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25757732? ago

The Whore for Trump, its like a shitty hollyweird cliche since the days of cowboy films, you are programmed for this shit. The cowboys whore with a good heart, the diseased hooker with a heart of gold is a stock character in tv shows and old hollweirdo films involving a courtesan or prostitute with a hidden integrity and kindness You get attacked on 2 fronts, two Demonic Cults. The first one Christ-Killer Satanic group pushing the mutilation of kids, pushing dual citizen politik, open borders and they push porn, dumb media and degeneracy. The other Satanic Babylon group are mohammedans, they push the mutilation of kids, they push for Open borders and religious extremism, they also push Sharia Laws. Both of them are one and the same even though it seems only one of the group is pushing porn and degeneracy, the mohammedans are also perverts and degenerates and rapists and bandits and pedophiles, but they are less open about their sickess and lie to cover up. Muslim typically are not as smart as covering their crimes as extreme Jews so the dumb muslims get exposed through their terrorism @Helena73 @montol @Asshat12 @Olivefigs

25769291? ago

Funny Cartoons might be a better way?? Simple message in a toon and evrery pic is worth a thousand words.... especially since some Boomers have poor eye sight?

25757818? ago

This makes me think of Kimberly Guilfoyle

25759327? ago

That’s an amazing observation

25759512? ago

Well I dunno. I just hate tarted up conservative women, and she’s one of the worst.

25759765? ago

I agree, looks like a tranny

And excuse me, this might ruffle many a feathers here, but I think melania is a bit tranny ish too

25759809? ago

Transvestigation is hilarious. But no, they are just hos

25760474? ago

Yeah, those videos on YouTube crack me up

I know they hoes, I’m just saying they aren’t very feminine looking. I like my women soft and feminine, so pretty like angels

25757760? ago

This place was never the same since voat got an anal, the donald migration and the other soapbox fuckery....Original Libertarian, and the Jive Ebonics? @ADaniels @VoatIsRunByJews @Not_C @ilikeskittles

25757854? ago

The other Satanic Babylon group are mohammedans, they push the mutilation of kids, they push for Open borders and religious extremism, they also push Sharia Laws.

Sharia is basically indistinguishable from the teachings of Jesus.

25759298? ago

Right when did Jesus teach raping six year olds?

25771013? ago

The hadith which says he married Aisha at age 6 is fabrication and/or a mistake. She was 16/17. This is proved by another hadith which says when her sister Asma died, when Mohammad was married (2nd year after Hijra). Using the other hadith she was wed at 17 and consummated the marriage at 19.

25758079? ago

It is Sharia Law because its Laws are disgusting shit foreign pedo laws that support jihadism and terrorism and islamism. Read up on the prophet and founder of Mohammed, he was a Low IQ bandit who was good at looting and waging war, he diddling little kids in his lifetime. Read your shit book the Quran or Koran or other islamic texts and see there is scriptural proof from that so called holy book the Koran or Quran, he could not read or write so many years later others who were able to read and write wrote down those disgusting coughing hacking arabic sounds and shit spitting arab language and chicken scratch writing into so called holy texts. Aisha was 6 yrs old, a dirty old bandit murderer and a total pedo, 6 yrs old !! he was a terrorist pedophile who cheated his wives and inbred with his own family producing deformities. islam thinks him the perfect man...that is what 'Sharia Law' is. He dry humped the 6 yr old child like a horny dog would, at 9 he damages her body and rapes her, read the Quran or Koran again also read Hadith Sunnah al-bukhari they are translated into other langauges so even a foregner can see what islam is about, the founder and prophet of islam was a pedophile terrorist, Aisha probably took revenge and poisoned the old pedo moohammad, the Iranians today dont like her, but the Saudis look at her in a nice way. The question today is why so many Blacks and African follow islam, are they simply uneducated, remember islam calls africas blacks 'PUG NOSED SLAVES' and RAISIN HEADS?