24559564? ago

Start by reading 100 posts a day plus any new drops of the day.

24557509? ago

Go slow! Some pills are easier to swallow than others. For example: Politicians of both parties are corrupt. Some politicians are owned. vs Some politicians eat children.

24552137? ago

Q names them/ Pedogate.

998 https://files.catbox.moe/kw76bi.PNG (Named)

1871 https://files.catbox.moe/4k2243.PNG (MOS capstone)

1489 https://files.catbox.moe/l0eqjv.PNG (Mossad attempts failed)

2102/2089/ https://files.catbox.moe/dbt0ua.PNG (alex jones is MOS backed)

29 https://files.catbox.moe/180wky.PNG (take a guess)

3493/3469/3464 https://files.catbox.moe/qbv9ie.PNG (ray chandler/Epstein "web" (MOS) pizzagate)

3666 https://files.catbox.moe/ai480l.PNG (AS is MOS)

2872 https://files.catbox.moe/lhfspr.PNG (Crimes against children/laptop)

2337 https://files.catbox.moe/u1bety.PNG (israeli intelligence stand down)

2816 https://files.catbox.moe/kouxyv.PNG (take a guess)

1751 https://files.catbox.moe/bugdjk.PNG (C_A / MOS attacking board)

142 https://files.catbox.moe/saqsah.PNG (trace the bloodlines/FED/Titanic)

1957 https://files.catbox.moe/abeunb.PNG (holohoax)

137 https://files.catbox.moe/4qufg2.PNG (Rothschild banks)

136 https://files.catbox.moe/k2a2wg.PNG (Rothschild banks)

135 https://files.catbox.moe/5380r1.PNG (Rothschild banks)

184: https://files.catbox.moe/y2f34e.PNG (Sheep/feeders)

953 https://files.catbox.moe/rwtxyt.PNG (Sheep/Cattle)

153 Emphasis added: https://files.catbox.moe/2g0sn6.png

350/354 Emphasis added: https://files.catbox.moe/pnfans.png

133 Emphasis added: https://files.catbox.moe/qp9f4s.png

  • (142/ 1957: background)










  • "They want you divided"










24558646? ago

Excelent screens.

Did you get to the real significance of the spider sculptures all over the world ?

24550562? ago

Start from the first post. Duh.

24550313? ago

q has already run its course. not really helpful at this point. i think if people understand 9/11 truth they are pretty red pilled.

24559022? ago

They reached midway.

This is FE-centric but you can apply it to your own hierarchy.

24549883? ago

Here are some old notes of mine.

Some of them may be wrong but at least you can use them to get an idea.

85 - Seth Rich!

92 - Vegas Shooting -HOLY SHIT (guard was ms13, disposed of, survivors killed for talking)

94 - BO paid hillarys debt for losing presidency (iran shipments)

100 - Queen Elizabeth, cults, nazi germany

118 - seems very important

119 - The Fed

133 - "The Eye"satanists EPSTEIN ISLAND IS A LODGE!

138 - The Fed sets outside US soil immune to its laws

140 - America is the capstone? (potus SA "sword dance")

142 - WW2/titanic/merkel/soros/

148 - Attack article by NYT

153 - Trump motivations for president (saving USA)

154 - OBL/9-11 mass extinction event, ww1/2 orchestrated by famlies, gun control, lords prayer

157 - MSM/Social Media/control (interesting stuff about open source i'd like to figure out)

158 - "How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?"

165 - Twitter new policy is attack on POTUS

183 - interesting

182 - Shakespeare telling us about Illuminati? owl/eagle

189 - Cult runs world/merkel,may,childhood friends

194 - "covered in gold" (occultic) (korean man found selling gold leafed fetuses)

197 - Egyptians/Gold=Skin of Ra

205 - Direct threat against Melania?

209 - Musk SPaceX/NK?

236 - Sum of all Fears/NK holding world hostage

249 - Obama AIDS (hidden) message recorded in NK (red=communism/redcross connection) "learn to decider" Bush ref?

252 - Disease manufactured AIDS

259 - 9/11, 7/10 targeted kills

304 - "These people are sick" video unavailable, try to find

306 - Q predicted Pope change to Lords Prayer

318 - Chris Cornell/Chester Bennington murdered for trying to expose Geffen?

319 - Obama codename was Renegade, has arabic inscription on ring

325 - Adam Schiff "blunt and direct time"

330 - "We have special place picked out for GS (Soros), Really SPecial" oooooh, juicy.

