25623084? ago

They came out of Babylon.

They are a cult of deceivers.

25622179? ago

Jews gonna jew. It's US who needs to stand up for the truth, we can't let them get away with this shit any longer.

25621051? ago

Yup. The libraries stock these books. The schools use these books. The publishing houses are all owned by who?

25620661? ago

They make movies and write books to cover the truth also.

I've noticed that whenever someone writes a book or makes a movie that has truth in it they will push out a book or movie with the same or similar name. Their cover book/movie will be trash or stupid, it doesn't really matter they just need something to cover with. Then their book/movie will get All the attention, and the truth book/movie will be buried.

25619615? ago

I want my children’s friends to know what “building 7” means.

25619423? ago

John 14:6

25622884? ago

No one gets to the Father, except through me.

25619421? ago

I am not a religious zealot, but dogma and history interest me.

I am not a politician, but deception and policy interest me.

What I am is a wierdo stoner who came of age in the 90s and as a result of the rise of multimedia a sincere lack of streamable media, during a period of rampant piracy, I became what is colloquially referred to as a warez-pup. I was a group courier and for a time, operated a dumpsite, mostly movies. As time went on, we also acquired older media, encoded for or by us. Decisions were made among us that archival, while fun and bingeworthy, might one day serve a genuine purpose of long term storage for future generations. Its always one set of people who cares, about what others viewed as trivial, that has lead to our own artifacts in current times, though most of those arent in mkv.

As a self proclaimed, media archivist and cultural expert, having reviewed over a century of recorded evidence, I must agree with the OP's evaluation of the situation.

25622894? ago

It's been very effective. Stoners unite.

25619391? ago

And they give awards.

Schindlers List?

25622896? ago

How can it not be true, we wrote a movie about it?

25619341? ago

Fight club

25618194? ago

Remember the 90s conspiracy theory about hairspray and the ozone layer.

Pepperidge Farms remembers...

25622909? ago

At over a century old, I can remember when McDonalds packaging was destroying the ozone layer.

This Earth is built like a brick shithouse, it can take some hairspray. It can take a lot of things, lies and corruption are the worst.

25617567? ago

Name the jews you fucking qtard.

25617211? ago


Agreed. How many more years?

25617396? ago

The way I'm feeling, it better be soon.

Watch the world ignite with God's command.

25617093? ago

Biopics to create myopics who buy my optics.

25617215? ago

Please, only stick to the topics.

25620223? ago

Says the guy who made a post to explain biopics but is too lazy to look up the word biopic. Bit not too lazy to make snarky comments.

25622933? ago


25616862? ago

So true! And weak minds fall for it.

25616278? ago

...and make shows and commercials that misrepresent the makeup of our population. Sorry, gays and interracial couples don't make up 70% of our society.

25617241? ago

Actual gay population, 3.7%.

The rest are pretending to be ass rangers and carpet (tile now that the 80's are over) munchers.

25623153? ago

It wasn't that high when they didn't popularize it in the media.

25616122? ago

Good recent example is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Tarantino had the opportunity to tell an incredible story and indict Hollywood's lie machine but instead further muddied the waters in the already muddied Tate-Labianca murders. But I guess it's like expecting the coyote to tell you who murdered the chickens. Degenerate foot fucker.

25617248? ago

Dude, you have to admit that ending was outfuckingstanding.

25618017? ago

Sure. It's better than the average schlock they throw at us but the real story encompasses everything from the CHAOS and COINTELPRO programs to deathtrip hippies, dirty cops, and underground celebrity porno. Tarantino ignored 90% of it to play-out some weird Hollywood hero fantasy.

25617861? ago

who watches movies anymore ? pure propaganda. no more.

25615861? ago

The advent of DNA testing put a halt to certain outrageous claims and lurid relics that had been offered as evidence of one of the more cherished fables.

25617325? ago

You are as old as I am...do you remember a time in school when the death figure hit a million for the holocaust? The figures I remember were around 750K and most of those were prisoners of war, not Jews. They used the Jews that didn't convert as slaves and treated them no better than dirt. The Zionists moved to Palestine to occupy the territory prior ot WWII. The Balfour deal was to cement Israel in the middle east. The entire WWII was fought over placing Israel where it is, the world was distracted.

Yes, DNA is showing the way. God put a surprise in your DNA as well. You'll have the ability to hear his voice when he returns. The Caain bloodline will never hear a thing.

You will have direct access to Q and God very soon. You'd crap your pants if you knew who I was, so I won't bother.

25617884? ago

keep up the good fight, please.

25617428? ago

May God bless and protect you.

