WHY have Commie Steve Huffman, Alexis Ohanian and the Faghag Mudshark Ellen Pao NEVER on Capital Hill for Election interference when Zuckerberg and Dorsey were brought in and asked question? (imgur.com)
submitted 4.7 years ago by 3900786?
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24515586? 4.7 years ago
... ?
24515720? 4.7 years ago
Were Google and Jewtube asked questions?? @blumen4alles @Futt @Evileddie13 @rickki6 @Blacksmith21 anyways...Team Dershowitz, Huffman is Jew and Trump sold his daughter to the Jew? .... https://voat.co/v/technology/3899689/24515296
24515780? 4.7 years ago
@Qdini Niggerflix and Besooooz are team reddit, out with the old Jew and in with the new Jews? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3900672/24514980
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24515586? ago
... ?
24515720? ago
Were Google and Jewtube asked questions?? @blumen4alles @Futt @Evileddie13 @rickki6 @Blacksmith21 anyways...Team Dershowitz, Huffman is Jew and Trump sold his daughter to the Jew? .... https://voat.co/v/technology/3899689/24515296
24515780? ago
@Qdini Niggerflix and Besooooz are team reddit, out with the old Jew and in with the new Jews? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3900672/24514980