23788754? ago

The white men wouldn't have shot the nigger if the nigger wouldn't have attacked. The white men wouldn't have to have confronted him with a gun if niggers were not always being violent niggers. Just like every other niche in this world. If you don't want people reacting defensivley against your kind then work with your kind to stop doing fucked up shit. I'm sure we would be cool with (((FakeJews))) if they wasn't trying to, you know turn the planet into actually Hell.

23787113? ago

Use your phone to take a picture and give it to the police and your neighbors. Carry a gun if you must but only use it when you are attacked. Why did the white people stop? They could have shot him in a drive by, that's what happens in the hood.

23786460? ago

Nobody was "rummaging through construction sites."

23786433? ago

Divide and conquer fags are fagging this post hard. Rabbi would be happy.

23786247? ago

Niggers gonna nig.

23786191? ago

That CBS video has been proven to not be him. Either way does he deserve to be shot for being on that job site?

Careful what you wish for...

23786593? ago

Well just as a protip to everyone, do not try and grab a shotgun from someone who has a shot gun, especially when they have back up.

23786270? ago

All niggers deserve to be shot.

23785953? ago

Was straight up murder. Couple good ole boys decided to take some colored out cause he didn't look right. Too bad for them he hadn't done anything wrong. Murder 1 charge.

23786281? ago

Niggers need to be reminded that they are niggers and don't belong in white society.

23785979? ago

Maybe the son can sit on his dad's lap on the electric chair to save costs kek.

23785973? ago


23785924? ago

Abandoned open house 1/2 way done. Owner of the house under construction said 'never had anything stolen or taken from that house. I see people on my cam walk in to see if I'm ever going to finish. Ran into some financial problems so probably not'. Period.

He was there for a few minutes looking thru some skeleton and figuring if they'd ever finish that mosquito trap his family said.


23786294? ago

He is a nigger. That's the crime.

23785974? ago

Great, why was he even in the area? Why did he go back multiple times to see a house under construction?

Was he interested in buying the house? Oh wait he was a broke ass punk.

23786009? ago

Can you not read? The owner of the house said 'I see dozens of people on my security cam go in and out to see if I am going to finish. I had to stop the build so people were complaining.

23786302? ago

Excuses to cover for the thieving nigger.

23786111? ago

Oh I can fucking read.

Why did he also go at night to the same house?

That is on the cam as well.

I'm sure Armed Robbery did not know the construction had stopped.

23785919? ago

He was not jogging he was out pilfering which is what he loved.

The reason he died? Look to the black community and the destruction of the black family unit by the Dems. When men do not have a purpose they do stupid shit.

23786256? ago

That, or niggers are animals.

23786570? ago

When you realize that what the DNC did to the black family they want to do to all of us.

Funny that so many liberal Dems are thoughtful Jews that only want the best for people, especially Jews.

23786716? ago

Niggers have natural violent tendencies, are more aggressive, and have low IQs. These are scientist facts. They make better athletes. Wouldn't it follow that they make better criminals too?

23787091? ago

Okay, let's take your supposition as completely true.

As a society would encouraging and supporting strong black families with a Father with a job and mother in the house have benefits for the society at large?

Cause right now we have baby daddies and absent moms and 75% out of wedlock births for black children.

But they have DNC support for a self destructive lifestyle.

23793663? ago

Step 1: remove the niggers from America

23785897? ago

Armed robbery....what a perfect name.

Thx mom & ....(oh thats right, he wasn't around)

23785841? ago

Niggers don't belong in civilized white society. Eliminate them all.

23785937? ago

Spread the Covid, help MAGA

23785951? ago


Make America White Again

23785826? ago

niggers are not capable of 'love'