24132019? ago

Burgess Owens says what scares white liberals the most is educated black men.

24130663? ago


this just came in email today to me.... notice RIOTING is going on?

whom is most dangerous tot he DNC?

Antifa? or Veterans? KEK

Oh look there is a section on how to use media...

Mobilize the Media

The media can be a powerful partner for your coalition, and establishing a relationship with local media outlets can lead to opportunities for them to broadcast or amplify your message. Start by appointing a media lead for the coalition who can develop a list of contacts at local outlets and then reach out to them to determine whether they are interested in your coalition’s efforts.

24128966? ago

He took a major misstep alright. When he took the pandemic bait and let the media terrorize america and destroy our economy. He figured it out in short order but it shouldn't have ever happened.

24129695? ago

He had no choice. If he didn't allow Governors to shut things down, then 70% of America would think Trump is responsible for every death. He took the only reasonable path, and that was to let Governors take all the blame.

24130745? ago

Florida wasn't going to shut down AT ALL until after Desantis spoke to Trump. Like it or not he bought into the fear mongering and helped push the covid lockdown.

24127272? ago

Patience Grasshopper

24125592? ago

And neither have we.

I feel like Batman. No more like Bruce Wayne. Stoic as fuck.

24124805? ago

There was a man with vision who said: "Collective Labor will say may poor Nation".

Gather round me poor down trodden champions of working class, for I will Nationalize all Industry and give the Unionist the power to vote for a raise!

In 1918 Benito Mussolini had a dream to save Italy from Bankruptcy and facing insolvency from the Great War's butchers bill.

It was not until the Vatican underwrote the National Fascist party four years later did the Italian Mob go global.

They took over Organized Labor and became the Jesuit Blackmail and Assassin "Collective". SEIU is just a front for the FBI.

Then there are those fraternities and Union Halls with late night "special" meetings.

Jesuit Occult are almost two thousand years old and still the guardians of the Rothscillian's Vatican Bank. Old school Deep State indeed.

Roman Catholic Church are the Bishops and Diplomats to evil.

24124492? ago

Any other President would not have been able to survive the serial coup attempts.

The DS & Cabal are giving it all they got. A Stable Genius for sure.

24125399? ago

Spammer 2.

24125466? ago

I suppose it's true if I understand the term "spammer", but with good reason. Please read!

24124259? ago

That we won't fall for the fear, hatred, and division tactics. That we won't get distracted by their noise, but speak the truth.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. If we truly know this, they stand no chance.

24124012? ago

That’s one stable flippin genius.

24123986? ago

Maybe they realize he has the support of a higher power than the evil one they worship.

24123109? ago

i would have nuked them all long ago. god bless GEOTU

24140260? ago

was going to say "hey you dropped this: 'S'" but the realized 'U' could be universe, kek

24123032? ago

Patriots in control.

And the shills know it.

24122854? ago

Or he is behind it all.

He has only has done actions that benefit Jews so far.

He let all of the Patriots at Charlottesville root in prison even though he has declared antifa, the ones who started violence there, a terrorists organization.

James Fields is still in prison for being spooked by antifa pointing rifles at him and then getting into a car accident, that some day bitch had a heart attack near.

They know and knew the truth and let or guys burn anyway.

24123219? ago

Because ourguys were fucking up the optics, Stop trying to ignite a race war you accelerationist cunts and let the man work. You literally play into the jewish psyop to make white people look like nazis.

You arent gojng to EVER win the optics war with Nazism and Hitler. Its over, He lost. He failed. He fucking failed. Stop worshipping a failure you loser fucks.

24123539? ago

Natsoc is the answer. Democracy/republic failed to keep Jews from power.

Hitler's only failing was treating the Jews and their havvara/transfer agreement.

He did teach us that there is never a reason to hold back on the enemy, they are so evil they will genocide your people and say it was the other way around.

24124040? ago

Hitler was a pussy. They should have taken care of the problem day one. They never did. The vast amount of jews escaping germany and ending up here to fuck up our nation is proof.

24124590? ago

No he just didn't have the example of Jewish betrayal that he himself provides us.

Hindsight is 2020 he didn't know there was no chance for peace with them. Now we do.

24123123? ago

James fields is a crisis actor. No one died.