331 - Q alludes to wives being high priestesses

337 - Antifa purely fake for division/chaos, 4-6% "hopelessly brainwashed". alludes to democrat grip on black population (BLM same as Antifa?)

339 - Soros culprit in stolen elections

341 - Obama documents transfered to presidential library. open to public after 5 years, already raided by good guys. "Presidential LIbrary" law itself is a scam to cover bad actions. Obama first fully digitized

344 - Anerson Cooper image "same sick club" what's at the top of the papers on desk? weird doll thing in background.

354 - Just a very good summation post

368 - They derailed a train as punishment for lost Cult Member

389 - Heidi Fleiss an operative? hahahaha

392 - Red Cross heavily involved in child trafficking

426 - good post about NK nukes tech (NK was their key, last hope at staving off justice through nuclear threat)

428 - holy shit, google home, amazon echo, appl face ID all technology to track dissidents and bomb them. Musk tied in(how? i really want to know Musks involvement)

432 - Sub missile launch

437 - Obama cut shuttle program, SpaceX, EYE OF RA, symbolism

442 - UFO distraction

443 - "space critical for NAT SEC, was terminated for a specific reason"

448 - allusions to Haitian immigrants infected with AIDS being used as typhoid marys

466 - Obama traveling globe, $$$$$$, even gives partial account numbers, hahaha

489 - where does the money come from? WE PAY FOR IT ALL who controls money? list of fake institutes, wars, foreign aid. leads to The Fed Bank

493 - Planned Parenthood (read congressional investigation) "These people are SICK!"

520 - DACA Gov shutdown purpose was to shut down the MILITARY!!!

531 - Explanation of Chess terms

570 - Lots of deep info about "#Memo", need to re-read

586 - (DEEP one) FBI texts discussing assassination of Trump using foreign allies. sacrifices/who do you trust/60% must remain private.

634 - (post date Jan. 27, 2018) John Perry Barlow :Heart attacks can be deadly (John Barlow died in his sleep February 7, 2018

645 - James Comey coded threat to Andrew McCabe

651 - Train Crash False Flag

653 - Newport Beach Standard Hotel General Manager dies in helicopter crash (Q - "What happened @ those hotels?)

655 - Watzman was the General Manager of the Standard hotel in West Hollywood. She had worked for the company for nearly 11 years. (Crazy Days & Nights Hollywood website rumors) (Adam Schiff connected/Pedo trafficking in his district)

662 - Truck that struck train was a drone (or people driving were drones?)

666 - Rothschilds, black forest, stockmarket drop 666 points (signal to POTUS that THEY control the market)

675 - Antonin Scalia 187

682 - Q shows images real time of operational arrest of someone. Substance around window from flashbang (intense)

693 - Cures for diseases withheld

695 - Top Medical doctors killed

718 - Russian plane crash. 71 killed (only 1 target, tied to Uranium One)

725 - NK=CIA Blacksite (lots of interesting tidbits here about overall operations)

730 - "truth to power" John Barlow/Snowden/Russia(cia blacksite too?)

732 - Mccain is a traitor of the highest order ISIS/Rothschild/Clintons/Saudis

735 - Big Pharma Has The Cures

759 - Parkland Shooting Hillary/Obama/Chelsea

760 - CIA uses SecureDrop to pass info to Journos/ties in with John Barlow somehow

770 - lots of info securedrop/snowden/aaron swartz

772 - MKUltra/car tries to ram presidential motorcade

776 - Mind control/RF frequencies/Cell Phones/Pharma

779 - Elizabeth Warren & Consumer protection Agency /sham/scam

790 - Very interesting post about SNowden Deepdream/AI/Eric Schmidt failed

799 - Did Jack Dorsey call in a hit on the president?

817 - Sandy Hook Information sheriff/hillary/aid money

827 - Stanislav Lunev The Bridge. leads to Comey coded tweet to poison the Potomac.

895 - Twitter Jack/Snowden/ VERY interesting tech stuff need to understand

923 - Hollywood slaves/stars

924 - Spirit Cooking is bigger than we know

936 - Nazi World Order

942 - CNN airs JFK assassination during trumps speech

1090 - Mccain/isis/blackwater

1148 - LL/BC tarmac meeting (promised Ginsburgs SC seat)

1161 - John Brennan killed Antonin Scalia

1167 - Anne Wojcicki/23andme (connection?)

1174 - Q false flag (They crashed a plane where the only passenger killed was in seat 17)

1176 - Q explain how Trumps former head of Security's father was murdered because his son failed to keep his position.

