Trump will be PLACED back in office. You think you vote. You think we have elections. We don't. We have SELECTIONS. All one has to do is put the pieces together. All Presidents have been PLACED since JFK.
There are RULERS who RULE this planet. Some of you call them Aliens. Some of you call them Fallen Angels.
Doesn't matter. This is their realm. The Material Realm is ruled by Satan. The demigod of this realm and his offspring. Some of you call him Satan. Some of you call him Abaddon. Appollyon. Apollo. the Devil. Beelzebub. Belial. The prince of the power of the air. Yahweh. Yaldabaoth. god of this world. Etc. Etc. Etc.
This is what is coming in November 2020.
Ordo Ab Chao - Out of Chaos Comes Order. Their Order. Their New World Oder.
The Rulers have set it up this way. Mail In Ballots. Election Fraud. Etc. Etc. Etc.
The only way The Rulers can usher in the NWO is through the placement of Trump. When the crazies see Trump back in office all hell is going to break loose in America. This is the plan. This is what the Rulers want.
Hence Trump will enact the Insurrection Act, Establish Martial Law and that's all folks.
Go vote. Go vote all you want. Biden is not the Bildreberg or Davos Elites choice. I 100% guarantee Trump will be PLACED back in office. Go and check out who was at the Bilderberg Meetings in 2019. Go ahead. I dare you. Go and see who attended Davos. I dare you.
Everything is ready. They have the FEMA reeducation camps. they have the coffins, they have the guillotines. Look it up. Research research research.
I know who Trump is. I know his purpose. I know the Rulers plans. We are in the end times. Prophecies are being fulfilled left right and center. It is END GAME time folks.
YOU JUST CANNOT SEE IT. Because most of you are CINO's and follow a false prophet Q Not one thing Q ever predicted has come to fruition. NOTHING. Yet you hang on like sheep being led to the slaughter.
November November the 5th of November Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
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25577564? ago
Kiss my ass I saw this coming a long time ago!
25577578? ago
Uh huh. Sure you did. Sauce? I have sauce. Where's your sauce?
25577727? ago
Ok, you have sauce? Show it.
25579416? ago**Templar Freemason** Red Dragon Templar Freemason Trump Knighted by Red Dragon Templar Freemasons 2220 year Prophecy Fulfilled 2019 Attendee Bilderberg list