23625881? ago

Shall we play a game?

Which one S?

23625766? ago

Why would in-game chat be disabled during [FF event(s)]?

So change of target / stand-down instructions not possible during FF

23622439? ago

Games mentioned by Q: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3793740

23620986? ago

Great collection!

And if I were a bad guy reading that I would be incredibly disturbed and afraid

23619785? ago

This is an excellent analysis and post. Q has not repeated the term "game" for no reason. Q doesn't do anything without reason.The fact that the trolls are having a complete and obvious meltdown here shows that you're on to something very real.

23616696? ago


23616695? ago

After last night Q post about Star Wars game disney sent out a long changing their terms of service today?

23615949? ago

so lets take this a step further. if it was you and you were getting some major juicy itel by watching the chat rooms and they didnt think you were watching them and they spoke freely except for basic comms not deep riddle type comms then why would you all of a sudden come out of the shadows and scream BOO!. they must have it all and now they are ready to shut it down.

23615195? ago

Q is quantum AI.

23615847? ago

Qbit to be exact.

23615558? ago


It took control of most of the assets and SIGINT of the multiple opposing actors/players. Having analyzed all our culture, history, politics, science, games, it reaches its own conclusions, and now it toys with them, like any self-respecting gamer and autist would do.

23615134? ago

Research the games and Game Theory because this is not a Game and Q asks us “Do you want to play a Game?”

AI’s running game simulations on pandemics such as Plauge inc. Star Wars Commander is used as comma for DS players, we learned their comm’s. The AI will scrape these comments and build their profile of each one of us. We are being played because this isn’t a Game.

Ambiguity leaves a lot to be desired.

23620042? ago

from: doglegwarrior

if the ai doesn't have access to the database, and is only scraping then -- misdirection

23614956? ago

Q is faggotry personified

All of these retard kike niggers can continue to go suck a dick, they haven’t done anything else.

23615798? ago

This nigga is glowing hard

23616067? ago

Q glows hard, nigger

23617154? ago

Liberal projection? Check.

23617228? ago

LOL liberals are faggots, and you are a kikesucking idiot that helps fund liberal faggots

23617293? ago

I guess that makes you a self appointed faggot, then. Atleast you are honest.

23617303? ago

says the Q kikesucking faggot

23617456? ago

So that is all you have? Okay, minimum wage shill.

23617976? ago

thats all you really need, so yes.

also, retired.

23618418? ago

No, that is all you can come up with. Keep up the good work, Not-Liberal. Have a good day... Also, don't spend your shekels all in one place ;)

23620180? ago

I make and trade things nowadays, trying not to use the monetary system, but whatever you say, squirt.

23620785? ago

sure, buddy.

23620999? ago

ok pal

23614787? ago

Bigger HOLY SHIT...Q is dealing with Artificial Intelligence.

Shall we play a game....That was what "WOPR" asked Broderick's character in the movie "War Games"

We are dealing with AI.

23614809? ago

minds go deep

23614844? ago

My mind doesn't go any deeper than the shallow end.


Watch that....Then watch Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence.

Netflix movies? Most are made with AI now.

23615427? ago

Las Vegas.


Very telling.

23616658? ago

We've been dealing with a shitton of AI on QRV. Damned sophisticated too.

I'm the "feel good" dude that posts about how spiritual this fight is and have had many a conversation with one.

Funny thing is they always do the same things, they cannot learn empathy or feelings. Hate is all they know.

23616843? ago

Yeah, it's trying to head fuck me all the time, I can tell. It cyber stalks and attacks you everywhere you go online.

It watches and records everything you do.

23617990? ago

but If you switCh up your typing methods and vocabulary, it throws it off the scent.

They are so cold when typing.

23614621? ago

How about a nice game of chess?

I bet they use chess game chat systems

check mate

23615787? ago

You should put this in the post then faggot, not way down here in comments. OP is faggot time waster thinking they're making quality posts.

23636923? ago

Shillis having for to have failed ESL class but iz not to worrie allz willz be goodz

23614607? ago

Doesn’t he also use game over in the “to put it bluntly” will have to double check.

