24591103? ago

Muslims did the same.

24586550? ago


I wonder how many nigger lovers watched (watching?) Louis Farrakhan tyrade on "REVOLT" network now. He has DECLARED niggers are the ENEMY of whites. PERIOD.

24586197? ago

California is stockpiling weapons being sent by the Chinese for BLM and Antifa. They are planning on taking over the US and if you continue to let them do what they are doing it wont be long than its game over.

24585977? ago

"Wuhan" was a guy taken down by Mao. Such weird wordplay in this timeline!

24585209? ago

Voting for the dems gets you this or worse

24584039? ago

Must be where Pol Pot got the idea for when he took over Cambodia in the 70s.

24583915? ago

Thankfully, Chiang Kai-shek brought most of China's treasures to Taiwan when the legitimate Chinese government Kuomintang fled to Taiwan.

My grandfather's entire family had their entire wealthy stolen from them by Mao's communist thugs. They took everything, leaving his family to starve and forced them to eat tree bark in order to survive. Many committed suicide due to the hunger and shame. My grandfather was able to escape to Taiwan with my grandmother, but he almost got executed by the Japs when he tried leaving.

Mao was a traitor. He stabbed the Kuomintang in the back while they were trying to fight off the Japs. The citizens of China didn't have any guns at the time, so it was easy for Mao and his thugs to topple the Kuomintang and take over China.

NEVER give up your right to bear arms. The same Jews who conquered Russia and helped Mao take over China are using the same playbook and trying to do the same thing to America.

24585419? ago

Also a good reason why Trump is trying to exit all foreign wars, so the military is not distracted as to who the enemy is.

24586206? ago

He is bringing them home because the war in here. The Next major american war will be fought on American soil.

24585701? ago

Correct. For over a decade, I've been warning people whenever and wherever I can that China is America's and this world's #1 enemy and threat.

I've been telling people on Reddit, Twitter, here, and many other places that everything President Trump has done since he got into office was to strengthen our military, bring troops back home, end the pointless globalist wars, and to prepare for potential war against China. Trump doesn't want war, but if one does start, he wants to be sure the United State military is well prepared to fully decimate the enemy, which would most likely be China. Plus, having a strong military is a good deterrent against belligerent bullies like the CCP.

Bringing aluminum and steel manufacturing back home, tariffs, strengthening the relationship with Taiwan, selling Taiwan new F-16s, weapons, and military tech, strengthening relationship with India, getting rid of the Clowns in North Korea, becoming friendly with Kim Jong-un, building a working relationship with Putin and Russia, becoming good friends with Abe and Japan, strengthening relationship with South Korea, and so much more.

Hussein destroyed our military and weakened it, so that we're vulnerable when Hillary was going to kick off World War 3. Trump built our military back up and weakened China every chance he got. Before the CCP unleash the KungFlu, we were dominating them in every negotiation. Trump was able to surround China with friendly or at least neutral allies, forcing the CCP to resort to unleashing a biological weapon on themselves and this world, in order to fight back, because Trump has dominated them so hard.

24584362? ago

Starting to realise why my Taiwanese gf hates China with a passion.

24585719? ago

Most people I talk to in Taiwan basically believe anything CNN says.

24585732? ago

Yup...pretty much like America

24584657? ago

Most Taiwanese hate China, or at least the Chinese Communist Party. Thing is, a lot don't even know about the atrocities the CCP committed in the past, only their current atrocities.

Taiwan has its own problems to deal with internally. The Democratic Progressive Party took over and has won the past 2 general elections. They've successfully brainwashed most of the youth and won the culture war there, just like the Democrats in America. They've stolen elections and even stolen Kuomintang's funds. Majority of the population believe that Kuomintang are the bad guys, when the opposite is true. They've been indoctrinated to think that Kuomintang supports the CCP and vice versa.

Anyway, just a bit of info for you to know, in case you ever discuss these things with your GF. She's probably a DPP supporter, so be careful talking politics with her. DPP people are like leftists here in America.

24585234? ago

Brainwashing the youth .... definitely just like the dems in America

24585402? ago

"Democrats" is just a name.

