship on the army. After one army took over a large plantation in North or South Carolina, the Commander was asked what to do about so many slaves wanting to latch onto their army. He said the plantation was large enough to give each slave 40 acres and a mule. After the war, the plantation owner returned (monied Jews always flee to a safe haven); he sued in Court and won his plantation back as the Commander did not have the rights to divvy up his plantation.

25773170? ago

and turning the planet into a SHITHOLE of VIOLENCE and corruption and FRAUD.

25773114? ago

Their modus operandi is to just sit back and wait for free money to end in their lap so they can buy drugs.

25773009? ago

Trump is teaching us and moreso niggers that terrorism works and gets rewarded.

Burn down cities win 500 billion.

War is coming keep training.

25772912? ago


Look at all these triggered racist losers!

Low IQ faggots.

25772608? ago

The black population needs to be satisfied with a bullet

25772015? ago

Then they need to work for it.

25771958? ago

Their own homeland will make them feel satisfied. Why can’t they go back? Because it’s a shit hole. So why don’t we spend $500B to buy land and build it up and give it to them...in Africa.

25777697? ago

This I would support. Getting rid of them permanently for 1/2 a trillion? Well worth it.

25774028? ago

We've already spent multiple times that on Africa in foreign aid.

25773745? ago

How about we don't give them anything? Nobody gave me anything. Fucking stupid lazy niggers can go die in a hole for all I care. I don't owe them shit, and neither does anyone else. They've been a drain on society for decades now, and they're still the same useless, stupid, violent fucking niggers.

25771595? ago

I don't know what everyone is so up in arms about this. We should use the money to better the struggling citizens of our country. For years TPTB have shipped our money to help foreign countries, I'd rather help American citizens. The money will be available, but the people still have to apply and qualify for the assistance. Also, did you ever consider that anyone will probably be able to get access to the funding assistance as long as it is used in the poorer minority communities. Tariffs on China alone will fund the project. They need real help recovering from 50 years or better of democratic plantation life they have been living. Stop the drugs (borders) stop the gangs, stop treating school kids like they are institutionalized criminal at school, and help promote the tradional family for them (both parents are important to raising children). The majority of people want to do good deeds...it's when they see no hope that they make decisions to do what they have to to survive. No American citizen should have to live that way, unless they chose it for some odd reason...

25771580? ago

Black americans are being used by democrats - useful idiots. I hope there is a black awakening at some point. It is all democrat policies that hurt the black family and now, the dems/media keep feeding them these lies so that they are feeling victimized all the time. I don't blame blacks. I blame democrats and their complicit media bitch.

25773640? ago

There IS a Black Awakening. Trump holds meetings in the White House with Blacks, Latinos, Amerindians, and many other groups. He's listening and maybe we should listen as well. All the eugenicists out there need to calm the fuck down. We are a country of multiple tribes and we can do this if we can stop playing into the racists BS of the Lefties.

25774467? ago

Fuck you, nigger parasite.

25771561? ago

Another divide and conquer asshole ... I'm sure the cabal loves your ass. Why don't all you assholes that buy this shit take a hike somewhere out of sight will us adults who can work together get this shit straighten out for a better and brighter future. You are not wanted or needed.

25778112? ago

You were the idiots who imported all these non-whites and embraced diversity. How are things "brighter and better" because of them?

25771549? ago

That is because money is not the problem. Guessing that 90% or more of the money goes to all their handlers for starters. The (anti)social engineers are all about division. They are the ones that introduce all of the tribalism into the minority communities like the hyphenated Americans to make them less American than a white person. They with resistance from everyone created the Brown People category. What is that all about you ask? Well it is all about absolutely every shade of people versus whitey. That clearly puts the whites into a minority population. Then they conveniently divide up their Brownies to scream out their minority status. The Commies have been using the divide and conquer strategy on this nation for a long time. United we stand, divided we fall. It is that simple. This constant victimhood drilled into society is a virulent cancer. Until it is eradicated we shall know no peace or safety.

25777659? ago

Non-whites don't belong in white nations. Ethnostates are the solution.

25771547? ago

Say 'how much would you like to steal' to any criminal, black or otherwise. Inevitably the answer is 'everything'. Why set limits when they can keep pushing to steal more and more? Giving up a grievance due to reparation satiation means giving up this means of parasitism and extortion.. and that's all blacks really know. Rats living in the garbage piles of more advanced peoples and civilizations.

This exact thing is playing out in Europe right now with blacks fresh off the boat from africa... give them free accommodation, and they are upset they dont have their own houses. Give them houses, and they are livid at not having mansions or 5-star dwellings. Give them these affluent and luxurious places, and they are so enraged at not being gifted palatial castles and palaces that they riot. There is no placating any organism that only exists to parasite and gorge itself off the misplaced altruism and largess of others. Don't even try.

25771151? ago

They are on average very stupid people.

25770868? ago

We have a whole planet out there waiting to be colonized. Send them to Mars

25770865? ago

I think this is more about, "you have no excuse now". If you listened to that interview a while back with Judge Joe Brown, he told a story about what he'd heard about President Trump over the years. He would have people who needed a loan to start their own business, he insisted they see him in person. They got the loan and a deal to pay it back in a lump sum. When they were ready to pay it off, he'd tell them it's paid, now go run your business.