1187 - Pelosi admits visiting NK missiles/intelligence

1203 - Allison Mack naming names NXIVM (Big hollywood names being named/Standard Hotel helicopter crash(Refer to CrazyDaysAndNights gossip blog(nsa?))

1206 - Obama with "pet" Wendy(maggie "wendy" nixon) (ugh) (is Obama Nixons son?)

1253 - PP sales of fetal tissue

1276 - John Legend "moonchild"/Haiti/HRC

1282 - Explanation of Flynn "taking a rubber bullet"

1337 - WOW!!! Facebook/SpaceX/CIA/Darpa surveillance F9(Falcon 9)(sabotaged by good guys?)

1340 - Reveals Alex Jones/Infowars=controlled opposition

1408 - ZTE phones compromised (funny)

1435 - Nellie Ohr of Fusion GPS/Ham Radio

1547 - ET? DISCLOSURE!!?!?!!?

1630 - Freemasons always at school shootings/interviews/background

1728 - Hawaii missile intercept

1758 - Avanetti/Brenna linked to sub missile launch

23?? - Really good Red October post

2421 -More Trump Signals Q

2807 - Q lists jfk & reagan as outsiders. He says the same of Trump but labels it highly classified. Why? Ok, i get it. its the assassination attempts that are classified.

24558491? ago

Very interesting notes. It did refresh my memory on some of those points.

Are those contemporaneous notes ?

If yes, do you go back from time to time and revisit/correct those ?

24560324? ago

Those notes are from my very first read-through of the Q drops. I was fresh faced and ignorant back then, so no, the notes and discoveries are not fresh although I've been thinking of doing a re-read of them.

24560652? ago

They are pretty good, with very few inaccuracies.

Even if you correct some of them, it's always interesting to keep around the first run. It shows what could be misunderstood and needs more thorough explanations.

331 - Ghislaine Maxwell ?

24549774? ago

For the life of me I don't know why there is not a permanent thread for this.

24550749? ago

Because QRV was taken over by faggot mods. You can comment all you want but you get banned if you post really good stuff.

They would never sticky info this good.

24550888? ago

I know I have asked for this before. I am hoping that enough people wake up and realize that without something like this in place QRV is nothing more than a circle jerk.

24549384? ago

Just let her walk her own path. Talk Q with her along her journey.

24549330? ago

Set the priority from Q post 1 and then have them read 2,3,4.....

24548914? ago

I like watching the "Just Informed" videos.

24558139? ago

I fully recommend his videos.

I used to watch him and 'Citizen Investigative Report' but now I'm more on Voat.

24548722? ago

Show them the side bar Players and themes for example

Show them how to search(one of my favorites.

Recommend the first one hundred.

Encourage they have fun in this multi-dimensional Clue

Encourage them to spend some time outdoors and with the critters. Keeping balance, and re-charged

Congrats ANON for you recruitment excellence.

24548660? ago

Tell him or her to read only the current ones

24548614? ago

How about prioritizing all the things Q promised were supposed to happen but never occurred. That's a good start

24548546? ago

think that's impressive, introduce them to jews jewing. https://voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838/

24548533? ago

X22report on youtube

24548515? ago

The most important:

Patriots have no skin pigment - Q

24548436? ago

You could try to ease the crossover. I've had better luck pointing people to Tim Pool and Styx on YouTube than I have sending people to Voat or even TheDonald. In the end, if they see the hypocrisy, stand up for what's right, and leave the left it doesn't even matter if they know about Q.

24548399? ago

I think spoon feeding with examples of Q posts on major issues is probably best but tread carefully. Explain the first few days of Q posts about HRC and Podesta arrests but make sure they understand that those few days were actually future deltas. Then let them follow currents posts and let her ask question about them. They can only learn at their own pace. Send them links to twitter/fb or YT. X22 Report is great for newbies because Dave has a mild and understandable way of explaining things. Also Redpill 78. QRV is very difficult to handle at first. There is too much to weed through for a newbie. When I first got red pilled I made the mistake of talking about imminent arrests and tribunals. Please stress the Loooong term plan and ultimate changes that will happen to ALL gov't and draining the swamp. Also explain the 13 bloodlines who actually worship Satan with Q posts so they understand (their) goal of massive population genocide. You can do this. Good luck Patriot.

