25213688? ago

FFS, what part of "THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED" do you not understand???

fcking mossie race war shill.

25213928? ago

(((They))) --the Jews-- want to divide the white race. China is for Chinese people. Israel is for Jews. Where is the country for white Americans? It used to be America.

25213953? ago

You know, QRV used to be good research but now it's just race war shills trying to turn whitey against blackey.

25214248? ago

The "race war shills" don't even have to do anything!

The niggers are turning "whitey against blackey" on their own.

It's glorious to see all these white people waking up to the true nature of non-whites.

25215360? ago

you're not getting your civil war chinabot.


They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by race.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.

25215391? ago

Yawn.... the "divided" speech? From Q? The guy who never delivers?

The only people who want us (white people) divided are Jews.

25215408? ago

you're not getting your race war.

25215431? ago

The nignogs are bringing it on themselves. Watch!


Whites are going to want to eradicate these animals soon.

25215443? ago

you're not getting your racewar jewbot.

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by race.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.

25215459? ago

hahahahahah. keep posting it faggot.

meanwhile, niggers are pulling whites out of cars and beating them to death:


25215481? ago

yawn, not getting your civil war jewbot.

25215496? ago

It's coming whether you like it or not.

Has nothing to do with me. White Americans are fed up with niggers.


25217115? ago

racewar ain't gonna happen jewstein. LOL.

25217125? ago

It already is, dumbass.

Things are about to get really ugly.

25217132? ago

for your deepstate overlords.

Prison is Coming.

25217171? ago

... for Hillary Clinton.

Otherwise, GTFO.

25211719? ago

No. Africans could never do anything like this. They truly are a less advanced race with a lower IQ.

25211231? ago

I...now I pray that they can prevent some "enlightened Muslim" from smashing the net as they screech "allah ackbar" in their savage, backwards hate.

25210319? ago

7 nanoseconds for a jogger to destroy it.

25209955? ago

His-story is not our story. Don’t believe the lies (((historians))) are feeding you. We have been lied to about our history and how everything happened. This amazing work of art is not hand made. There are no chisel marks, and the story we are given is bs. Whites are now only 6% percent of world population for a reason. (((They))) don’t want us to create a glorious world, like we have done before.

25210012? ago

This amazing work of art is not hand made. There are no chisel marks, and the story we are given is bs.

So, who did it? Aliens? What proof do you have? How did they create it?

The problem is that we have to eliminate Niggers and Jews from white society.

25209942? ago

Divided we are weak, united we are strong. Trying to sew hatred, eh? 4chan tactics

25209950? ago

First of all --- you "sow" hatred -- you boomer retard.

Second: whites do not need non-whites. Diversity does not help us one bit.

25210004? ago

Greatly appreciated your reply. Thank you for your time and correction.

25210030? ago

Non-whites cost us money. LOTS of money. They are 100% dependent on whites to create and run society for them.

Who invented cars? Phones? Electricity? Computers? Everything of value was created by whites or asians.

Non-whites complain about whites all the time but, without us, they would live in mud huts in the jungle.

25209807? ago


25209750? ago

How do you even do that? Can people today still build something like that?

25209868? ago

Sure. White people have the brain power and ability to do it.

Niggers couldn't create something like this if you gave them a million years.

25209590? ago

Damn Catholics

25209031? ago

Pastor Manning was vilified for when he was alive. His sermon subject that the black man has never built anything of grandeur.

25211222? ago

They destroyed things of grandeur.

25209079? ago

Yes, a great example. Here is the video:


25209076? ago

When did he die?

25209018? ago

Nothing to do with Q, this is forum sliding.

25209133? ago

No, it's educating people in QRV about the problems in America.

25209184? ago

Stay mad shill.

25209111? ago

Q has done but jack shit for over 2 weeks. Give it a rest.