25618079? ago

He's giving me everything, to share with all of you.

The best really is yet to come, and it's not what you were thinking either.

Find your soul, get to know it better, once you do, you'll realize why we are here.

25615809? ago


Wife and I watched "The Man in the High Castle", which I had read before but didn't remember too well. Don't remember the gayness from the sidekick character, Ed.

So I re-read it.

Fucking book is full of holohoax shit.



I've learned in the last year or two that "go into your heart" is the way to escape the prison planet; going into the light recycles your soul and you get another body, another forgetfulness, another lifetime.

"Heaven can wait" I've heard from some pop star. [Star] more like?

Anyway, yeah, the more I look back? The more this year is aptly numbered.

25617358? ago

You've heard God's voice. Soon the lies and deception will be as apparent as a turd in a punch bowl. God will give his children the vision to see past the bullshit and get directly to the heart of the issue.

25617450? ago

Thank you. Presuming it wasn't you that downvoted but it doesn't matter either way, this is anon forum kek! :)

It is so wild to have these new eyes that see and ears that hear! I'm certain I'm not seeing and hearing everything but it's certainly more than most of my family and friends.

Would like to connect with others who are having similar experiences. Gematria is rather interesting. Difficult to leave the house though.

God bless fren.

25618056? ago

For those that can hear, a message will be heard soon. For those that cannot, they will panic.

God's children are being woken up one at a time. Some it's easy, others not so much.

If you know who I am, you're way past the rest.

25618107? ago

Yeah, that panic part is what I'm trying to help avoid, but I feel like Cassandra -- can see the future, but nobody believes me!

Pretty sure I know who you are. And who I am. I yam what I yam, showed a glimpse of the truth when I was but a wee lad.

25618147? ago

The truth is going to hard to take, we aren't the top of the food chain. We aren't alone on this Earth either.

Just like we grow cattle, they grow us. Satan is at the heart of this deception, and Satan ain't human.

25623320? ago

Sunat Kumara? Literal living demon?

Who can say...

25625390? ago

Why does every major city have a television tower? They hide using frequency, much like an octopus can change to blend into their surroundings.

We are battling a civilization that has lived here and bred us like cattle for hundreds of thousands of years. We are food for them, why do so many children go missing and never found?

Why dosn't the Federal Forestry Service or Bureau of Land Management keep records on missing people? They walk among us, they are politicians, mayors, principals etc. They infiltrated every single power position they could.

25625815? ago

You're talking "They Live!" shit , with my man Roddy.

25615459? ago

I've noticed this fact for many years. (((Hollywood))) seems to have a script at the ready for every false flag to solidify the narrative and hammer it home. I could name many but the Boston marathon bombing and flight 93 were immediately pushed out to the masses. It's not working anymore thanks to President Trump (((you're fired))).

25616758? ago

Exactly. And another aspect, when it comes to angles they want you to believe, like the Flight 93 one, is to give you heroism. They make that the focus of the story rather than what actually happened, and in doing so, they gently divert you down a different path; the wrong path, but the right one for them.

25615759? ago

I started understanding this when the dems started all writing books defaming Trump while presenting them as the truth. There are tons and tons of books, pretending to describe and analyze present days political and social life. They are all lies upon lies. But I realized then that should they win what they want et continue their schemes, in a hundred years from now, people would take these propaganda pieces as the true testimonies of what was going on in America, how people felt and the monster that was Donald Trump. Then I looked at all the "historical" books we take as reference, as authentic testimonies of what was going on in the past. I just started telling myself that since the cabal had us under their thumb for millennia, these pieces of historical testimonies are looking more and more dubious.

25615817? ago

I now better understand historical book burnings.

Library of Alexandria? Was that possibly similar? Wow.

25623112? ago

They always take their knowledge and history away from those nations they conquer.history

25616125? ago

No, I believe the library of Alexandria was to steal all the books about power and occult knowledge like the basics of mind-control, true science and more. They stole these books that are rumored to be safely stored nowadays in the Vatican archives and probably other cabal's private collections, burnt registers and other non-important administrative documents, then went on playacting the part of the lamenting intellectuals having lost forever the historical treasures of knowledge. The dumb masses say okay, never suspecting what was really stolen while the cabal applies all the knowledge from these books on manipulating us and controlling the world.

25616414? ago

Yes, I have read that story as well, but I have no evidence of it.

This thought just came to me. That, I have "evidence" of, in my head, not really "shareable".

But I'm not "arguing" it; just exploring the possibility, and also, it could be two things; dual meanings exist.

God bless.