24548341? ago

I can't post links, watch "fall the cabal" videos

24548302? ago

Start with the ones that have come true in any meaningful way. It's a short list, so it wont take very long. More accurately: it doesn't exist.

24548344? ago

Like No Name’s funeral 30 days before it happened to the date? Shill better. I can spend my day listing all of them, but you are not worth my time.

24548369? ago

Please do, because I don't find the death of an 80+ year old man with terminal brain cancer all the convincing. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally.

24554334? ago

Timed death. Shill.

24548295? ago

what do I recommend?

start at drop #1 and read.

get gud.

24548286? ago

Start from the beginning, itlke make more sense as they move through it rather than jumping around I think.

24548257? ago

The first 64

24548217? ago

Tell them to just wait until it’s over. They don’t need to be put through the endless blue balls expecting justice anytime soon.

24548208? ago

Just let them discover them themselves and ask you questions when they find something interesting. No need to steer them in any direction.

24548203? ago

Read them in order.

24554294? ago

I did that in May 2018 plus many related decoding videos from Q-Tubers at that time.

That was quite an undertake. Imagine doing that now. My head would explode.

24548192? ago

If Q actually arrested someone, you could point to that instead of having a dozen cult members give you different suggestions.

24548152? ago

Life is hard. Try harder.

24548747? ago

This, but no, the mouthbreathers here will recommend famefags over thinking for yourself. This entire thread is astroturfing.

24548142? ago

Dont send people to qmap right away. Send them to good Q twitter users or facebook pages. Or if they have a strong stomach then send them here.

24548137? ago

The most important ones are the current ones and the ones that are not released yet. Start reading as they come and follow the links to look at info. https://qmap.pub/

24548076? ago

get out the bong and coffee.... read them all...

24554235? ago

What? I miss SerialBrain2. Sometimes intriguing, but always funny.

Did you catch it?

24560489? ago

Peruvian coffee for you

24548074? ago

Honestly, Dave Hayes' book, The Q Chronicals Part , is a great way to introduce Q

24548065? ago

I recommend Dave Hayes' (Praying Medic) book The Calm Before the Storm, the first volume in the Q Chronicles. He breaks the chapters into topics with Q drops to support and explain rather than just a chronological list of drops which would become quite tedious. There is also a huge glossary of abbreviations and terms to help clue people in. And it's well written to boot.

24548558? ago

I always sort of liked him but then he would lose me with his dreams. I’m not interested in him inserting himself into the Q posts. In a way I feel like he tries to boost his authority in this way as if he is augmenting certain Q posts with his “divinely given” dreams. Otherwise he’s fine.

24549500? ago

Plus he makes a butt load of money off Q. I don't care who makes money but I stay away from the money whores. It never takes long before they leave the rails. Just like TV preachers.

"Be careful who you follow." - Q

24548397? ago

Praying Medic is some good stuff, especially for noobs. They should check out the videos too. He's done a good job of learning Q's writings.

24547973? ago

Trump's inaugural speech and the Plan to Save the World

24564952? ago

Is Fall of Cabal still available?

24548561? ago

I seen most but wow a good job credit to you


24548371? ago

Add outofshadows and the plandemic video to this

24885304? ago

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24549297? ago

This covers how Trump was elected. Kind of looking the same way with the polls.

24548924? ago

Thanks for that list

24548543? ago

I not OP, but thank you for the videos. Been looking for that local news compilation.

24554179? ago

Tip: OPs (in each anonymous thread) always have the ' [S]' after their number in each comment.

24548571? ago

I thought about adding this playlist but it might be a bit too soon for people to start waking up quite this much yet.


24550848? ago

This is great information. Thank you. I'm going to follow these conversations and research what you're talking about. I know this is more directed towards the truth, but I'm still in the beginning stages of learning about this.

24550957? ago

Feel free to tag me / pm me and ask me about it if you have questions.


I pretty much just learned all this stuff by myself. What I did was mostly just listened to the audio law of one. Repeated sessions 1-30ish a lot until I felt like I understood the basis of what was being discussed, then continued on. Never really looked into anything "out there" like this before the Law of One.


24548698? ago

yeah always thought of Montalk as being 'out there'. and NOW I think this looks perfect.

We're dealing with the behavior 'students' at this point, so shock is good.

24548776? ago

You should look into the Law of One if you haven't already.


I did a decent intro on it in a thread a while ago, here.


24550493? ago

Go through the LOO material yourself before you watch anyone else talking about it (Wilcock specifically) they like to put their own personal interpretation on it, and for the low price of $333 he will give you all the details of ascension.

