25374331? ago

They are logging every threat or possible threat. Be careful what you say.

25373511? ago

Now that George soros has destroyed free speech on twitter and Facebook...he is coming for voat. He can’t stand free speech.

25373345? ago

“Sit back and enjoy the show”

Lets be real. Q is the reason we are not in the middle of an official civil war right now. These spineless marxists are shitting in every hole they can find because they’re terrified of the very thing we’ve all been so patient for - justice.

A lot of people refer to Trump as a “3d chess” player, but this has much deeper connotations than that it is complex. In a game of chess, you could be looking at thousands of scenarios with an equal number of outcomes; the board could be still be full of pieces during a checkmate, or it could be a barren empty wasteland with only two kings left - locked in perpetual stalemate. A good chess player values every piece on the board and knows that even a single lowly pawn (if strategically placed) can turn the tide of the entire game. They also know that a noble piece, when trapped beyond salvation, can be sacrificed and replaced by a pawn that has had sufficient investment and cover.

The only real concern is this: In a “check-mate” the receiving player loses the game, but in real life - what happens when a faction does not concede? In chess, it ends there because both parties know that regardless of potential future losses sustained on either side - the fate of the conflict has already been decided, but many of these marxists have made it pretty clear that they would rather die than live in a free country...

Have your firearms lubed up, professionally sighted, and be sure to conserve your brass. Maybe buy some extra magazines and keep them loaded. What we’re seeing now in blue cities across the nation is harmless compared to whats coming. Think jihadi training camps and secret police forces here in our own backyard - the enemy plays chess too (just not as well).

25373183? ago

Also all the retarded anti-Semitic stuff which has nothing to do with Q

25373125? ago

If they are coming after us then they are worried, Press on!

Dont let covid force you to take bank loans. Press on, expose the truth. the more they resist the harder you push on.

25373023? ago

Could be: everything else is being censored: The good news is that if you take a step back and look at the censorship, you will realize you need at least TWO sources of news and opinion and you definitely need to cross-pollinate across the CHANNELS - Don't be bullied into silence!

25372808? ago

QRV is a thinly veiled collection of jew hating faggots, with a handful of patriots sprinkled in for the sake of appearances.

25372797? ago

QRV is a dumpster fire.

Between shills, racists, Nazi fags, and low IQ idiots, this place is the short bus of the Q world. Intended to keep dumbasses engaged while others do the actual research on other sites.

This place is embarrassing to anyone with self respect

25372716? ago

Everything is a controlled opposition, a psyop and is jewish controlled if you disagree with it and true and fact base if agree with it.

25372528? ago

Project pogo, we are all on the list.

25372249? ago

Narrative-hijacking cabal-SHILLS are allowed so.... probably

25371944? ago

uhhh yes. It is controlled by leftist jews who side with antifa/blm

25371860? ago

Q is likely an operation being executed by an intelligence agency. Possibly Govt, possibly private intelligentsia.

25371610? ago

There is no evidence that the mods are removing any posts or comments.

I agree the sticky was inappropriate and ineffective.

If this were a limited hangout, the mods would have to be censoring posts and/or comments.

25372207? ago

Bullshit. Mods remove anything they do not like that rises to the first page. You must not be on here much.

25371582? ago

Are we really being watched AND monitored? I'm not wearing pants. Am I in trouble?

25371499? ago

Q itself is controlled opposition. Sit down and do nothing. Trust the plan. Don't take any action yourself, you don't need to because nothing can stop what is coming. Just stay behind the keyboard shitposting for 4 years about how it's going to happen "soon", any day now. Keep doing nothing but trusting the plan

25371956? ago

oy vey how dare Americans fight back against jewish terrorists

25372236? ago

Fighting back? You're not. You're shitposting on a message board with people who think the same anyway. A message board who's mantra "trust the plan" is literally, do nothing

25371596? ago

It sure is looking that way, but I will go along with The Plan up to the elections. No key Arrests, No Vote.

25371507? ago

Rabbi is very scared.

25371437? ago

Trust yourself

Inform yourself

Be careful who you follow - Q

25373121? ago

Mark Zuckerberg to Exit FaceBook

MZ to step down as Chairman.

MZ out of US.


Good luck.



2 years ago. Not a single mention of Tik Tok by Q. Q falsely predicted 2 years ago that Mark Zuckerberg will step down and threatened Jack (Twitter), but he couldn't predict that Trump would ban Tik Tok.

25371292? ago

So when I came to voat back in 2016, I witnessed several shady instances that led me to believe this is controlled opposition. Any time someone would point it out, they’d get called out by Crensh and dragged through the mud till they leave crawling away completely humiliated by that little man .

I also noticed that before the 2016 group moved into voat there were ones here that had been here for years before us and gave up because nothing ever happened to the bad guys . Just their low level puppets may go to jail here and there but nothing remarkable.

Now here we are in 2020 and voat seems more controlled than ever before .

25371623? ago

crensch is the troll fag on here and elsewhere spouting his superiority > I have known who it was for some time.

25371133? ago

It's possible the moderator stickied it so that everyone could make fun of it and are now leaving it up as a troll. Do we have a statement one way or another from any mod?

25371055? ago

QRV has beem a shit hole from day one.

The GreatAwakening board has always been my first choice.

25371363? ago

Same mods, shill. Qrv was specifically created to avoid their literal reddit modding.

25371427? ago

^^^ lie

25371525? ago

It's well known.

Same mods.

25371550? ago

^^^ lie.

25371160? ago

Is there anyone left after the (((mods)) cleared everyone out for coloring outside the lines? Numbers there have crashed.

25371465? ago

Content quality is considerably more on point than QRV.

25371639? ago

may be true but censorship is off the charts, would never go back

25370974? ago

If Qrv is controlled op than Q is too and we are all fucked! If this is the case than Agenda 21 and a NWO hunger games style existence is what we are going to have

25371340? ago


25370893? ago

All Jews mods need to go!

Find his account and downvote the shit out of everything he's ever posted.

25373542? ago

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25370873? ago

"Great Awakening" kicks off subscribers all of the time. QRV doesn't. Stay hare and focus on the mission at hand. Don't be distracted by one post or sticky.

25372263? ago

QRV should

25371129? ago

I read GA but some of their mod's are superficial dicks. I see them talking down, calling people names all the time. They make their post sound like the gospel and when you want to talk about it in any matter that they don't view as positive for their post, they result to name calling and talking down. I would say Odini is the biggest culprit on GA

25371369? ago

Same mods.

25370898? ago

Great Awakening is run by Jews.

25370902? ago

Well, there you have it then.

25370866? ago

Drama queen.