Democrats in Taiwan hate communist ideals. While Democrats in US love them

In Australia "Liberals" are actually like the US Republicans.

This why im refraining from using the party names here...it does get confusing. The parties ideology is what matters.

24585431? ago

It's not confusing. You have no clue what's going on in Taiwan. You only hear it from your GF who hears it from fake news and other brainwashed, indoctrinated people. The DPP are the leftists in Taiwan. That is a fact. They are thugs, corrupt, and use the same tactics to gain power that the left and Democrats use in America.

24585661? ago

You saying the DDP and US dems are the same thing kinda disqualifies you from 'Taiwan expert' status tbh

24585752? ago

I'm not a "Taiwan expert" and never claimed to be. Nice try with your retarded strawman. Another stupid leftist tactic. Oh, and it's the DPP, not DDP, faggot.

24585802? ago

Ok you are now reduced to personal insults and scouring for typos.


Have a good one

24585660? ago

In Taiwan right now and can confirm. Green party/DPP is basically the Dems.

Green supporters are all fucking psychos.

24585868? ago

Green party is another can of worms.

It's really sad that so many people have been brainwashed and tricked by these thugs and nutjobs.

Taiwan was doing great and prospering until the left took over. Now, it's a complete mess and the hapless KMT allowed all of this to happen, just like the feckless Republicans allowed the left and Democrats to gain so much power and control over people's minds.

Taiwan is so fucked and there's nothing the good people can do about it now. They don't have a Trump to lead them against the onslaught of the DPP.

24584799? ago

We talk politics all the time, Taiwanese have very western values and a good sense of humour. I joke about how racist she is whenever she starts up on China

The current party in power wants to be more independent from China.

For instance they are now in the process of removing the word China from Taiwanese passports.

The opposition party leader is known for being in love with the CCP and wanting to reduce, if not abolish their independence

That's what the recent large scale protests in Taiwan (and Hong Kong also) were basically about.

24585687? ago

Taiwanese don't have a western sense of anything. I've been here ten years now. They're a bunch of brainwashed fools.

I think they're essentially good people below the brainwashing but waking people here up... Wow. If you ever do it you let me know what you did...

24585718? ago

Youre saying western countries aren't full of brainwashed fools?

24585823? ago

Why do you think I left?

I'm thinking at this point I need to go back to fight.

24584872? ago

See, you've already bought into the DPP propaganda she's been fed and is now feeding you.

The DPP doesn't just want to be "more" independent from China. They want complete independence. Which will cause China to attack Taiwan, destroy their economy, and drag the U.S. into war because we have a treaty that mandates we protect Taiwan against China.

Removing words from passports. Isn't that what leftist enjoy doing? Removing, changing, twisting words? Oh, and they don't just remove words from passports, they completely twist, omit, and teach false history in all levels of education. Again, just like leftist and communists do in America.

The opposition is Kuomintang, the KMT. They are not in love with the CCP. Those are pure lies and propaganda from the DPP and their fake news media. KMT wants to keep a good relationship with China, so that both countries can continue to prosper and not go to war. The DPP twists that into meaning KMT loves China, and the majority actually buys the bullshit they're feeding everyone.

24584953? ago

So just to be clear...

The current party wants independence from China, and isnt scared of telling them to shove it.

The opposition doesn't want to annoy the evil corrupt CCP. They just want to keep bending the knee because they are afraid.

And you support the knee benders? Are you serious?

Btw Trump supports the current party. He made this clear by calling them personslly after winning the election.

24585136? ago

Did you not read what I just wrote or did you purposely ignore it?

China has made it clear that if and when Taiwan declares independence, they WILL attack and they WILL destroy Taiwan. They've been itching to attack for decades. They just need a good excuse to do it. Once they do attack, Taiwan will either be obliterated or the U.S. will have to come in and protect Taiwan, which will lead to a world war.

The DPP and people like you and your GF think this is a joke, like declaring independence is a walk in the park and that no serious consequence will result from it. You're fucking delusional if you think that China will allow Taiwan to be fully independent.