24123554? ago

Then why is in still in jail?

24124606? ago

Prove it.

24124990? ago

If you can't find out what jail he is in there is no helping you.

24122957? ago

It would require some otherwordly game-playing for the Left to pretend to hate the guy who is on their side. We can all see the genuine hatred there with morons like Acosta and Maddow and Scarborough and Pelosi and Nadler and Schiff. If those guys are acting, they make Academy Award winners look like amateurs.

24123629? ago

The people you listed weren't read into all of the controlled opposition operations.

They really hate him but don't know he is on their side.

Anyways i hope he is really on our side, tired of waiting for the storm while or people suffer when he could take action.

24122573? ago

He also has their game plan and is way ahead. They are out-witted.

24127951? ago


They even were too stupid to read Q crumbs with all the information leaked.

24129271? ago

any day now we will hold them accountable...any day now.............

24122528? ago

You are correct. The Deep State Global Cabal has never had to deal with the likes of President Trump. Usually politicians are either corrupt or corruptible.

24123073? ago

Without full control and maximum deception they’re pretty weak human beings.

Let’s see how desperate they’re going to get.

24123645? ago

You are correct. They hate the light and live in darkness. Shed light on them and they crumble like the weaklings they are.

24122663? ago

He seems to have the military watching out for him too. I think voter fraud flips the 2016 election without them, and even if he was able to take office they would have removed him forcefully right off the bat.

24127056? ago

Agree. It is pretty obvious that Trump isn't fighting the Deep State alone. My assumption has always been that military intelligence is backing him. May have even pushed him to run (although he's talked about it for awhile)

24140218? ago

My understanding (having researched it, rather than just an assumption -- not being negative, just thinking critically) is that military intelligence is fronting him!

The military was going to remove Obama by force. They asked Trump to run for President, saying we can do this the third-world-way, or we can do it by the book. Trump agreed, and so for now, they're doing it by the book.

Q said, in a Q&A, when asked if there's a plan for after Trump -- that there is.

Okay, now I got to your ending and I agree with your "may have" and further it to a "definite". Serves me right for starting the response before finishing reading the comment. :)

24140662? ago

That was actually what I was thinking as well (without really having researched it super in depth beyond reading Q and Voat and a few other places). I just used "backing" in that they didn't want the third-world optics just as you described. By the book...but not the Obama definition of that phrase!

Honestly if the situation you described is what is happening, that is my dearest hope. If there is any institution in the US that we can trust to altruistically uphold the idea of America, its the military.

24122064? ago

The democrats are burning alive right in front of us! Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch! Burn bitches, burn!

24121990? ago

Blame "Killah Cuomo" and he will win him the white House again.

24121826? ago

President Trump manipulates the Dems with such ease:

Trump says, "Send in the Guard sufficiently for a dominating law-enforcement presence"

The Libs say, "Oh no! We'll do the opposite of what you demand. You try it, you tyrant !!!"

Trump sits back and does nothing.

Dem cities go up in flames, as the seditions Dem and Lib politicians expose themselves as enemies of the people.

24123474? ago

I love him for (among other reasons) his ability to force our enemies to show their true selves. He's made the left go from subtle incrementalism to full on screeching assault against normal America. He's made phony paycheck conservatives out themselves as the elitist leftists that they always were. The result is the mass awakening of normal people just trying to care for their families and live productive lives.

24123125? ago

Like a fiddle.

24121915? ago

To be fair, DeBolshevik did send in the NG to keep some NYC neighborhoods locked down during the COVID-19 cosplaydemic though.

Sooooo, they do understand the principles of NG operation at least.

24124122? ago

Oh the same guy that said deploying NG would be a bad image and precedence for civilian cities and that "they're not trained for this." It's exactly what they're trained for - to protect Americans during domestic disasters and unrest. Literally no better time to deploy the national guard than when buildings are going up in flames and the city can't even operate due to crime. Funny watching them play mental gymnastics all to try to prove orange man wrong.

24124204? ago

Yep and here is the beauty of it -

Marxist enablers (Debolshevik, Cuomo, AOC, Schumer, etc.) are now in a huge conflict.

If they stomp down hard on the rioters (call in NG or release police) to save NYC they are admitting that Trump is right.

