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23489964? ago

She made her movie debut in the Woody Allen-directed segment of New York Stories at the age of 7, then starred in Bonfire of the Vanities with Tom Hanks at the age of 8. I bet she's seen some shit!

23490911? ago

All of these celebs kicking it in New Zealand and Australia?

23491027? ago

Didn't a bunch of celebs/politicians including Killary say they'd move to NZ?


23495742? ago

back when I was asleep I wanted to move there. SO GLAD I didn't! Angels watching over me!

23491129? ago

Now think about the fact that we KNOW MANY of them are escaping to New Zealand, they tried to take NZ guns, and Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsberg suggested she will escape to New Zealand.

Many of these freaks build bunker-ed home in NZ.

Store-able food and the like.

They believe that the Southern Hemisphere will be haven away from possible Nuke War in the Northern Hemisphere.

I believe they like this location due to proximity to Antarctica.

23495115? ago

proximity to Antarctica

Obviously they want to be close to the entrance to inner earth.