24127533? ago

This would explain why he backed candidates in DA races. He was placing his people into positions of power knowing this day would happen.

24126117? ago

The faggy wins of the day goof gonna have a tough time spinning this

24125952? ago

I live in St. Louis City and I just sent an email to Eric Schmitt that he needs to take some action on this issue. Soros funded Gardner wants St. Louis to be a "Shit Hole"!

24125436? ago

Not surprising. Until the money flow is stopped nothing will change.

24125446? ago

Spammer 4.

24124050? ago

Multiply this X thousands or more in all the states and CITIES across America. Infiltration from within in every judicial court in the country. This is why they can't bring this to fruition overnight or within 4 years of Trump's presidency. I am estimating that the cleanup will take at least 8 years of Trump's presidency and then going into the 2024 presidency. You cannot undo in 8 years that which took hundreds if not thousands of years to build. We are in for the long haul. Be prepared to wait anons and patriots. WWG1WGA

24123799? ago


24123742? ago

Let us get one thing straight - antifa does not protest, they only riot. PERIOD.

24123689? ago

What happens if POLICE start to arrext Mayors/City Prosecutors...

nevermind, they got no balls won't happen.

24123898? ago

The hierarchy (and climbers/butt kissers)of any decent sized city/town's police force are probably masons. If there's a lodge in a small town, the hierarchy is probably owned too. The whole system is corrupted.

24123670? ago

@Q why is this picture of the President holding a Bible marked with triple 6?


24123647? ago

She's already under felony investigations for the false charges against the governor in 2017

24123566? ago

That will be just another story in a long line of stories that will never ever be covered by the MSM.

24123458? ago

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

Think recent events.

You have more than you know.