25208962? ago

It has little to do with race / skin color and everything to do theology and philosophy. The Catholic Church is the mother of nations and all nations that embraced Christianity was given the graces of civilization. The difference between Nigeria and Germany is 800 years of Christianity. If it had been flipped then Africa would be the center of civilization.

25211732? ago

lol ok nigger 👌🏻

25211459? ago

The Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon, and has little to do with Christ.

25211275? ago

You are pointing towards interesting things. These are manifestations of thought.

To be able to do so requires a certain IQ.

Races have different bellcurves in IQ. Hence, rejecting the notion of dna differences in cause and effect thinking, abstract thinking is missing the point.

Natural selection would provide a mechanism that enhances IQ in all races, as those better suited to provide /survive, will have a greater chance to successfully reproduce.

Overlaying this natural process with human interference, meaning, making sure every unsuccesful idiot can reproduce, keep idiots in play and successful.

See all the aid given to the source of the lowest average IQ.

Currently, in our societies, affirmative action, positive discrimination, is not hiring people on merit, but whether one is culturally fitting in. That means the natural dynamic is being skewed in favor of those with lower time preference.

This changes the health and prospects, the direction of any society, especially when lower iq's are being imported and by policy, get to reproduce.

It does not sound very uplifting, but it is simply a description of the dynamic. The consequences are easy to extrapolate.

Gutmensch ideology, hower well intentioned does not consider the long term effects.

25209024? ago

Not possible. White Europeans have IQs of 110+. Nigger from Africa have an average IQ of 65. They have had ten thousand years and couldn't come up with anything more sophisticated than mud huts. Their brains do not work like white people. Niggers are sub-human animals who belong to a different species. They don't belong in white society.

25211106? ago

25209117? ago

You're mistaking correlation / causation. I'm not familiar with the IQ test skin color correlation but it is just as possible that high civilization (caused by adopting Christianity) is what increases IQ's. And if you want to play that game, East Asians have the highest IQ's in the world yet they did not obtain the accomplishments of the West.

Christianity is the mother of nations.

25209781? ago

Not true. Asians have created incredible things. India included. However, no matter how grand the buildings they have built, each empire fell apart in the end.

25209188? ago

It's obvious that niggers are inferior to whites.

Whites do not need non-whites.

We can build a massive, sophisticated, and highly-advanced culture all by ourselves.

Non-whites are 100% dependent on white people to survive. They produce nothing and expect whites to provide for them.

25209208? ago


"Apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

The Catholic Church is the mother of civilization. Everything the West has received has been given as a gift.

25209218? ago

Why is there not one single functional and productive all-black society?

25209466? ago


25209635? ago

LOL. Black Panther beat the odds!

25209241? ago

Because they did not have the benefit of converting to Christianity and knowing and loving the One True God.

Everything the West has received has been given as a gift.

25211770? ago

ffs stop spamming every comment with this. Africa actually has a substantial Christian population. It doesn’t seem to have helped with their IQ, And the continent is still a total shithole. Doesn’t help that Muslims are constantly killing them, either.

25213686? ago

The "substantial Christian population" only became substantial in the last 200 years when missionaries from Europe were able to penetrate into the continent. North African Christianity was wiped out be the Muslims and Ethiopian Orthodoxy has been a minor player, not really transforming the continent.

FFS, what part of "THEY WANT YOU DIVIDE" do you not understand???

25209327? ago

Never try to teach a pig to dance. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig.


25208895? ago

I can see them smashing it in a nonsensical rage

25209034? ago


Things like this remind niggers how inferior they really are.

25208878? ago

well i'd never be able to do that either. but I gasp in awe and would risk life and limb to preserve the inestimable genius!

25209048? ago

If you're a white European, this is your heritage and culture. When people say that whites are the superior race, it really is true.

