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24983556? ago

The caller is either a fake or is talking from his ass. Just listen to his sad pre thought story. It was fake when you posted it yesterday and its fake today. I am a mason have been for a long time i have never seen or come cross this.Who knows may be it does happen in some ranks if so it is kept very low, The men in my lodge would beat the crap out of a pedo or a rapist, You don't understand who most of us are.

24983825? ago

Why are Masonic Shriners saying prayers to a pedo Moongod called Al Lah? Why are Mason Jesters connecting to human trafficking?? York, leader of the self-styled fraternal organization, has in recent weeks been identified as the "imperial grand potentate of the International Supreme Council of Shriners" and has been tied to the numerous recent charitable activities of the "Al Mahdi Shrine Temple No. 19." , "York's accusers describe years of sexual abuse: Nuwaubian leader promised 'ritual' would do some voodoo mumbo jumbo spirit crap ... "York, founder and kingpin of the group Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, pleaded guilty in what prosecutors called the largest case ever mounted against a single child molester. […] Some of York's cult members, taught to believe he was the target of a vendetta by white racists and 'house niggers,' have remained loyal. But several of the formerly faithful have denounced York. His driver during the 1970s, Saadik Redd, told the Macon Telegraph he hopes his daughter—still a disciple of York's—will join other Nuwaubians in leaving the group. 'I hope they can see the fallacy in him,' Saadik said, 'and understand that the whole thing was a lie. , Black Nobles , the Shrine

24984111? ago

I worship Jesus Christ My friend. It would seem all you know is wrong.

24984436? ago

Huge levels of blackmail and faggotry happening in masonry, most low level morons do not see the ways of their elite.