So they can either let it burn or agree with Trump.


24122391? ago

The neighborhoods where his friends and supporters live no doubt.

24121814? ago

...and it makes me fill with awe and gratitude. He's the Scarlet Pimpernel and Neo rolled into one, with a protective circle around him both visible and unseen. Remember this excellent dissertation from February, 2019?

Shadow Warriors : How Trump's Praetorian Is Saving The Republic


24121811? ago

The DS knew he was a stable genius and has been trying to corrupt/destroy him since before the 90s. Good and decent people scare the DS the most.

24121675? ago

Stable genius

24122104? ago

Look at this picture of the President, Q posted - triple 6 embedded.



24125808? ago

The time 2.44.26 am. That can be made into 666 too - 2+4 and 4+2 and the 6. I never know how much to look into this 33 and 666 things as they could well be numbers that are easily calculated.

24140093? ago

Divide anything by 3 and you've a good chance to get .6666666 (repeating) as the fraction.

This is why the astronomers decided on a drop of 8" per mile squared -- because when you then turn the inches into feet, you're multiplying by 2/3.

So at 10 miles, the drop would be 8" * 10 * 10 = 800"; divide by 12 and that's 66.66666666666666 (repeating) feet.

24125953? ago

Good catch - and you're right, the odds of those numbers occuring as a fluke are non-existent, this was deliberately done.

24123150? ago

Well, then, thanks for pointing that out. Where would I be without you! Games over guys, a random 666 appeared. Thanks for playing.

24123597? ago

Random? No, not random at all - Q will never post that randomly faggot.

24125747? ago

Free Hong Kong.

24123061? ago

It's called Unix time you desperate seething shill.

24123580? ago

First of all the only shill here might be you.. And second that triple 6 number has biblical meaning that precedes and overthrows any unix-timestamps - specially noting that the picture itself has a Bible in it.

24124588? ago

No it doesn't overthrow shit you glowing faggot. A timestamp is a timestamp.

24124687? ago

Look at you squirm like that kike you are.

24124733? ago

Projection. You will burn in the lake of fire, the real holocaust, soon enough.

24125378? ago

Okay kike

24122655? ago

a fuck you too Satan

24122597? ago

Good question! I don't know... Those are the only repeated digits and not random, I don't know the filename scheme.

24139914? ago

The second and third digit are repeated zeros.

24121577? ago

what scares them the most is the certainty of their demise no matter what they do, and the fact they have become irrelevant to and powerless over the rest of us. I never thought I would enjoy executions so much but damn it gives me wood to think of them all lined up with hoods over their heads and ropes around their necks. I hope MSM plays it over and over and over and over like they do all their lies.

24121509? ago

Who's Trump?

They have him holed up in the White House unable to move.

24121983? ago

He's YOUR president. And he's gonna be reelected in November and be YOUR president again! And there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT! Hahahahahaha! Trump wins, you lose!

24122036? ago

I voted for him the first time.Twice not looking so good.

He destroyed the economy over a hoax. He got played .

24121965? ago

Dance, puppet, dance!

24121979? ago

Did I upset you? You keep coming back.

24121835? ago

Nice try.

24121589? ago

you are an ignorant TV watching moron, or a shill, either way you suck and should not be here.

24121641? ago

I can be anywhere I want to be .Censor yourself moron.

24122025? ago

That'll be changing soon for you leftist pedophiles. And this forum is for adult discussions only - don't need your type here just making useless noise. Go back to the basement and await your sentencing like a good bitch.

24122071? ago

QRV.Adult conversation.Your response proves otherwise. Jr.

24120919? ago


15 days with a positive approval index, 10 of those in the first month. Sad.

24121310? ago

How many nuclear weapons does Israel have? and just in case: Tiananmen square massacre.

24121282? ago

Why don't you use aggregate poll numbers? Oh ... that's because aggregate polling, even though more accurate, doesn't support your lies and narrative.

24121059? ago

The president who employed more people than any other president. The president who employed more minorities and women than any other president. The president who rebuilt the depleted military. The president who finally did something about a border disaster. The president who finally did something about China's organized theft of US wealth. The president who tried to actually clean up the corruption in DC.