24550538? ago

I have, and not spent a penny on it yet. It's all free online. Truly a service to others.

If you want an audio version, this is a text to speech of the whole thing.


24565905? ago

Thanks for that.... On the road a lot and audio book style suits my needs. Alone in my truck on the hwy is a great place to free the mind, absorb content.

24550714? ago

That said, I do enjoy watching Wilcock and the story he paints, but he toes the line of doomsday cult pay me to save your soul crap. His movies were very entertaining.

24550735? ago

I've honestly never looked into anything by Wilcock and don't really care to. I can interpret the material just fine by myself, and so can anyone.

24550774? ago

That's the way to do it.

24548829? ago

funny that you mention it because I was researching LOO the summer before Q.

I kept having visions of geometric shapes and 'oneness', lead me to Carla's writings.

interesting material, especilally since I was reading it almost like an intro to Q.

strange times indeed.

24548857? ago

Yeah, I find it weird that I went straight from conspiracy forums, not even knowing about the jew, straight to Ra. Looking back, to me, thats like I cliff jumped into the rabbit hole.

24549464? ago

me too, spent years seeing people get banned for just 'mentioning'.

always knew something was off with the 'conspiracy' sites,

that's why I just lurk...

24548185? ago

That'll only prove how abysmally Trump's delivered on his campaign promises.

24548251? ago

What has he failed to delivery on, shill?

24548336? ago

No new wall. No muslim ban. Big parts of Obamacare are still intact. Supreme court shut him down on his DACA attempt.

And he can't really blame it on the "do nothing democrats" either. He had 2 years to act and he squandered it before the midterms. The midterms that were supposed to be "safe" but allowed the democrats to take control of the house. And don't give me that "proving voted fraud" bullshit. Because that is a very lame excuse.

24548827? ago

Wall is under construction, it doesn't magically appear out of fat air. Can't ban a religion in America. This is not about Democrats vs. Republicans. Do your research or risk looking like a shill and embarrassing yourself.

24548320? ago

Which public figures have been arrested so far?

24550529? ago

NXIUM or however tf you spell it.

24554118? ago


24548806? ago

Depends on your definition of "public figure"

24548392? ago


Countless resignations and trafficking arrests. Fake news on ropes. Jews terrfied (everyone hates jews now).

Progress baby. Sweet progress.

24548735? ago

Epstein was on the radar long before Q. And credit goes to the Miami Herald reporter, not some 4chan flunky

24550580? ago

Trump testified against him in 2009. Try again.

24550668? ago

Testified against his "friend for the past 15 years". Do you really want to get into this game?

24550741? ago

Yes. Please continue.

24550764? ago

Trump and Epstein were pals.

24550814? ago

Uh huh... that's why he banned him from his buildings and testified against him, all friends do that all the time. Next.

24550887? ago

I've heard trump say it and other parrot it, after the allegations came out. Never seen any proof.

24551061? ago

Some speculation, but mostly facts. Now under which president was Epstein actually held accountable? I really don't care if Trump was involved with the dark side as long as someone is outing them. When the shit comes out everyone involved will be held accountable.

24551127? ago

He was held accountable under Trump's presidency. What did Trump, verifiably, have to do with it?

Guess we'll find out when "the shit comes out" aka never

24551347? ago

If you think the truth will never come out then why the fuck are you even here? Just spreading blackpills? How is that productive in the slightest?

24551666? ago

Nah I'm just here to be entertained, and occasionally present facts to the cognitively dissonant

24550596? ago

And he also hired, as another poster put it, a swamp monster

24550630? ago

Several in fact, keep your friends close and what not.

24550682? ago

So he can do anything he wants and he's still not wrong.

Oh yeah I forgot: Disinfo is necessary.

Fucking cultists

24550752? ago

Lol umad?

24550810? ago

Sometimes I try to reason with people who are unreasonable, yeah it's frustrating :(

24550851? ago

You gave up on reasoning when you called me a "Fucking cultist, but it's ok. I forgive you.

24549550? ago

In other words there are plenty of arrests, resignations, busts and happenings, you just continue to pretend you cant see any of them while chanting the same mantra handed to you from israeli goblin overlords.

Gas would help you.

24549736? ago

And none of them have anything to do with Q or the cabal.

24548627? ago

Yeah that Epstein arrest worked out real well, that's totally a worthy accomplishment that didn't immediately get fucked up or anything go wrong

24547933? ago

Tell him to stop being a faggot and start reading.