25208837? ago

Holy Fuck

25208464? ago

It’s frightening to see these open air to the public. This sculpture is beyond priceless and can be replicated for the untrustworthy and unknowing public to look upon. The simp will never know. Only scholars, sculptors and people with a reverent understanding of the nature of these works should be allowed access to the original for study. Can you imagine how many Chinese tourists have attempted to touch it? Or when Islam completely takes over Europe, how these statutes will be destroyed?

25208543? ago

Exactly. We should set up an all-white country and move the priceless works of art there. Preserve our own history.

25208450? ago

why do you have to make it about the color of someones skin...this is NOT what Q is about, man.


25209328? ago

fuck off rabbi

25211448? ago

so you hopped from blacks to Jews?

25208968? ago

The problem with niggers isn’t their skin color. The problem with niggers is their inherent behavior.

25209462? ago

Thank goodness they're black so we can easily identify them.

All niggers secretly harbor the nigger behavior deep inside. It's in their DNA.

Any nigger can chimp out at any time without warning.

25211792? ago


25208557? ago

  1. Because Q is working to solve problems in America
  2. Niggers are a HUGE problem in America
  3. Whites are waking up to that fact

25208418? ago

Look at any African historical art display. There's literally nothing before 1900. Even after that it's cargo cult shit from airplane wreckage

25208481? ago

Africans have achieved nothing of accomplishment in the last 20,000+ years. No architecture. No ships. No great art. No machines. Nothing.

25208323? ago

from: doglegwarrior

thats unbelievable i mean border line mircle. now move forward 40 years some 57 iq muslim imam will have it torn down and destroyed when they take over because of jews.

25208265? ago

we have this in our sidebar in v/soapdoxbanhammer

25208191? ago

Looks like pedo art to me

25208218? ago

"Release from Deception (Il Disinganno), produced in 1752-1759, shows a fisherman being released from a net by an angel. The masterpiece was carved from a single piece of marble and can be seen in Cappella Sansevero, Naples."

25208146? ago

Italians are 17% black...

25209198? ago

23andme says I'm a Gaelic Lord. We're from Palermo.

25208160? ago

I'd have to see proof of that. Maybe sections of Italy (e.g. Sicily) that were invaded by Moors? But, most Italians are of Roman descent.

25208299? ago

It's my understanding that all Europeans had both fair skin & eyes until southern Europe was (temporarily) conquered by African Islamists around 7-800AD.


25208099? ago

Have you seen the monolithic churches in Lalibela, Ethipoia?

25209815? ago

To paraphrase Obama: "The nigs didn't build those."

25208517? ago

What do you want to bet white people built it for them, and then got chased out, and jewish "historians" later claimed the ape people did the construction??

25208138? ago

Ethiopian niggers seem to be mixed with other DNA (like Jews). In the old days they were ahead on the IQ scale and probably did do some nice stuff. But, now they're back to living in a desert, in mud huds, and expecting to grow (or find) food.

25207919? ago

Not a fucking chance in hell

They destroy,they have never built anything but grass huts.


"PROOF" is easily found

25209054? ago

You realize ancient Egypt were mostly niggers, right?

25211240? ago

wrong utterly. The were Mediterranean peoples, who actually shared blood with the Greeks and phoneticians.

They were later conquered by Arabs out of the Arabian peninsula with the fall of Rome.

25209754? ago

Totally wrong. Egyptians were a white race. I've met original Egyptians who for the most part, converted to Christianity. You really should study some history.

25209304? ago

last place I thought i'd see WE WUZ KANGZ

25209104? ago

False. Egypt = middle eastern DNA. Sand niggers? Maybe.

But, the dark-skinned, big-lipped, spear-chuckin', ape niggers are too dumb to have built the pyramids.

They're almost totally useless as slaves too (unless you constantly whip the shit out of them). Too lazy.

25211204? ago

That is why you see red haired and blond haired mummies......

25209278? ago

Anon, I don't know how to tell you this, but Egypt is African

25209429? ago

No shit. But, there is no nigger DNA in Egyptians. They are middle eastern.

25211217? ago

Make a distinction between the people in power and those not in power.....

