25713687? ago

Don't forget Harry Reid. Were it not for Harry Reid, the Democrats would only need to filibuster Trump's nominee. It would end.

25699345? ago

Well, if Obummer claims Kenyan citizenship to escape prosecution (as Q stated that he would), it might turn out that his birth cert is fake (we know it is), then if found that he wasn't eligible to be Pres... see ya Kagan, see you Sotomayer! Their appointments could be nullified, two more for DJT, then Roberts goes because he's corrupt.

The only lib that would remain is Breyer.

8 to 1

LOL!!! Talk about heads exploding on the the left!

25698452? ago

I love it it just used it on my father-in-law he is now silent. Thanks for the info

25695283? ago

These people are stupid.

25695191? ago

wasn't there a rumor going around that hillary was gonna appoint obama as supreme court justice and thats why RBG had to stay til obama was out?

25695178? ago

I like the one viral video where the girl blames RBG for having the nerve to die during Trump's Presidency.

25693679? ago

Mitch McConnel wouldn’t have brought the Senate to vote for a Replacement.

25698886? ago

He would have if she didn't wait until the very end of his term. Besides, republicans didn't take control of the senate until atter 2014 election. Would it have been too much to ask her to retire in 2014 when she was 81?

25699805? ago

So she should have retired in the 3rd year of Obama's 2nd term although the Supreme Court is a lifetime nomination/position?

It all seems ridiculous to me. I think McConnel waiting 11 months to fill Scalia's spot was absurd

25692543? ago

They never thought Hillary would lose ...

25692454? ago

So what do you expect to happen? You explain this to Democrats, show them their hypocrisy and they say “oh, you’re right. Never mind. Our bad.”

25692230? ago

All she had to do was stay alive

25692173? ago

Right. Retire at a normal age not 84. Come on

25691934? ago

Was it just good ole jewish greed for power, or was Ruth too senile to realize she was a worthless fossil?

25691586? ago

How about just,"Tough Shit".

25691975? ago


Tough titties said the kitty but the milks still good.

25691818? ago

An oldie but a goodie

25691506? ago

Clearly Satan doesn't have the best time transcendent resource scheduler

25694058? ago

The sulpher clogs it u p.

25691483? ago

She was a Jew, their arrogance knows no bounds.

25691471? ago

When they want to talk about the fictional dying wish, I want to talk about the dying wish of the aborted babies due to ROE v Wade decision.

25691518? ago

tbh we'd be up to our eyeballs with halfbreed mongrels and blacks if it weren't for abortions.

25692005? ago

This. I hope abortion stays legal.

25691989? ago

Illegal Mexicans more than made up for it.

25691289? ago

if someone died, and was immediately put on ice, or preserved in the proper way, could you hide an actual date of death from medical examiner ?

25691967? ago

Or, much more realistically, you have a dirty medical examiner.

You guys don’t even do your own conspiracies right.

Look, she died when they said she died. It makes no sense to do this now, it’s actually terrible timing for them. Not everything is a conspiracy. She made plenty of public appearances during the periods of time where you guys said she was already dead. Just because you didn’t want to hear it means it didn’t happen, right? The pictures are fake? The thousands of people that were at the events were all lying, right? Let me guess: she was a clone? The amount of BS you people believe is amazing.

Remember two months ago when we found out Tom Hanks was executed, and Nancy Pelosi was at Gitmo? Remember?

25692065? ago

She made no legit public appearances since late 2018. You're full of shit.

25691961? ago

You'll find the same MEs keep showing up again and again.

25691494? ago

Was she being cremated? Like Scalia? I don't know if anyone can date cremated remains

25691409? ago

Any good pathologist can determine if a body has been frozen from the cellular destruction. Modern criminology pathologists can determine a lot of things about a cadaver, including where it has been, lividity, position of the body, presence (or absence) of insects, cause of death (usually), and much more.

25692048? ago

Have you ever seen a frozen corpse? You could be a retarded pathologist and figure it out. This is one of the most unrealistic conspiracies people have ever come up with. And besides, you people don’t even live within the logic of your own universe! If they’re going to go to these lengths to hide her death, why wouldn’t they just get a medical examiner on their payroll? What’s wrong with you people? Why would they try to fake it? Just lie! Why involve more people that you need to trick when you could just lie! For conspiracy people you do a terrible job of conspiracies!

