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25180748? ago

Even after the kosher spammers close shop for the evening, the crackpots still remain.

25180997? ago

I agree with the OP. You fucktards are a dime a dozen. I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

25181027? ago

Ok OP, we all believe you.

25181057? ago

WTF? I don't think you are stupid. You just have a bad luck when thinking. Stupidity is not a crime so you are free to go.

25181078? ago

Ok OP.

25181104? ago

So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey. What language are you speaking? Cause it sounds like bullshit.

25181126? ago

Enjoying your rant OP?

25181137? ago

You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse. Not the OP fucktard.

25181152? ago

Uh huh.

Whatever You say OPs alternate account.

25181207? ago

Brains aren't everything. In your case they're nothing. I don't do the stupid sock puppet shit Sherlock.

25181267? ago

Uh huh.

We all believe you OP.

25181616? ago

BUSTED!! Playing the part of two people again eh? You're so obvious it is pathetic. You're not as crafty as you think. You are no true follower of the Way, Truth and Life. Total liar and CINO.

25181714? ago

Yes OP, you are busted. You've been pretending to be two different people.

Who is it you think I am?

25181730? ago


Who do I think you are? A CINO.

25181745? ago

Yes your wrong.

Admitting it's good a first step!

25181767? ago

No you are wrong. lol

I have only one account. I have always had just one account. lol

You're busted again. I catch you playing two people every single time. lol

You are the offspring of your father, the Devil.

25181936? ago

Who do you think I am OP?

You accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being the same person. It's a common occurrence with you. You accuse others of what you do.

You can't possibly think I'm the person who keeps posting about the Roman Catholic church because you said you were going to ignore them from now on, so if you think I'm them then you talking to me right now would make you a liar.

Are you a liar OP?

25181965? ago

You are the same individual. Am I a liar. No. You are. You gave yourself away and I am book marking this conversation for proof down the road when you play the role of two people again.

By supplying the link you just proved I was telling the truth that you play the role of two people every single time.

Thank You.

What a fake.

25182095? ago

Do you have proof I'm them?

Do you think nobody else reads these threads?

If you think I'm them then you are a liar, because you said you were going to ignore them from now on.

"I am also going to ignore you from now on as well. "

That is a direct quote.

Why do you lie OP?

25182185? ago

You just gave yourself away. You are so deceived you cannot see that you are doing this to yourself.

I don't need proof God KNOWS. So do YOU.

25182216? ago

How did I give myself away OP? Do you believe only one person reads these threads and sees what you say?

You can't post proof.

I just posted proof of you lying.

Why are you a liar OP?

25182291? ago

I didn't address your alternate account below CINO. You are Soooooo busted!!

“Blessed is he who has crucified the world and who has not allowed the world to crucify him.”

You just posted proof that you have more than one account and try to play the part of two different people time and time again. Then you lie like the devil and try to deny it. You do it every time. You are BUSTED pal. Big time.


Like the Father/Mother told me you are. You are powerless. Wicked. Full of Evil. Not Anointed. live in Sin. Try to deceive. But cannot and never will get away with it. EVER.

There are others on here who KNOW of YOU as well. We all know what you are.

A FRAUD like your false prophet Q. lol

Nite nite CINO.

25182300? ago

I have no alternate accounts.

You told them you were going to ignore them, you claim I'm them and you're not ignoring me.

You are a liar.

You can never prove your claims.

25182327? ago

I already did in this thread.You did it for me. lol

25182357? ago

No, you claimed I'm them.

You have no proof I'm them, just your claim.

I have proof of your lie because you are a liar.

25182200? ago

I just posted proof of you lying.

Why are you a liar?