Have you Noticed A Lot of Reverse-Whitewashing in Hollywood aka Blackwashing or Characters getting Africanized or Blacked out? (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.4 years ago by 4037834?
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25745357? 4.4 years ago
If you want to see whats coming try downloading a show or two from canada.
Every fucking sitcom and drama promote leftist liberal ideal,
from the aforementioned to every fucking show including same sex relationships.
It's just plain sick and all of this started when hollyweird and others started putting sex on display, instead of leaving it in the bedroom.
25748273? 4.4 years ago
Kangz! https://voat.co/v/whatever/4030876/25687444
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25745357? ago
If you want to see whats coming try downloading a show or two from canada.
Every fucking sitcom and drama promote leftist liberal ideal,
from the aforementioned to every fucking show including same sex relationships.
It's just plain sick and all of this started when hollyweird and others started putting sex on display, instead of leaving it in the bedroom.
25748273? ago
Kangz! https://voat.co/v/whatever/4030876/25687444