24547929? ago

These are all critically important:

24553960? ago

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24552595? ago

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24548156? ago

Woooo damn. I notice the guy who calls everyone chinabot doesnt even wanna touch this comment. Too much truth, he would probably just rather pretend the comment doesnt exist.

24548176? ago

It's called gish gallop. You post a wall of irrelevant text that no one will bother reading and claim victory when no one debunks it.

And OP will definitely win over the normies by posting antisemitic crap.

24549493? ago

It's the most important suppressed knowledge for understanding history, past and present.

Anyone who won't acknowledge the core problem can fuck right off.

24548617? ago

Its largely references to actual Q drops... what you are doing is attempting to give a short comment that discourages others from reading the long one above when they lazily look below for a summary. You are the manipulator in the group.

24548531? ago

I read every word and graphic. Very enlightening. If the shoe fits they're gonna have to wear it.

24548361? ago

Not all red pills are easy to swallow, however, if you continue to suck the (((enemy's))) cock, then you'll end up joining their team.

You're either part of the problem or part of the solution.

24547916? ago

Id be overwhelmed with that much bulshit too.

24547858? ago

Watch Sir Patrick Mack and the latest IPOT - In Pursuit of Truth on Youtube.

24547963? ago

Or x22 report

24548139? ago

I listen to x22 almost everyday. He explains things very well, references Q and is just easy listening. He always says, now remember... and I need those refreshes! He also says Hoiiiiiiiii!

24554031? ago

Heeeelooo and weeelcooome ...

24547856? ago

Point them to earlier videos by :Praying Medic or Joe M , This Video will get him Elected ( President Campaign video ) there are a few more. Those will be their best introductions to Q.

Peace Y

24548475? ago

I thought sometimes Praying Medic sometimes did intro videos fow new people. I haven't watched in a while, but I seem to remember his explanations being mindful that viewers might be new.

He also has some somewhat recent interviews that might make good intro materials. I don't have the spare hours to spend checking, but I'm guessing others have probably watched already.

24547970? ago

PM has great vids for beginners

24548145? ago

Praying Medic is a good one too, yes!

24547822? ago

There are lists of Q-Proofs. These would be good places to start.


24548745? ago

Yes be sure to ignore the posts that fizzled into nothing, so that it looks like only high quality posts were made

24556897? ago

Disinfo is necessary...

Also, no one has ever said that the posts were done in order or necessarily mean the easy and obvious meanings..

24565536? ago

So he can throw random shit at a wall so that you can try to make sense of it in hindsight?

24548211? ago

The only thing those "proofs" prove is that you're mentally unstable and highly impressionable.

24556917? ago

Thank you...

Care to explain what the correct "proofs" mean about yourself? If the incorrect ones are so informative about me, then what about you/?

24548261? ago

Good one. How exhausting is it to repeat the same empty "insults" over and over again?

Or, are you just some Chinese kike bot on an algorithm and can't even come up with something organic?

24548215? ago

Oi vey

24547821? ago

Stop harassing random people to join your cult. It signals to them that you're crazy and best avoided.

24547841? ago

Assimilate or die!

24547816? ago

Red pill love it . Post #1

24548061? ago

You're the laughing stock of the internet.

Don't subject family or friends to this shit. It translates even worse IRL.

It's unforgivable how Q is damaging the IRL relationships of malleable crazy simpletons.

24550779? ago

Keep flapping your lips, it's better than your next shift sucking (((cock)))...

24548603? ago

Scoffing and mocking is not an argument nor a refutation.

24548127? ago

It's unforgivable how Q MSM and Academia is are damaging the IRL relationships of malleable crazy simpletons who cry all day for diversity and equality but can't tolerate the slightest diversity of perspective, let alone provide equal time and consideration.

24547914? ago

This. Start with the very first and work your way through. It's a great way to educate oneself on the inner-working of our system of government.

24548201? ago

Yep. No short cuts. The difficulty is laying posts over what was happening at the time but also explaining the 2 year delta. Future Proves Past etc. it’s pretty intense to constantly go back and read even now. I find myself checking one and two year deltas as we move forward as well as refreshing.

It is a lot. Keep emphasizing that even as people were there and reading the true meanings were of course meant to be cryptic and skirt disclosure laws.

Honestly if you are red pilling use corbettreport.com as there is ten years of shit he has never had to retract and he is STILL cranking out info more devestating to Bill Gates and others than Q in many ways. I suggest everyone keep up w that.