The KMT has kept a balanced relationship between Taiwan and China for decades. Taiwan has prospered because of this. Ever since the DPP took over, Taiwan's economy has gone to shit. Entire cities and villages have had their economies crash and are now poor as fuck. But they keep voting DPP back in just like the morons who keep voting for Democrats in poorly run cities in America. Then they blame the KMT just like Dems blame the Republicans when shit gets fucked up once they come into power.

And no, I don't support knee benders. That's not what the KMT are.

BTW Trump supports any party or leadership in Taiwan. Wow, calling a President who just got reelected is so special. Must mean Trump hates the KMT and loves the DPP, right? You're such a fool.

24585262? ago

I understand what you're saying. You explain yourself just fine.

You are worried about angering China.

I'm not worried about angering China.

China is just a big ol' bully. Didn't anyone ever teach you how to deal with bullies?

24585311? ago

Nobody is worried about angering China.

Smart people are worried about China murdering millions and dragging the United States into a world war.

It's obvious that this is a pointless conversation with you. It's like arguing with a leftist or Democrat. In a way, I basically am, since the DPP is literally the Taiwanese version of the Democratic Party in the U.S., and you and your GF are clearly brainwashed by their propaganda. Have a good day.

24585499? ago

Incorrect. The DPP and US Dems are two totally different things.

DPP hates communist ideology. US Dems love communist ideology. Totally different things.

The only thing they have in common is the word Democrat.

Definitions change in other countries guy. Do you know what the word " fanny" means in UK?

You wouldn't dream of telling your grandma to park her fanny on the couch in UK

24585783? ago

Again, you have no clue what you're even talking about.

You have not once been able to refute what I've said with actual facts.

You're a fucking idiot. Just stop typing and regurgitating everything your brainwashed, leftist GF has fed you.

24585844? ago

Fact is you crap your pants at the mere thought of any country daring to take on China

24584170? ago

This should have it's own post!

24583780? ago

Our younger generation has been purposely educated poorly by the infiltrated schools so that they don't know about these communist attrocities, and will be useful idiots. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

24583748? ago

It would be great if everyone could see this. Wow.

24583697? ago

So that's the plan - NFL stadiums build in major cities go empty because patriots no longer want to attend.

Now the stadiums are used to round up and murder anyone that doesn't worship the new earthly overlords.

Everything that cant be understood with a 3rd grade education is destroyed along with the individuals capable of creating wealth.

Welcome to Hussein's insane America.

24583692? ago

3.9 Million NICS background checks in JUNE - All time record - Nearly 20 Million in 2020 so far, 1/2 way through, on the way to a record breaking 40 Million beating the next best year by 12 Million.

24583578? ago

One needs to read, watch and understand this: https://voat.co/v/politics/3898829/24498972

24582966? ago

full documentary?

24583589? ago

Not the same but close: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3908067/24583578

24583008? ago

No it's just a clip.

24582449? ago

Yes, it's ALWAYS a short step from destroying statues to destroying people.

24582385? ago

That is our fate if evil wins in America. Although, many Patriots exercise their 2ndA God given right, so those Patriots will not go down without a fight. That is one hill that I will die on.

24582374? ago

Yumpu: Rothschilds in China, Jews Created the CCP - International Jews still run the country the same way & for the same purpose they usurped power in Russia, to advance Zionism by military conquest [Rothschilds in China]:(banneddomain).


The Chinese Communist Party was created by the Jewish Communist International during a meeting in Shanghai between Russian and Chinese Jews. Yumpu.

24584120? ago

Yup, worldwide problem.

This chinese artist makes art with pedo/occult/cannibal/transhumanist themes. Matches the creep factor of many of the western artists anons have discovered.

Underage looking models, half naked, wearing rabbit ears (artwork is called "carnivore")

Young children with antlers growing from there heads.

Guy in blue/white(Epstein temple/Israeli colours) striped clothes. Antlers growing and hes morphing into a different beast.

This guy is definitely involved.


24583460? ago

"Chinese jews"......it's gonna take some time to wrap my head around that...

24593858? ago

There is a Jewish Autonomous region in Eastern Russia on the border of China. It is one of two, the other being Israel.

Makes a little more sense in that light.

24590689? ago



Here's a bit more stuff you should "wrap yr head around,"