25616593? ago

Share anyways. Could trigger the right idea in someone. If you don't share, you aren't putting this idea in the collective consciousness. The 100th monkey effect, if you will. If the first monkey didn't share its discovery with another monkey, we wouldn't have had that 100th monkey effect. You don't know.

25617387? ago

Thanks fren! Agreed. Loving all the palindromes I'm getting today also! :)

We have multiple "organs with neurons" that science has discovered. I'm thinking they all probably have them!

But for now, the three that I know about science having already discovered, are: the brain; the heart; and the gut.

So my brain requires evidential confirmation. My heart seems to get the direct connection, even if there's no evidence. And now that I've been clearing out the parasites ("Parasite Pill": https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf ; "'Going Viral' Pill": https://www.thebernician.net/the-deception-of-virology-vaccines-why-coronavirus-is-not-contagious-2/ ) -- I'm finding that my gut is a useful "thought confirmation device."

It can't answer every thought, of course, because it "has to be ready to speak." In other words, I can't just have a series of insightful thoughts that it will talk back to me at, because the way that it speaks involves digestion.

This is difficult to describe. It's "thinking with more than just my brain" and it's pretty wild.

Anyway, yeah, sharing is caring! :)

God bless.

25618315? ago

The spiritual community knows about the 3 brains. The most powerful of all is your heart-brain.

In the Bible and Q has repeated it, they tell us to not fear. The heart is love, it knows no fear. It has no limitation. For our heart, everything and anything is possible.

The cabal knows that so they crippled our hearts, so we would be disconnected from our creative powers. We aren't taught how to control our emotions, so we get more traumatized. More crippled.

They condition us to develop the brain with fake science, fake rules, fake world. The head is conditioned to think this or that is not possible, because rule #5d5gd4gf, condition #45yj8yjfr, context #ds8fgj say so. The brain is limited.

The guts are connected to our survival. Again, the cabal exploited this knowledge to keep us in constant survival mode. They constantly distract us with our needs for food, for shelter, for reproduction, for security.

I realized the story of Jesus walking on water was the perfect illustration of these 3 brains.

Matthew 14:22-33

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

See, when Jesus say to Peter "Come" and Peter does walk on water, he's in the heart-brain. His love and trust in Jesus are so absolute, he has not a doubt. The heart is fully functional and makes it possible for Peter to walk on water.

But then the wind blows, distracting Peter by reminding him of the physical world. The head-brain is activating. There's wind, you're on water. The head-brain starts listing all the reasons why walking on water is not possible. And as such, the gut-brain chimes in. Walking on water is not possible, thus you are going to drown in water, thus you're going to die drowning. So panic, fear, doubts overwhelm Peter as he's sinking.

And see, Jesus tells him "You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Peter switched from the heart-brain (no fear, no doubt, in other words "faith") that was making him walk on water to the head-brain (doubt/limitation, it's not possible) and gut-brain (survival, I'm gonna die!) for which things are limited.

The ultimate goal is so the brain, heart and guts are completely in sync.

25621217? ago

Beautiful, thank you!

Really neat to (re-)read that Jesus prayed! Like bathing; it's something we need to do regularly, when in this realm.

Am anointing my head with oil (coconut and pine, in a 5:1 ratio) to clear it of some psoriasis. It's working.

25615317? ago

EXACTLY. we have been MANIPULATED subtley and recently apparently this is SUPPOSED to have PAID OFF for us to accept this NEW level of OUR destruction as a society/civilization.

DEATH NEEDS TO OCCUR for these people, but WHO ARE THEY??? HOW are they associated. Lackeys and minions are visible, WHO is the puppet master(s)??? WHY hssn't ANYBODY in our LEADERSHIP NOTICED and made waves and whistle blown???

25617555? ago

This isn't reddit or the donald. Name the goddamned jews.

25624001? ago

Elites yes. Origin SOURCE perhaps. NOT all Jews at this point. Elites YES. Feminists YES. Fags/Pervs Yes. Parasites are a tool. We are their DANGER/threat for some reason (thwart?). They operate covertly for ease and convenience or fear. NO informants. Earth based?

25626694? ago


25860409? ago

I DO NOT KNOW my maternal grandfather it turns out. HE was RICH (I've learned). He RAPED my grandmother. He DIED unnaturally young. I don't know how exactly.

25616077? ago

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25624085? ago

What is happening here?

25615217? ago

There's a name for "they"

25617374? ago

Does it rhyme with chew?

25615164? ago

They've been at it for a very long time and are unfortunately quite good at it now.

25615781? ago

They got a 3000 year head start on the goyim