24597421? ago

Her behavioral activity was the cause of the Her unemployment. Suck it up, put a check on your mouth and hide your crazy.

24596243? ago

Sad lil snowflake

24595132? ago

She's a cute little bitch. Too bad she's fucked in the head.

24594127? ago

what was that cancerous website.. hard as fuck to read

24592025? ago

Live by the cancel culture, die by the cancel culture.

24591280? ago

How much does the little bitch have in her GoFundMe?

24590341? ago

What a lying sack of shit.
Could you imagine being her boyfriend?

More than likely a cuck.

24590295? ago

She had a two week unpaid internship, and was canned before she started. very progressive of her.

24590134? ago

Literally a repost of the same exact article.


24589940? ago

wow, they certainly didn't teach her accountability k-12 or at her sociology degree..

24588459? ago

Serves her fucking right, the stupid Nigger loving Bitch can go to the Niggers she obviously loves and get a job with them, because I suspect she will have an hard time getting a job with a reputable company with an outlook like that, Nigger drug pushers need accountants, and the Pimps.

24587914? ago

Wouldn't it be a big liability for any company to hire someone who openly threatened to stab people?

24587544? ago

Gook bitch is woke

24587299? ago

A 2 week internship? What the hell is the point of that? Resume fodder? Makes no sense.

24589807? ago

It's a no risk audition period for the employer. They can try out 10 interns before deciding which one to hire. Not a real employee, so no problem dumping her if they don't like her. In this case, they realized she was shit before she walked in the door on her first day.

24591896? ago

I thought about that after I posted. It's 2 weeks to see if they will work 70 hours a week without complaining in big 4.

24587183? ago

Indicative of the left. deceitful, self-serving, full of hubris...think about this....she votes. Should she be able to with a clearly unstable mental state where she dreams of stabbing people and lies convincingly enough to get hundreds to donate to her. She is clearly a sociopath.

24587066? ago

These moron leftists always act stunned when they find out the rest of the world doesn't agree with them.

24587019? ago

I'm sure they're still hiring at Brazzers.

24586953? ago

https://archive.ph/LXvfo :

2020-07-03 | Deloitte says Harvard grad who blamed Trump supporters for losing 'dream job' was only on internship

'They are standing in solidarity with her, claiming Deloitte fired her for expressing her views. ', "In the clip, which has sharply divided people online, she threatens to 'stab' anyone who says 'all lives matter'."

'I am too strong for any of you, All Lives Matter racist Trump supporters. ', "Claira Janover, 22, tearfully claimed on Wednesday that supporters of Donald Trump 'took my job away from me' by calling for her firing, in response to the video.", "The 'all lives matter' phrase has been criticized as erasing the experiences of black people and dismissing the racism that African-Americans and black communities across the world face."

This has been an automated message.

24586870? ago

She'll never work for any of the big 4 now that she pulled this stunt. They HATE bad publicity and bullshit like this is anathema.

24586699? ago

Another fine product from Harvard.

24586615? ago

Makes me sick when maggots like this whore make money from being evil cunts.

24586458? ago

Her two GoFundMe accounts are taking it in

24586728? ago

How do we file a complaint of Fraud with GoFundMe? I think all of us should do that...

24587285? ago

She's threatening to kill qhite so they'll probably just promote her page.

24586876? ago

That’s ok, she will fuck that up to. Her little divisive plan will follow her around for a long time. I wouldn’t be shocked if the whole thing was thought out from the beginning. Freeloader

24586930? ago

Yeah - you're probably right. These young'uns forget them there interwebs have a super looooooooong memory.

Funny, was talking to a Millennial the other day about something and they challenged me because it was not posted that way on Wackypedia. So I said, do you have that link? Can you send that to me? He did while we were standing there. I pulled up Wayback Machine and put in his link. Sure enough, same article from years ago was completely different and proved my point. How do they not know about Wayback machine? Maybe we shouldn't tell them in case they figure out how to go back and change it...

24586273? ago

The MGTOW guys have had girls like her pegged right from the start. - the pubic hair of an adult with the integrity and personal responsibility of a toddler.