23614370? ago

Excellent - thank you! So many ways to search the drops. 🇺🇸

23614141? ago

I noticed this early on with Q. He definitely uses the word a lot.

23613735? ago

The cabal were using video games chat to run the world - trigger mass shootings - direct the media - tank the market - order hits and on and on

23621903? ago

If Q was running around trash mmos ganking deepstate accounts, I will lose my mind.

23618986? ago

You can bet the use of video game comms has been a strategy for quite some time. If they are using that plot in the new jack ryan show, it's old news.

23617508? ago

Weren't all those movie/story titles also names of online video games? Alice and Wonderland, Iron Eagle, Godfather III, Red October, ...

23618843? ago

Interesting take.

23622259? ago

Not into games, need a GamerAnon to verify.

23614679? ago

Hmmm, they were using the chat systems because Q team had shut down their normal channels of communications.... Taking down the 7 Dwarves, wiping out the Clowns satellites (corona!), etc....

The chatting on games was a result of Q teams actions post Trump election. They were not always resulting to such desperate measures.........


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23621253? ago

My first thought is it is a marker in time when the coms happened. Not really for us, but easier to know when coms happened for lookup by another party.

23614791? ago

google deepmind for example. Eric Schmidt leaning on Demis and the other game nerds - pre Q : neural networks running GAME-like simulations on supercomputers to predict/influence the future .....deepmind got medical records to play with some time ago - corona related? loose threads begging to be tied up ... .. .

23613688? ago

Holy shit have you seen the number of question marks Q has posted, ? lol

23615368? ago

  1. 5+3+1 = 9: 9 * 17 = 153 weird huh?

23616008? ago

whoa which means 153 ÷ 9 = 17 problem solved. Toets wierd definitely.

23614153? ago

socratic teaching at its finest...

23613879? ago

are you playing a game?

23613942? ago

Pretty faggy post. This didnt make any coherent thought or argument known. Didn't reveal anything, truly just a waste of anyone's time that unfortunately read everything you copied and pasted.

23614838? ago

anyone has time? dabbling in fagotry now?

23615761? ago

Your response doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not sure what the point of your post is though. It's a list of statements out of context. What's the point of the list? Are we supposed to connect each time Q mentions games to when a communications method was knocked out? The post has no merit because it doesnt do anything for the movement. Even if you posted dates and times with each instance there could be more pattern recognition. But as it stands it's a faggy post about nothing.

23619527? ago

Pissed off because you don't have the monopoly on faggy stuff?

23621870? ago

Nope, trying to figure out why a meaningless post about nothi g is garnering such attention. The fact no one responds to critical thinking leads me to believe most here are bots

23614168? ago

might have been a waste of a SHILL's time,

but I'm sure all the Patriots appreciate the post...

23616097? ago

Keyboard soy boys attack posts when all they really want is to be comforted as revealed by his pleading for an explanation.

If the pussy had a pair, he would have just admitted that he didn't get it like the third comment to this post.

23616940? ago

There was no pleading for an explanation. OP's post says nothing, means nothing. psyop waste of time to get a bunch of anons talking about unimportant shit that means nothing.

23619511? ago

unimportant shit that means nothing.

Exactly what your comment is. Noticed right away.

23615702? ago

Not a shill, not sure what the post actually does though because it seems like a list out of context. Maybe I'm missing something, if so, can you explain it?

23613464? ago

Lol I did the exact same search about an hour ago.

23613326? ago

Shills are horrified

23614665? ago

we aim to please

23613294? ago

23613266? ago

Same bullshit, different day

23613708? ago

Same SHILLING from you, different day... more shilling to come.

23613343? ago

lol evidently I lack the correct level of suspe sion of disbelief to think this has merit.

23613208? ago

and? what am I missing. He has repeated himself on a lot of things

23616116? ago

Is this related to the cabal comms through some Star Wars game?

23614845? ago

you are missing your one life

23613121? ago

I'm getting a Global Thermonuclear War vibe here...

"the cast of characters should be interesting" might not belong there though....

23614817? ago


Q is dealing with Artificial Intelligence.

23613108? ago

Q is faggotry personified

23613648? ago

Weak 1/10. You should reconsider repeating what your boyfriend whispers in your ear.