25770621? ago

What we really NEED to be doing is planning the niggers' full and complete repatriation to Africa. There is no living with them. They destroy everything they get involved with. We've been throwing money at niggers since the 1960's with no result beneficial to white people. They problem we have with niggers cannot be fixed with money. They have to be removed from us, forever.

25773622? ago

What we need is for all you low IQ people to stop pretending you are part of the Q movement and for you to stop calling them the N word. I'm so done with your bullshit. You are racist - therefore you must be a Libtard. True conservatives and Q supporters don't think or talk like you.

25777601? ago

Welcome to reality, sunshine. Not everyone likes everyone else.

25774475? ago

Eat a dick, little hat motherfucker.

25773988? ago

Lol. Fuck you nigger.

Or are you a faggot?

Or just a kike?

25773710? ago

You are raycis!!!!!


25770577? ago

Glade to know we found the person that speaks for all Black people in America.

25778119? ago

We should find that person. Dub him "King of all Blacks".

Then, negotiate for reparations. Give them a one-way ticket to Africa.

25770467? ago

If you give a mouse a cookie....

25770454? ago

The planGoy is to replace whites to half breeds. Can’t get rid of the negro gene once bred. But white gene is easily wiped out. Make whole world Africa.

25770367? ago

Princess division; still trying to keep us divided. Good people are good people and need to UNITE

25770823? ago

These idiots still think malignant racism is good bc daddy issues and they're scared of their surroundings like faggots

25770256? ago

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25769926? ago

Fuck the niggers.

Round them all up. Deport them.

Kill them.

I don't care.

25770096? ago

I’d rather round up racist pieces of shit like you.

25770270? ago

We'd blow your fucking head off

25774496? ago

I hope they try some dumb shit like that, my finger itches.

25777614? ago

I have a new scope I need to test out.

25770133? ago

Are you raising your daughters monkey babies? Serious question.

25770159? ago

Other options include:

  1. He's a mongrel shitskin
  2. He's another non-white piece of shit
  3. He's a Jew

25769917? ago

Gibs are good short term in the minds of those persons that need them, take them - long term they strip peoples pride and self-worth. When a persons pride and self-worth is diminished (especially community wide over generations) they begin to hate their benefactor and not appreciate what they are given, and who sacrificed to give it to them. This leads to ever increasing demands for more that can never satisfy.. Psych 101

Old time common sense - nothing is free, a price is always paid

25773378? ago

Like the natives in Canada. They've been given so much money. When they waste it on junk food, drugs, and useless materialism, they get angry again when the cash is gone. It's a viscous cycle. At least some of them are waking up and its becoming cool to actually make your own money and work for it.

25770455? ago

even a forced good deed (taxes funding entitlement programs) never goes unpunished

25769932? ago

nothing is free, a price is always paid

Yeah, by white people.

25770247? ago


25769800? ago

Fuck that shit, whites have been enslaved in the largest numbers per capita of any group and were still enslaved in Africa and the ME long after whites in the USA had ended slavery. The only people on earth deserving of any reparations are whites but good luck getting the overeducated low IQs to understand real history.

25774336? ago

As relayed to me by a black person when asked if a reparation paid to blacks at any amount would be enough, and he said “probably not.” Whites dominate the most powerful culture in the world and blacks would ONLY accept fully supplanting whites’ power and stature in America.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for DIVISION.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into division?

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for division


They want you DIVIDED.




UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25775943? ago

Denial of reality intesifies

25777575? ago

What would a truth thread be without the Capslock Kike?

25770336? ago

Congoid Negroes are now claiming to be Native American Meso-Americans through more of this Kangz bullshit propaganda? old South American peoples http://blog.sandos.com/wp-content/uploads/Mayan-warrior-face-paint-1.jpg , http://static.oceandraw.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/26062802/Crow-Nose.jpg , https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/d0/e8/5bd0e8d789ec5e41892b81bac78e1a8b.jpg are now claimed to be African Negroid WTF? https://voat.co/v/funny/4040527/25770014

25770412? ago

more Wakanda nonsense /v/ANormalDayInAfrica

25769939? ago


Fuck niggers.

I hate all blacks now.

They are ALL niggers.

25771876? ago

You should educate yourself on the Nyhm project with rats. Basically they did this to most the blacks in the USA. Made them unable to be normal in society. IQ is important. Lower IQ groups this works on. For the USA to become safer and more productive, not only the people who approved the project, but the victims of this project need to be removed.

And to win Africa.. just pull all whites from that continent.. send them the Nyhm victims.. cut all aid to them (keep in mind they have better resources then the USA), wait ten years.. offer them food in exchange for land. Slowly push their society to the desert. Africa saved.

25772162? ago

I'm all for eradicating niggers from America. I couldn't care less where they go.

25771203? ago

Disgusting statement.

25771747? ago

It's the truth.

I used to be impartial towards blacks.

Now, I hate all of them.

25771353? ago

Kill all niggers.

25770090? ago

Fuck you, racist loser

25773768? ago

KYS fucking kike

25775806? ago

Nope, not Jewish.

Fuck you and your worthless parents.

25775705? ago

Ok, faggot

25770627? ago

Fuck off nigger lover

25770466? ago

go guzzle some nigger cum, nigger worshiper.

25770396? ago


25770266? ago

Joke's on you, bitch

25770209? ago

found the nigger. next, he's gonna ask the master for gibs. get whipped bitch.