Besides, arab dna began to be dispersed after 622 AD for jihad reasons.

25208720? ago

The white man built Wakanda and the niggers tore it down and the Chinese point at the niggers and laugh.

25209173? ago

China: "It's all so tiresome"

25209118? ago

Wait till the niggers figure out how racist the chinks are.

25211233? ago

They already have. They have started to throw the Chinese out in recent years.

25212611? ago

Too late. The chinks will kill them and take everything they own.

25208496? ago

Seeing as how a nigger couldnt invent the wheel, and lived in housing less complex than beaver damns, id have to say thats a resounding fuck no.

25208534? ago

If you think this isn’t early porno, you’re wrong. I have no doubt that prehistoric man beat it to fertility idols.

25208395? ago

They are still making that shit today.

25208064? ago

I noticed the nigger who carved it was thinking about "muh dick". What are the odds?

25207846? ago

I hear the Egyptians did some pretty impressive stuff with stone.

You racist boomers are fucking idiots.

25208157? ago

Fuck off civ nat faglet.

25208100? ago

Their slaves, did, anyway.

25208576? ago

Slaves didn’t build the great pyramids

25208672? ago


25209186? ago

Racist Asian UFOlogist says: "ARIENS!!!"

25208096? ago

"We Wuz Kangz 'n Sheeeiiitt?"

Good one, nigger. Good one.

25207638? ago

That's amazing.

25208118? ago

It took him 7 years to carve it. Can you imagine a nigger spending 7 years on anything?

25212392? ago


25209529? ago

that requires planning an outcome, which a nigger has no concept of time or contracts.

25211197? ago

Note also that the sculptors apprentices had the sense of not touching it.

But a net is raycist.....

25209374? ago

They spend a lifetime in degenerate behavior and self-serving shoe worship. That’s about all I can imagine them doing tbh.

25209039? ago

Doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are. Most people in the history of this world cannot create a masterpiece sculpture. It takes too much talent, patience, and experience to create something as significant as this.

25209723? ago

Here's the thing you're missing: A society must first set the cultural conditions where something like this is possible. Sure, maybe one in several million will be able to create something like this through education and skill, but first, the society must create the conditions where a person with aptitude can not only develop the skills, but find a way to market the skill and be secure enough to be provided for while he is working.

I've done a couple of sculptures and I can say, one I did while going to temp construction jobs around the country, finding a park table between contracts, hauling my materials and tools out of my work van and then sitting down for a day. . Finally, when it was finished I again took time off from work just to create the base. I had to lathe some of the parts on a machine lathe, create a mold for the base, concoct my own mix of materials, etc, etc. Along the way to doing this some of my relatives came by to offer advice and help which I hated because they had no idea what they were talking about. No one had offered to fund the effort so this was all done on my own time and inspiration. One person even threatened to take it and burn it. This showed me that great works come from great societies that appreciate the work.

When it was finally done, I left it at my Grandmother's house for safe keeping for a few years. She adored it but I didn't realize I was creating another problem by leaving it in her care while I worked around the country. When I got married a few years later and purchased a condo, she was shocked when I took it to my condo. "I thought you gave it to me!". Less than six months later I separated from the woman I had married and filed for an annulment based on fraud which I won. The new wife was a con artist. When I went to get my things from MY condo I caught the woman in the process of taking the sculpture. I was seconds away from losing my sculpture forever.

Then, it went back to Grandma and I reminded her, it's just for safe keeping as I had been kicked out of my own property and had no place to stay.

Two weeks later I needed more money for an attorney. $1500.00, so I asked Grandma if she could help me. She gave me a sly grin and seemed quite pleased. "NO!". Me: "Ok." very sad me. Grandma: smiling even more: "But, if you will sell me the sculpture, all legal with documents, I'll give you the exact amount of money you need. ". So, I had to get legal documents to give it a title and provenance and sign it over. At least one person valued my work enough to bargain for it. I was hardly felt bad at all and I realized something important. An artist doesn't mind selling his work for any price so long as the new owner really loves the work. That makes it all worth the time and effort.