She made public appearances while you people said she was dead. So then you guys moved the time frames. Did it three or four times because she kept showing up alive. You demanded to see proof, there were pictures and videos and eye witness testimony, you still demanded to see proof. You demanded proof, we’re provided evidence, but of course, of course, you said it was “fake.” Then why did you ask for evidence? No matter what you saw you were going to say it was fake.There’s no showing you anything that you don’t want to see. It’s childish.

25692113? ago

Um... if you're responding to me, you obviously did NOT read my post, where I said YES A PATHOLOGIST CAN TELL IF A BODY HAS BEEN FROZEN.... I can't break that down into one-syllable words, so deal with it. Go off half-cocked often?

25691397? ago

Just look at sandy hook. Medical examiners can be deep state assets who lie and make shit up to help the DS... no different here.

25691791? ago

If she really was already on ice, why wouldn't they keep her "alive" (fictionally) until after the election then? Was the Soros "is verboten" trend really that important to distract everyone from that they sacrificed an actual Supreme Court seat? Could have set off any FF.

25692026? ago

POTUS releasing his revised list was the warning that he was about to spill the beans on Ruth. The DS was forced to bring her out of the freezer.

25691980? ago


You people need your meds refilled. It makes no sense to time this the way they did if it were a conspiracy. The timing really hurts them, it’s a complete disaster for them why would they do this?

25695619? ago

Almost certainly did not.

25691359? ago


25691225? ago

This is precisely correct. She had an opportunity to gracefully exit many times and she selfishly chose not to.

25691210? ago

Some of the libs on twitter are already cussing her, not even thawed out from the freezer, and they're running her down.

25691186? ago

a leftist acted selfishly? i'm shocked. just shocked!!

25693323? ago

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25691123? ago

You spelled 0bama wrong.

25691997? ago

so did you

8arrack 4ussein

25691079? ago

They never thought she would lose.

25692041? ago

Can imagine what RGB and Hillary had planned for RGB's retirement ceremony?

I guarantee some faggot degenerate team of Kike scripts had already story boarded the whole event for immediately after Hitlery's coronation.

Can you imagine who they had in mind to replace RGB? Hell, these people would be willing to make Maria Abramahovic a supreme court justice.

25693322? ago

Yes, it would have been a huge feminist lesbian celebration with President Hillary, Ginsberg and some younger more radical jewess toasting their victory.

25692827? ago


25692348? ago

Imagine what the script was for Hillary during the 'corona pandemic'; mass graves, mass hit squads, mass kid snatching

25697128? ago

I think they may have waited to release it IF they thought a pandemic could risk her reelection. An adjustable storyboard. It would depend on how her WWIII was playing out. It would be hard to make her look like an expert pandemic-handler if too many died too soon, but during her second term... yeah, go for it. The pharmaceutical companies would wait an extra nine months.

25705965? ago

ww3 then pandemic population reductions;; whew Georgia Guidestones were/are real

25692095? ago

Loretta Lynch

25692442? ago

Would love for the tarmac piece to come back up in some Qrumbs

25694711? ago

I think Ruth Ginsburg not being wiling to retire is what got justice Scalia Murdered. a deal was struck on the tarmac and it was a supream court seat for Loreta lynche

25697808? ago

But why would they off Scalia before a deal was struck? Or do you mean it was more like you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours? Who in their right mind would trust Killary to keep her word on something like that?! You've got a better chance to catch a case of Arkancide than for her to stick to her word.

25699909? ago

there are always multiple reasons on killing someone as powerful as a supream court judge.

25697173? ago

Good point, I hadn't thought of that. I wonder if this were to be the case, whether RBG was in on it.

25696100? ago

They really need to release the evidence of this tarmac meeting. It would swing the election. Not to mention putting a bunch of people away behind bars.

25691026? ago

Also she thought Hillary was a sure thing - leading in the polls!

25694047? ago

You would think she would have been a savvy enough insider to know that the polls were fake.

25695605? ago

Hillary didn't know. She thought she won until the electoral vote determined she was a stupid cunt. They rigged the election and still lost.

25706566? ago

spent a billion dollars and lost, that exposed the Clinton Foundation even more.

25697445? ago

They did cancel the fireworks. Someone knew.