Ex-Pornostar - reason why Hollywood has been so incredibly silent on child trafficking is not only do they partake, they are covering for the big league hitters...cover of a crown. (twitter.com)
submitted 4.4 years ago by 3929308?
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24775412? 4.4 years ago
She says nothing we don't already know. Is her being a porn star actually supposed to give her more credibility?
24776221? 4.4 years ago
the porn spammer of voat calls it 'art' just ask the weirdo @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy
24776280? 4.4 years ago
ask him about The Puerto https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/3928085/24768131
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24775412? ago
She says nothing we don't already know. Is her being a porn star actually supposed to give her more credibility?
24776221? ago
the porn spammer of voat calls it 'art' just ask the weirdo @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy
24776280? ago
ask him about The Puerto https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/3928085/24768131