My work hardly compares to this work I see, but I can only imagine the time, dedication and love of beauty that inspired it. The education and skills this represents can only come from a great culture.

Strangely, it's rare for such work to come from an atheistic regime.

25209421? ago

Another white person could theoretically reproduce this.

A chimp has a better chance of recreating this masterpiece than a nigger.

25208156? ago

If a conservative judge did the sentencing, I could see one doing 7 on a burglary rap.

25209297? ago

sadly more often than not they spend a week if even that then go out and rob another store, get arrested, released on bond, blow their court appearance then end up murdering someone 9 months later. Thank you jewdicial system.

25208183? ago

Sure. Or 7 years at a shitty fast food job. Or 7 years on welfare. Or 7 yrs on probation.

You gotta set the bar low for niggers.

25208274? ago

I know one that sells me Vicodin and he's been doing it well over 10 years now. He moves kind of slow though and is a basic Negro. His cousin, female, is my backup Negro but she's pretty damn mean.

So does any of that count?

25208523? ago

Stop buying vikes and clean yourself up.

25208628? ago

I have, I've been doing well for about six years, been off suboxone for that long. I occasionally will buy some Norco but it's pretty rare. I take Kratom now but that's got to go as well. I kicked benzos about four years ago, only took those to sleep, didn't enjoy them. I can't drink at all, never could, and I haven't tried pot since high school, maybe I should take that up. I'm a writer and have a business though and need a clear head.

25209028? ago

Pot has gotten a LOT better these days, kick the bad shit, come smoke with us, you'll be fine.

25211350? ago

I stopped smoking years ago because it just made me the guy that falls asleep in the corner. I hated that!

I have smoked some though, that made me hyper-aware and feeling creative. I would do that again...

Any idea what that kind would be?

25212676? ago

The sleepy kind is Indica. Names are OG... anything with a planet name. It is the real stinky danky skunk stuff.

Sativa is more hyper-aware/creative stuff. Nice smooth and gentle, as opposed to Indica which is more like being kicked by a horse.

25212972? ago

thanks anon

25209062? ago

I appreciate that advice, thanks much..

25208300? ago

You're playing with fire. "Around blacks, never relax". They can chimp out on you at any moment.

25208405? ago

This is an old timer East Texas country Negro, they're not like city Negroes. You can even play basket ball with them and they won't freak.

This guy is from the town where those white boys dragged that one Negro behind their truck (Jasper, TX).

They're laid back and real dumb. They like rodeos and fancy themselves cowboys. They're quite tame.

However, in my drug seeking, yes, I have nearly been killed several times, many times. And yes they will chimp out on you.

I've had them nearly run over me, also talk nice then reach in my car window real fast for my phone, sneak around to other side of car then suddenly grab the door, jump in my car while at a stop sign, on and on.

What should I do about this?

25208442? ago

What should I do about this?

Do about what? Niggers?

I think Ethnostates are the solution. Build a wall around Georgia and give it to the niggers. Make them all move there. Separate them from white society. Or, if they want full "reparations", give them $2000, a one-way ticket to Africa, and a signed renunciation of their American citizenship.

25208470? ago

I wish. Yeah, I'm a member of a facebook group that's promoting that, but I dunno what will happen, seems we're in pretty damn bad shape. Well, they're promoting divide blue and red states, something like that. How 'bout a ticket for Jews out of the country, they're the main culprit (from what I've read and heard).

25208503? ago

My idea: round up the niggers and the Jews and send them to Israel.

Then, cut off Israel (financially) and never talk to them or deal with them ever again.

Let them enjoy their diversity.

25209157? ago

I like the notion of abandoning bad allies forever, ghost those bastards and get on with life.

25208588? ago

Love it.